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trying to make bars go up at the same time


Posted (edited)

trying to make these all go up at the same time when you press E (like the red door in MAP02 in doom2) can anyone help?

EDIT: i managed to do it in another map but i dont remember how i did it


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3 answers to this question

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It looks like all the lines are pointing to only one of the bars. There are two solutions. Either give all the bars the same tag, or else select the bar which is tagged 2, then select another bar and press "J" to join those two sectors together, then repeat for the remaining bars.


Do you want the bars to stay open forever, or open and close like a door? Depending on what you set up the action to be, it could be either of those.

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Posted (edited)

i want them to stay open forever and the thing is that they are all tagged 

edit: selecting them then pressing J worked

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While Joining sectors would work, it might not be the best option, as you'll have to watch out for them disconnecting or accidentally dragging them wrong.


There are two different types of usable actions in Doom. In UDB at least they are labelled as D and S. D-action will affect a sector on the back end of the line. S-action will affect all sectors with matching tag. This is how they did it in the original Doom 2, since joining wasn't a thing yet.

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