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Dragging lines in UDB crashes the entire program


Posted (edited)

This issue has only been present the last few days, I never used to have this problem but now whenever I try to resize a sector or drag a linedef the entire builder freezes and reports a fatal error forcing me to quit. This has even caused massive breaks in my level where the line I dragged auto saves in a way that has damaged the entire sector. 


Why is this suddenly happening, how can I get rid of this horrible garbage bug?


***********SYSTEM INFO***********
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home
GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
UDB: R4173
Platform: x64

********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.DragGeometryMode.OnDisengage() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Plugins\BuilderModes\ClassicModes\DragGeometryMode.cs:line 457
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing.EditingManager.ChangeMode(EditMode nextmode) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Editing\EditingManager.cs:line 356
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing.EditModeInfo.SwitchToMode(Object[] args) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Editing\EditModeInfo.cs:line 203
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing.EditingManager.ChangeMode(String classname, Object[] args) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Editing\EditingManager.cs:line 408
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.DragGeometryMode.OnEditEnd() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Plugins\BuilderModes\ClassicModes\DragGeometryMode.cs:line 611
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions.Action.End() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Actions\Action.cs:line 287
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions.ActionManager.EndActiveActions() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Actions\ActionManager.cs:line 623
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.display_MouseUp(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Windows\MainForm.cs:line 1235
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

This is the bug. I cannot even drag a vertice. It's ridiculous. How the Hell am I supposed to get anything done like this.

Edited by Cacodoomonic

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Posted (edited)

I'm really sorry to bump this topic but it is becoming such a serious issue at this point that I'm unable to get anything done. I cannot drag linedefs, vertices or sectors without the entire thing crashing. It throws up a fatal error message and forces me to quit. Not only have I lost tons of work with this problem several times, but I literally cannot resize anything or move anything around (except things. I can move things with no issues.) Please, can someone please help me I cannot find a solution anywhere. I also just updated to the latest UDB and that hasn't fixed it either.


THIS ONLY HAPPENS ON ONE SINGLE MAP. It doesn't happen on any other levels, only the main level of my game.

Edited by Cacodoomonic

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36 minutes ago, Cacodoomonic said:

THIS ONLY HAPPENS ON ONE SINGLE MAP. It doesn't happen on any other levels, only the main level of my game.


Under no circumstances post this map! It could help people figure out what's going on!

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You probably have a linedef with action 160 that has no front side.

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, boris said:


Under no circumstances post this map! It could help people figure out what's going on!

I can't post it, otherwise I would. It is for a commercial project I am a part of. It's the main part of the game.

There are TONS of action 160s in this map. I'm not sure how I'll find this.

You mean you think the issue is a 3d Floor with no front side? How does that even happen? To make a 3d sector it is automatically all-sided, no? 


Either way, are there any easy ways to quickly identify the 3d floor with the issue? 

Edited by Cacodoomonic

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Posted (edited)

I would suggest making a copy of the map, then deleting sections of map and/or control sectors until it stops happening. 


Trial and error will let you narrow the problem down. I've managed it this way before when posting bug reports.

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Use this script to find linedefs with no fron sidedef:


/// <reference path="../udbscript.d.ts" />

`#version 5`;

UDB.log('Linedefs with no front sidedef:');

UDB.Map.getLinedefs().forEach(ld => {
    if(ld.front == null)


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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Cacodoomonic said:

I don't know who is behind this, but whoever you are, YOU ARE KING.




This just stops UDB from crashing. Your map is still broken.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, boris said:


This just stops UDB from crashing. Your map is still broken.

Oh yeah I know, I'm working on fixing it still using the advice that was given. But the fact I can work without potentially losing work and having to keep rebooting with damage to my work is still a very well made decision. Speaking of which, I'm not entirely sure where to enter that script you shared.

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5 minutes ago, Cacodoomonic said:

Oh yeah I know, I'm working on fixing it still using the advice that was given. But the fact I can work without potentially losing work and having to keep rebooting with damage to my work is still a very well made decision. Speaking of which, I'm not entirely sure where to enter that script you shared.


In the directory where you have UDB installed is a "UDBScript" folder, and in that is a "Scripts" folder. Put the script in that "Scripts" folder. Make sure to give the file the ".js" extension. Then you can access the script from the "UDBScript" side panel.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks! Worked great. It told me I have 3 of them missing.

Linedefs with no front sidedef:
Linedef 3611
Linedef 3612
Linedef 3613

I'm guessing these must be from the last few days due to the high numbers and the problem only occuring recently. Now to try to find them. I don't suppose there is a shortcut to finding these lines is there? I think there used to be a find and replace mode using F3, but it doesn't seem to do anything anymore.


EDIT: Oh wait, yes it does... I have a new laptop and you have to press fn+f3 on this one. I fixed it. But it makes absolutely no sense. The 3 lines were all in a line next to each other, and were set to make 3d shelves ... but right next to them was another three without any issues that did the exact same thing. I have no clue why these were here or what they were being used for. Also, I haven't edited this area in years so I have no idea where this issue suddenly came from. Either way, it's dealt with now.




Edited by Cacodoomonic

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Are those three linedefs on the right just floating in the void? I didn't know you could do that, or rather, I didn't know that was a good idea to do. It could be fine, I dunno.

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1 hour ago, Stabbey said:

Are those three linedefs on the right just floating in the void? I didn't know you could do that, or rather, I didn't know that was a good idea to do. It could be fine, I dunno.

Yeah they were just sitting in the void just outside the sector. The three dummy sectors beside them are doing the exact same task as they were, so they literally had no use that I could notice. It was very weird.

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