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Accelerated Arenas: A New CP for People New to Deathmatch Mapping! DEADLINE: ***August 5th***

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Not able to join right now, but curious to learn about deathmatch mapping. Good luck on the project!

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Posted (edited)

Ok, even though I have been working on my own DM map pack. I haven't officially published a DM map, so I will work on a map for this. It will be fun to see what I can come up with in 3 hours, haha. 


I hope you get some maps for this. We need more DM mappers!



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2 minutes ago, TheGreenZap said:

Ok, even though I have been working on my own DM map pack. I haven't officially published a DM map, so I will work on a map for this. It will be fun to see what I can come up with in 3 hours, haha. 


I hope you get some maps for this. We need more DM mappers!



Would be great to see something from you!


This is all about fun, and trying new stuff- so don't feel too pressured by the time limit!



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I have always wanted to give DM mapping a shot.
Not confirming anything but may make something.

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1 minute ago, Raith138 said:

I have always wanted to give DM mapping a shot.
Not confirming anything but may make something.

Yeah, sounds good - let me know if you're interested - I can help out w/ any questions you have about DM mapping.


No big deal if you don't end up making anything, but it's always fun to try new things!



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5 minutes ago, Raith138 said:

3 hours for a first time ever may be a little tight.

I get that it may seem tight, but this is more just a simple project for people to 'warm up' to deathmatch mapping. I mainly want people to try something new, and see what they can whip up in that time period.


If I raise the time limit too high, well, it's not really a speedmapping session, and that's kind of what I'm aiming for in this project.


I don't expect everyone's first DM work to be immaculate - this is more a fun way to ease into deathmatch design.


I am confident that people should be able to produce something in that time span, even if it is a relatively simple duel map. This is just meant to break people into this type of design - I have plans for more 'complex' community projects down the road, that will have longer time limits, or no time limit at all.


I intend on making a strict deadline, once I receive a few maps.

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Okay, so I've made an amendment to this community project's rules.


Nothing serious, it is still fundamentally the same project - I am just opening the requirements to participate a bit more.


Before, I had restricted this solely to brand new deathmatch mappers - people who have never made a DM map before - now I am widening that restriction to allow for more participants.




If you've made some DM maps before, but want a chance to improve / practice making a new DM map - I'd also like to include you.


Essentially, this is open to anybody who doesn't consider themselves experienced in deathmatch mapping.


If you're new to the scene that's great, if you've only made a handful of levels prior, that's also great.


Yeah, so basically, as long as you consider yourself 'new' to deathmatch mapping, feel free to come aboard!


The primary goal of this community project is to introduce as many people to deathmatch mapping as possible - so, to achieve that - it only makes sense to open things up more.




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Posted (edited)

Might have a go at this. Not sure yet. I will be in touch though! 😁 sounds like something different, which is always good! 👍

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Seems interesting, I might make a map for this.


I've never made a DM map before despite wanting to. My zandronum udmf experience should come in handy.

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Posted (edited)

Very nice. I made some DM maps for Durandos, but I don't think I'm very experienced. I'd like to try to make something for this :)

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I've just received the second map for this project!


@TheGreenZap just completed 'Face to the Floor'.


Here are some screenshots for this map:





It looks like a fun little duel map - probably would work well for 3-4 player FFA, as well!


I'm looking forward to seeing what gets made next!


This will be MAP02 in this project.


Once again, if anyone has any questions regarding this community project, please reach out to me - I'm happy to help out where I can.


I've yet to make a strict deadline for this project - once I receive a couple more maps, I'll look at doing that!




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Hey, it seems like the discord invite link expired. Can you post a new one?


I'll probably start making my map soon :)

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All maps must be submitted by August 5th!


I won't take any levels after that date - if, however, you do have another level, or you didn't finish something in time, don't worry!


I intend on doing multiple sessions of this - so that could always be used down the road.




Sure, here's a new invite link: https://discord.gg/nMaX2sxD


Good to hear you're thinking of making a map!



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I've just received the third map for this project!


@mothvox just completed 'Bottoms Up'.


Here are some screenshots for this map:





This is an interesting techbase layout based around a large central courtyard. It features a unique BFG spawn. This would work well as either a duel map, or a fast-paced 3-4 person FFA map.


This will be MAP03 in this project.




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I've just received the fourth map for this project!


@Lorenz0 just completed 'Mountainside Havoc'.


Here are some screenshots for this map:





This map is a large 3-4 person FFA map - it has some very clean aesthetics, and has a nice balance between natural geometry, (caverns, rocky mountains, etc.) and human-made areas.


The map also makes use of 3D floors, which is nice - I'm getting a good variety of contributions so far!


Looking forward to testing this one out!




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I've also just received the fifth map for this project!


@mothvox recently completed a second map, 'City Slick'.


Here are some screenshots for this map:




This is a nice open layout that balances powerful items w/ the BFG - should make for some very intense experiences!


Can't believe this project is at 6 maps complete already! I've got another one from another participant that is almost ready, so things have been moving along quickly!


I'm still looking for more participants! If you're interested in joining up and giving this a whirl, let me know!






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1 hour ago, Raith138 said:

The discord link seems to have expired


Thanks, I'll update it now.

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I've also just received the sixth map for this project!


@Raith138 recently completed a map, 'Blood Rocks'.


Here are some screenshots for this map:





This is a nice hellish level that features a lot of blood - there are some unique visual locations in this map, and it features some decent verticality.


Looking forward to testing this! Looks like it would be a lot of fun!




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I've received the seventh map for this project! This will go on the MAP08 slot for the time being.


@Raith138 just completed a map, 'Blood and Water'.


Here are some screenshots!:





This is medium-sized FFA level featuring some nice natural formations, a lot of blood, and a lot of water. Everything comes together quite nicely - the green armor placement should see a lot of traffic.


I'm very pleased w/ the contributions I've received for this project thus far. Some solid work for people new to this genre of mapping.


I'm still looking for more participants!


If you're interested in joining this project, please let me know! The more the merrier!




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I've received the eighth map for this project! This will be MAP07 in the WAD.


@mothvox just completed a map, 'Fudge'.


That's the third map already - mothvox has been very productive as of late. Nice to see.


Here are some screenshots!:





This is a compact level that features a lot of the color brown, hence the mapname. Lots of interesting architecture in this map - and the sightlines are also very good.


There is a pair of power-ups in relative close proximity of each other near the centre of the map, which should really serve well to drive traffic through the middle of the map.


Another nice contribution! I'm happy to see so many maps as of late!


Remember, the submission deadline is AUGUST 5TH.


We'll do some testing / minor revising around that point, and then a week or so after the submission deadline, we'll likely release!


Very happy w/ the submissions thus far.




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I've done my fair share of DM maps so I won't participate but just want to pop a quick message to thank you for giving new folks a space to share their maps! keen to play when it's done.

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6 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:


Thanks for the kind words!


Yeah, thought it was about time I started something like this. The central goal is to introduce more people to this genre of mapping - I think it's working out so far, thankfully!



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I've done two small tests this week on the maps, and I'm happy to say that all 8 have played well thus far!


I'm sure there will be a few more revisions needed as we go along this next month.


But, things are turning out pretty solid already!




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I've received another level for this project!


@OceanMadman just completed a map, 'El Cielo está Enladrillado'.


Here are some screenshots!:





This is an incredibly psychedelic looking level - which makes very unique use of the GothMash resource. The map balances some nice room-over-room action w/ large open areas designed to encourage constant movement. The effects used look very unique, I'm excited to try this one out in our Friday and Saturday playtests!

Remember, the submission deadline is AUGUST 5TH.



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