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Captain Keen

LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

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5 hours ago, prfunky said:



But guess what...

no Doom for you!


According to the Wiki, Kex is Linux ready too.

I'm used to this kind of roadblock crap. Years ago, I had a Skype account which

I used for making calls from my PC before the cell phones became quite as

ubiquitous as they are today. Microsoft bought Skype and then made my Linux

copy of Skype not work. Later on, they "usurped" the money I had on my Skype

account. Nice company, eh?


I ran the new port in linux, works well.
To install it, you just have to mark the "force compatibility options" in the settings of the game in steam.

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6 hours ago, prfunky said:

Because the INSTALL button is simply "grey'd out" with a message to the right stating

available for Windows with the happy-ass Windows logo next to that.


For what it's worth, I needed to buy this PC for my niece anyways to replace some

ancient garbage at her house. Two cacodemons, one shotgun blast...


Someone else mentioned a "compatibility" page you can find in the Steam settings and that enabling that allows you to install "Windows-only" games on Linux.


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10 hours ago, DoomGuy999 said:

Also, most of the soundtrack is great except I heard a cuica in bilge punks. It's a silly sound in midi.

Xaser would never use silly sounds in MIDI!

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, MistycSpider said:

I've only played the first episode:
It's great, the level design is good but I don't like the fact it relies a lot on having dozens of enemies on screen all the time.
While the Levels are good, they feel... weird? idk, It feels more like a fan work than an official continuation, maybe it's because of the designers not being the original ones?
Sigil 1 and 2 for example fits much more into being additional episodes and feels more official despite it not being.


I had the exact same feeling level design wise. Though let's imagine if Doom was a retro shooter that was released today, I believe the level design would more resemble to that.


Otherwise yeah it doesn't feet the original games (probably because it is ironically far more polished in term of aesthetics) but I don't even know if it is what we want... They even used a lot of old asset/textures/etc. and that's just great :D

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Posted (edited)

Really enjoyed the new episodes, nice visuals, combat is pretty laid back, it's not an intricate modern combat puzzles of course, but also not a complete pushover. I liked first levels of episode 1 more then the last couple of maps and the first five of episode 2, since they feel more like a standart doom hell levels which isn't bad, but less unique, still very well designed though. 


My favorive levels are definitely e1m2 The Sanguine Wastes and e2m6 Soul Silo. The ending was also good, pretty fun and you get to do something cool at the end.


It could have been great if they added the Icon of seen explosion effet to the portal when you press the final button like it was done in Hell to pay for example, but whatever I can use my imagination, the ending is good nonetheless.


Edited by John Rain

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I've played Episode 1 to completion, and I must say it doesn't disappoint. They've made use of the previously unused/discarded assets quite nicely, I'd say. The map design is good, but the ammo scarcity and enemy placement are a minor issue in my opinion. The only stinker I came across in the first episode was The Coiled City. Aesthetically beautiful map, extremely poor in every other department. 


Going through Episode 2 at the moment, and so far it feels a tad bit easier than the first one for whatever reason? The first map was brutally hard with low amounts of ammo and tight corridors jam packed with enemies, but the subsequent maps mellowed out drastically. E2M5 as of current and it feels rather odd, some of the maps feel like they're reworked Master Levels (I've got a hunch that I've played E2M4 before.)

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So far, kinda mixed. Most levels are fine to good. Everything looks stunning and beautiful and the first map was honestly super cool, felt like it took a lot of design cues from previous game's first maps like E1M1 and TNT MAP01.


One question has been burning in my mind ever since I started, though: is this re-release using Boom? There are conveyor belts, texture scrolling up, right, and down, and silent teleports. I'm playing through on my Xbox using the Nightdive port, which elevates my curiosity since it shouldn't be using boom tech? Just limit removing? Can anybody confirm or deny the advanced engine they used to make the levels?

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26 minutes ago, lubba127 said:

So far, kinda mixed. Most levels are fine to good. Everything looks stunning and beautiful and the first map was honestly super cool, felt like it took a lot of design cues from previous game's first maps like E1M1 and TNT MAP01.


One question has been burning in my mind ever since I started, though: is this re-release using Boom? There are conveyor belts, texture scrolling up, right, and down, and silent teleports. I'm playing through on my Xbox using the Nightdive port, which elevates my curiosity since it shouldn't be using boom tech? Just limit removing? Can anybody confirm or deny the advanced engine they used to make the levels?

It's based on GooberMan's cleanroom implementation of Boom/MBF/MBF21 features from Rum and Raisin Doom, plus the new ID24 feature standard that was created for this port.

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13 hours ago, prfunky said:

Because the INSTALL button is simply "grey'd out" with a message to the right stating

available for Windows with the happy-ass Windows logo next to that.

For your reference, that won't actually stop you. ;-)

I run Steam on my Ubuntu laptop (which is not my primary machine) and many games show this, of course.

If you right-click on a game and select Properties, and then set a Proton compatibility level, you'll find the Install button is then available. Enjoy! =)

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not done the first episode yet, but played the first 5 maps co-op with my fiance and thoroughly enjoyed it so far. ammo configuration is tight as shit for co-op in some spots, which has been a bunch of fun and encouraged communication between us re: resource sharing. map03 has probably been my favorite so far. soundtrack is all stonkers. new enemies are great fun and fill bestiary gaps i usually want filled.

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Well I completed Episode 2 just about now. I can't say that the last two maps were fun? They were just mini slaughter maps and aren't fun for me, I can't imagine a casual player enjoying them. Cinematic was nice, but can't say the same for the gameplay itself.

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So far this is my favorite release this year, I love the fact that pre-release stuff made it into an official expansion. I have to agree with the distaste for Coiled City, catwalks, a sea of lava and snipers everywhere isn't very fun.

Episode 2 start very though, but the rest of the maps aren't that much of ball busters, at least not on continuous. My favorite map of the entire set has to be Soul Silo.

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Where is the download for this wad? Does it require the steam version of Doom2?

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Posted (edited)

yes or the gog release unfortunately


its the id1.wad file

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I've only made it to E1M4 so far. I'm enjoying it, but I can't shake off the feeling that it doesn't quite fit next to the other official wads, which isn't necessarily a problem but it is a bit distracting.


Between the different music style, big and more intricate level design, abundance of new textures and whatnot, it is hard to discern what makes it "more official" than any other cool wad. Nonetheless, I do believe it is a cool wad and I'll keep playing it when I get the time.

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1 hour ago, Morfos said:

Where is the download for this wad? Does it require the steam version of Doom2?

If you already own the Unity port on Steam or GOG this update is free.

The wad itself, once you own it, can be played in any MBF-21 port (except the stable version of GZDoom, but the devbuilds on drd-team should be able to play it).

Oh, and I suggest first playing on the re-release to see the intermission maps and the fire sky like PSX Doom.


Otherwise is 10$

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It's pretty good overall, E1M6 is by far the worst and I'm not even sure how it made the cut. It's The Chasm if The Chasm had enemies on the tiny ledges and snipers everywhere. On top of that, you'll mostly use the flamethrower and this weapon suck.
I'm not a fan of the flaming barons (whatever they're called), their flame hitbox seems way to big (did they reuse the rocket splash damage for it?).
The other enemies were really nice and blend well in the roster imo, even the plasma marine and I would love to see them being reused in some pwads.

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Just beat Episode 2! I think overall I did enjoy Episode 1 more, and Episode 2 definitely gets a little slaughter-y near the end, but overall my initial opinion that this was a great surprise mapset still stands. Really pleased with Legacy of Rust as a whole! I played Episode 1 in UV and 2 in HMP.


I’d love to see these new enemies in more mapsets, too. I think they’re part of the ID24 standard now? Correct me if I’m wrong!

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My initial thoughts after beating Episode 1:


  • The Coiled City feels more suited to being a secret level, what with it's whole fire-weapons-only gimmick.
  • Some of those ambushes in Spirit Drains were brutal, but also so hilarious I couldn't be mad.
  • Everyone responsible for the hitscan Arachnotrons needs to go to jail. No trial, straight to Alcatraz, immediately.

Mostly pretty fun!

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Posted (edited)

I thought it was damn good! The new enemies, weapons, and textures give it a unique feeling: not quite like the "official" Doom, but we've all been playing non-official Doom for long enough to know that needn't be a detriment.


The first episode was stronger overall, though the second really picks up towards the end. MAP12 might actually be my favourite, despite the fact that it doesn't have as much wow factor as MAP06 or MAP13. It had a real "classic Doom dungeon crawl" feel, the music was awesome, and the custom enemies were used really well. Especially the banshees. The association they have with the blazing fiery red texture immediately put me on edge whenever I saw it. Plus I love their wakeup sound. Really tortured and eerie.


The soundtrack was a highlight. It hits that perfect sweet spot of "action music with sinister undertones" that I crave. The tracks for MAP05 and MAP12 are probably my favourites there.


The new weapons, I'm a little more split on. The incinerator is cool, but losing the plasma gun might not have been worth it. The calamity blade is fun. Not as flexible as our beloved BFG, but the scenarios they throw you into with it play to its strengths. I was slightly surprised that they outright replaced their OGs. With this being official, I thought it might have been like the shotguns, multiple weapons in a slot. There's definitely arguments to be made against that though. Still, it leaves the weapons feeling tied to this level set, rather than a flexible new addition to the classic arsenal.


I'm a big fan of most of the new enemies. The banshee is my favourite, for the creepiness factor and the 90s spritework. The ghoul is interesting, sort of a flying imp. The tyrant looks too silly. I can't help but feel that the cyberdemon sprite could have been altered in a less embarrassing way. Then again, I guess I shouldn't judge. I'm going bald too. The vassago is obviously the flagship. I like the way he plays, but his spritework does stand out as more modern.


Overall, brilliant set. A lovely little surprise that made a shitty week a good deal nicer.

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1 hour ago, ItsPower303 said:

So far it seems E1M6 is the ultimate marmite map, some people love it and a lot of people hate it


Yes if they have 50 rockets hoarded from previous maps they don't need to suffer while trying to figure out where to go to find ammo. Bonus if they don't go to the room that unleashes like 100 beta soul all over the map.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Cruduxy Pegg said:


Yes if they have 50 rockets hoarded from previous maps they don't need to suffer while trying to figure out where to go to find ammo. Bonus if they don't go to the room that unleashes like 100 beta soul all over the map.

I pistol started the entire level on UV and spent four hours. By the time I finished it I considered it one of my favourite official doom levels of all time.

It is fine to not like routing/secret hunting puzzles, it's a different kind of learning, but it is learnable, and it's fine imo

Edited by ItsPower303

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5 hours ago, DiavoJinx said:

For your reference, that won't actually stop you. ;-)

I run Steam on my Ubuntu laptop (which is not my primary machine) and many games show this, of course.

If you right-click on a game and select Properties, and then set a Proton compatibility level, you'll find the Install button is then available. Enjoy! =)


13 hours ago, Shepardus said:

Someone else mentioned a "compatibility" page you can find in the Steam settings and that enabling that allows you to install "Windows-only" games on Linux.


13 hours ago, RataUnderground said:

I ran the new port in linux, works well.
To install it, you just have to mark the "force compatibility options" in the settings of the game in steam.


Thank you all 3 of you!

I believe I selected something called Proton Experimental as that was the top thing on the list.

I don't live in a Steam world at all. I already had it due to some games I'd installed previously,

SonicCD, Sonic Mania and Quake III Arena. Looks like the last time I used any of them it was

2017?! How can that be? I actually spend THAT much time buried in Doom?!


And thank also whoever said something in a related thread about "killall steam" to get the

damn app to quit horking up resources when I'm doing other things with my multi-functional

computer. Do people generally put up with having corporate software take over their PCs



I gave the new game engine a quick try and was unable to setup the controls the way I like.

Apparently, there's no option to turn using a keyboard. I play Doom solely on my keyboard

and my default setup is probably nothing like most Doom players play:

arrow up/down = forward/backward

arrow left/right = turn left/right

<period/>comma keys = strafe left/right

The setup allows me choose my strafe but not my turn. Apparently I'm supposed to use a

gamepad/joystick or mouse to turn. Bummer.


Oh well, I will now begin disassembling the WAD resources to be used with a source port.

Anybody have one they recommend for in Linux? I've got the following installed:


Crispy Doom



ZDoom 2.8.1






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So, I played first three maps today. Definitely going to play all of them.


(played on Steam version, by the way)

> Disabled crosshair right away.

> Extended HUD looks cool.

> Text used in titles/level finished stats are kind of weird, I mean, the classic doom font is gone.

> beta Lost Souls were a surprise, thank god they are not hitscan, easy to kill, and fast projectiles.

> Lack of visual cues: not having a red-hued screen upon picking up a Berserk, general items, or when getting shot. I'm going to assume this happens only on my end. Later, I will check the settings tab, maybe there is something to enable it.


That's what I found by myself until this moment, So there's still room for more surprises in later maps, like those red-screaming faces (I don't know their name). 




I love having a rotating cacodemon as a loading icon :) .

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17 hours ago, Grungo said:

what??? me thought it was fine! first maps don't need to be big and bold 

Few are but, like Romero, I believe the first map should be excellent and iconic. I may be spoiled by the likes of Sigil, Ancient Aliens, Eviternity, and such, but remember, this is a official episode for a 30 years old game, there's a lot of legacy it could have addressed.

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10 minutes ago, Antkibo said:

Few are but, like Romero, I believe the first map should be excellent and iconic. I may be spoiled by the likes of Sigil, Ancient Aliens, Eviternity, and such, but remember, this is a official episode for a 30 years old game, there's a lot of legacy it could have addressed.

I mean it's fine

it's like e1m1

it doesn't need to be over the top

it's just simple, I enjoy it

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30 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

For the font issue, go to options -> accessibility, and switch the font from modern to classic.


Awesome, I'm going to try this tonight.


Looks like I underestimated the accessibility options, thanks :)




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