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ID24 - a new feature set standard

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Ravendesk said:

Yeah, you are right, I shouldn't do this and it doesn't help the conversation. Let's move on from that remark.


I don't want to leave this unsaid, especially after the more confrontational tack I took over the past few posts:


Thank you.  Genuinely.

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Why... are we doing this? Why? Isn't the community big enough... for all of us? What is wrong with you people? We could work together. Why be enemies? Because we're different? Is that why? Think of the things that we could do. Think how *strong* we would be! Not ID24... and ID24... together. There is nothing that we could not accomplish. Think about it! *Think* about it! Why destroy... when you can create? We can have it all or we can smash it all! Why can't we... work out our differences? Why can't we... work things out? Doom people... why can't we all just... get along?

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2 hours ago, Ravendesk said:

Hardcoded table of things in "ID24 Mapping Additions" document. The reasons they are hardcoded is because there is no other way for mappers to include these things in their wads, as these things are a part of a commercial product ("note that illegal redistribution of this file is covered by normal copyright laws"). So you have to rely on iwad resolution rules and hardcode the whole bunch of stuff. If id24res was released under an open license (e.g. MIT), there would be no need for that, it would simply use existing DEHEXTRA (or DSDHACKED) space, and everyone would be able to reuse them in their maps the exact same way people reuse custom monsters now. Existing tools (decohack) also make it extremely easy to do so.

Can't you specify a separate DoomEdNum for community-made map objects?

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

This isn't about mod compatibility, this is about source port compatibility. If mods can freely use the entire available space, source ports are then unable to use any for their own standard features without risking random mods breaking for no apparent reason. This is something that port devs have cooperated to navigate around for the entirety of the community's history.

Does the id24 reserved range of stuff already encapsulate the source port specific objects such as odamex flags?


Second, id24 introduces DEHACKED patch hashing to make dehacked patches only applicable to certain 'existing' DEHACKED constructions.

Does that base hash change when source ports have their own objects such as CTF flags even if they were inside the community reserved range? Would that mean that every port would have to add the Odamex CTF flag frames in order to remain hash compatible?

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11 minutes ago, Trov said:

Does the id24 reserved range of stuff already encapsulate the source port specific objects such as odamex flags?

No, the id24 reserved ranges for future community and id use are both in unused space that no port has used so far.


11 minutes ago, Trov said:

Second, id24 introduces DEHACKED patch hashing to make dehacked patches only applicable to certain 'existing' DEHACKED constructions.

Does that base hash change when source ports have their own objects such as CTF flags even if they were inside the community reserved range? Would that mean that every port would have to add the Odamex CTF flag frames in order to remain hash compatible?

This one's a bit over my head, I'm not a port dev or in any way affiliated with id24, so someone else should probably answer this.

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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

Would that mean that every port would have to add the Odamex CTF flag frames in order to remain hash compatible? 

This is one of the existing DSDhacked wrinkles. Ports already had to know the deh version number and, based on that, resolve to a different hash key (if they used hashing already). This is not a new issue, nor is it an unsolved one.

Eternity for instance specifies certain base indices from which DSDhacked definitions start.

In short, no.

Edited by Altazimuth

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

No, the id24 reserved ranges for future community and id use are both in unused space that no port has used so far.

Well then it seems to me then that id24 also has the problem you point out about DSDHACKED that it would be up to the modder to take care not to walk over source port unique objects like the CTF flags unless id24 changes to reserve those as well.

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3 minutes ago, Trov said:

Well then it seems to me then that id24 also has the problem you point out about DSDHACKED that it would be up to the modder to take care not to walk over source port unique objects like the CTF flags unless id24 changes to reserve those as well.

I believe this is why ID24 reserves a very large range for future use by community standards, to be divided up at the community's discretion. This is in addition to the smaller range reserved for future id Software use.

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Posted (edited)

Is the expectation of id24 that source ports would move their feature objects like ctf flags into that reserved range and coordinate with each other not to step on each others usages?


Without that it doesn't seem that id24 provides any more defense against mods randomly breaking for no apparent reason in certain source ports than DSDHACKED does because those source port objects are still 'unprotected'. But with that it would break mods that already expected the old frame indexes for them.


Very tricky.

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3 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

I believe this is why ID24 reserves a very large range for future use by community standards, to be divided up at the community's discretion. This is in addition to the smaller range reserved for future id Software use.

My understanding is that for that purpose source port range is allocated.


Usage of which source ports don't need to coordinate with each other.


What exactly is the purpose of community range is unclear to me.

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Posted (edited)

Well then, now that the next post by Goober came in, perhaps we can all share a drink and start talking about Doom again.


Honestly. I know that i am a little rascal around these places, but the last 48 hours told me a whole lot and yet not much at all.


We are literally doomposting about a spec. Nothing more. Guess what, i saw the Borderlands movie just an hour ago and it had the same kind of energy as this thread had: Things could be so much better if we just kept things at a good faith pace.


Even better answers will come. Give these folks some time to recuperate instead of assuming the worst. This is why i said this kind of discussion is so dull - And yet here we are.

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7 minutes ago, Trov said:

Well then it seems to me then that id24 also has the problem you point out about DSDHACKED that it would be up to the modder to take care not to walk over source port unique objects like the CTF flags unless id24 changes to reserve those as well.

The point is that there are now three separate spaces:

  1. Modder space. This is all positive IDs that aren't already used. They can go hog wild in this.
  2. Port developer space. This is the bulk of negative ID space.
  3. Official id software space. This is the remaining of negative ID space.

Can modders trample on negative space, assuming DEHACKED tools get updated to allow this in the first place? Yes. Likewise, can modders import the Macarena MP3 in a wad, rename its lump UMAPINFO, and screw up with most source ports out there? Also yes.

Do modders who aren't trolls need to venture into negative space? No. They've already got billions of indices available in positive space; and if they really, honestly, genuinely need that much, then they should probably not use the Doom engine at all.


The idea is that if a port developer needs to have new things and states for whatever reason, they don't need to put it in positive space where it risks colliding with some mod out there that might have used the same indices and then they get a weird incompatibility out of nowhere. Ideally they should do this in a community friendly manner, such as posting a thread announcing "hey guys I'm adding a flubalapolord thing in index -1337, is anyone using that slot for something? I can change it if needed. Also if any of you are interested in adding my flubalapolord to your ports, you can do it" for example. Doesn't need to be more involved than that.

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

Aleph One is on the Steam store and being distributed alongside all of the assets without anyone complaining about it

This isn't really a comparable situation since Aleph One is pretty much the only Marathon port out there, and it is on Steam because Bungie specifically reached out to them to do so.


Do you think there wouldn't be a shitfit if id software chose a particular port instead of making their own? It's already controversial because some feel they basically did this with Rum & Raisin Doom.



Marathon also isn't available under creative commons. I believe the Aleph One developers specifically have a unique license from Bungie to distribute the Marathon assets with Aleph One. Beyond that it's similar to the id understanding of "It's OK to use the content as long as it's used in a Marathon mod and is not just providing it wholesale"


It might be cool for id to do that but I dont think anybody on the development side of the Nightdive port has the ability to make that decision.

Edited by Trov

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4 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

Here you are once again saying something that is entirely false considering no post was removed: while they were hidden at first (temporarily and not by me by the way, we didn't even know what was going on and were trying to get our bearings on the situation) I deliberately made sure they would all be accessible and readable except for the five-sentence posts that said "this sucks go fuck yourself". Once again you are misinterpreting things and spreading a false narrative about what is actually going on and being said in this thread

I meant "removed from the thread". That's my bad, should have worded it better. I never spread any misinformation in this thread. I appreciate that you returned my questions back to the thread, but I was quite upset they were labeled as "based on misinformation" initially. However, I can see why they could be perceived as such in a fast-going thread with a lot of spam.


Regarding the last post in reply to goober - I already admitted I was in the wrong there, shouldn't have let emotions slip in.

Regarding my point about wad uploader - I have elaborated on my position and have clarified to doomkid that I understand his position too (same could be said to skillsaw, but I didn't want to repeat the same post twice), I just believe this approach is doing more harm than good long term. I don't try to speak for everyone, my intention was to express what consequences I see from approaching things like that.


7 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

I think this is a bit of an exaggeration: you may not feel like there's a need for that stuff, but literally tons of other people, the vast majority of them not affiliated with id Software, don't feel this way at all. You'd be surprised to hear I also don't think we need more iwads and more commercial assets. I'm afraid that's just an opinion you and I share and not something we as the community largely share!

I agree here. I think this is the fundamental difference in a worldview that leads to significant miscommunication and difficulty to find a common ground. I believe that more commercial releases and assets will do harm to the community, and people behind the spec and those who support them believe they they will do good to community.

I guess without agreeing here it's impossible to reach any common ground in the discussion, especially if we get emotional.


19 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

This post was made some pages back, but I feel like I should respond to it nonetheless because I wholeheartedly agree with it. People may notice how I have a Marathon profile picture right now: by coincidence, that one is the only classic FPS franchise that not only went open source but also freeware. Aleph One is on the Steam store and being distributed alongside all of the assets without anyone complaining about it. And I am sure there could be ways to still get a commercial port out even if the actual graphics and sounds were free (didn't Shadow Warrior do something like that?). I personally would MUCH prefer if the Doom community was in the same state as the Marathon community in terms of things being free and open source.

Thanks, and I'm glad that we share the understanding of what's the best possible direction for doom.


Let's approach this discussion in good faith going forward.

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11 minutes ago, dsda-dev said:

It doesn't matter who is involved or what the intentions are

You made it matter, it's what your arguments revolved around, you've not produced a SINGLE piece of evidence for why what you said about the video game industry was ever pertinent at all, and id24 didn't end up having any financial backing for it despite you continuing to suggest that's the case. And also you doubled down on the insult later, by the way.


Now please excuse me as I try to figure out just exactly in what other way I'm supposed to interpret your blatant astroturfing.


14 minutes ago, Trov said:

This isn't really a comparable situation since Aleph One is pretty much the only Marathon port out there, and it is on Steam because Bungie specifically reached out to them to do so.

First of all, it's not the only port in existence, what? Merely the most popular one. Nothing's stopping anyone from making others - and believe it or not, plenty of people have asked for either an AO fork or successor containing stuff like an in-game menu. As for your second point, I am not sure where you got that idea but from my understanding that is completely wrong and it was in fact the other way around.

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5 minutes ago, dsda-dev said:

Releasing that the way it was released isn't something I think any of these people would do, but somehow collectively they did.

No. It isn't something they did. The people responsible for ID24 are not the same people who are responsible for coming up with the uploader.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, dsda-dev said:

I think you've read a lot of emotion in my posts and perhaps that's why you've interpreted them so negatively, but maybe if you try to read them from a neutral voice you'll see them differently

There is more to communicating in a neutral voice than using a pseudonym and hoping other people read the intent of your words correctly.  There were many, many less confrontational ways to express your concerns and displeasure, some of which have prior art elsewhere in the thread.


Except...I think you understand that, because at the very bottom of your post, you say this:

10 minutes ago, dsda-dev said:

Once again the only reply to my concerns is a personal attack. I feel like that starts to speak for itself. 

I'm sorry, but I must point out that you are not giving other people the same benefit of the doubt that you ask for yourself.

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

First of all, it's not the only port in existence, what? Merely the most popular one.

By a massive massive margin. Can you even name another? Any that are actively in development? It's not like Doom's situation where there are several competing ones with different modding features that all have sizable userbases.



and believe it or not, plenty of people have asked for either an AO fork or successor containing stuff like an in-game menu.

But nobody has yet, and when they do, it won't be on Steam.



As for your second point, I am not sure where you got that idea but from my understanding that is completely wrong and it was in fact the other way around.

If you mean about Bungie reaching out to the A1 devs, the developers are active in the Marathon discord and have discussed it. I'm sure you can look back and find them discussing it there. Typically it is around people asking why it is called "Classic Marathon" and not "Marathon Classic" with the response that it is what Bungie stipulated.


And even then, there's plenty of people being pessimistic about Bungie's steam release being just a bid to generate interest in the new Marathon extraction shooter they are making even when it is as free as you describe.


Edit: We've moved the marathon/a1 discussion elsewhere

Edited by Trov

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, General Roasterock said:

So just to recap how id Software has handled promises in the past five years:

So knowing this, and knowing the state of the extremely rushed together mod uploader that has received near unanimous pushback, I think it's entirely reasonable to not trust that asking for this space is where the sidewalk ends for id Software's continued monetization plans, no matter how many good buddies, who could easily be stepped over by a corporate mandate, are saying that the intentions are right. This is beyond us.


The funny thing about these is that, we're not allowed to cast any type of doubt about future issue since it hasn't happened yet. Then any people being pessimistic are blamed to be selling fear out of nothing, while there are way too many examples out there.


When these actually happened, then what? Somebody stands up and apologizes and takes on the responsibility? Never. Now you're telling me not to talk about things in the future that worry others? Are you going to take on the responsibility though?


Then my post was removed due to native English speaker issues. Yes, it's actually the case that it's hard for non native speaker to participate into the discussion since the other side is not going to listen anyway, and like to pick on maybe minor, maybe major issues from the wording, which makes the discussion even harder, or better, just remove my post.

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Posted (edited)

I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post, because you are taking your ball and going home.  However:

13 minutes ago, dsda-dev said:

I'll point out that at least 4 other source port maintainers liked my original post, so maybe it's worth addressing those concerns for them if not for me.

There are many possible reasons for an endorsement on a Doomworld post, and people rarely go back and revoke them in light of new information.


That said, there have been numerous source port authors (including myself) posting in support of this, and several have couched their concerns in far less anti-social ways.  Expecting some sort of "silent majority" who reacted to your initial post to continue the conversation on your behalf is kind of a shitty position to put someone in, and I'm not sure they appreciate you drawing attention to that tacit support, especially if you think that you're being unfairly targeted.

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I think if other source port maintainers have an issue with this then they should probably communicate that and have a (hopefully civil) discussion about it. For all I know maybe this is in already in process in private.

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29 minutes ago, dsda-dev said:

I'll point out that at least 4 other source port maintainers liked my original post, so maybe it's worth addressing those concerns for them if not for me.

i want to preface this by saying that it is coming from a place of great respect: one should not put others in the line of fire for themself. people can agree partially, understand one's reaction, empathize/sympathize with the situation this puts one in, etc, but it's not a good look to point to a forum statistic like it's a full endorsement. please do take care dude.

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if i've read this right there are people concerned that id/bethesda/zenimax/microsoft are trying to monetize unused memory that is reserved for future id releases so that they can new linedefs, monsters etc, while doing so in a way that doesn't break existing dehacked and is a new range of memory with specific ranges reserved for future id stuff and a range for future community stuff? 

also it's very funny that the thread literally states it's a draft yet people are responding with "WHY DID THEY NOT TALK TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT THIS STANDARD RAGGHGHGH!"
it's hyperbolic but it gets across the tone most of those posters have.

i'm personally quite excited for the new standard and am interested in seeing what comes from it. as far as i can tell the only thing that the id24 res file might want to consider updating is including the doom 1 textures not present in doom 2. this wish also extends to the final doom textures in plutonia and TNT. I could only see it being beneficial that all of the texture rosters are available in 1 resource file of doom2 + id1res. 


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6 minutes ago, Underqualified_Gunman said:

also it's very funny that the thread literally states it's a draft

Can you be so kind to point in the OP where it says "draft" or "request for comments".


If you cannot do that, can you be so kind to not act snarky after making a factually wrong statement, as this poisons already heated conversation.

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