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Scythe2 Demos

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Erik: I know.. the version I have from method is from 6.6.05 so I will have to wait until he download and give me the last version.
But maybe the maps I played will run, I did maps 1,9,10,21 and yesterday a maxrun for map4 in 2:56.

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2 demos here.

A map06 NM100S run in 0:41. Someone should beat this, as it's not the best run. I did have an extremely close ending though on this run. You see, I get a medpack at the end a split second before getting pegged by a rev rocket. I lived, haw :)! I think it was less than a 1/4th of a second between getting the medpack and the rev rocket hitting me that followed, though someone will need to confirm that.

Before that though, I did a demo that I'm extremely pleased with...a map06 NM-Speed+Pacifist run in 0:10. The exact time was 0:10.73. Very happy with the time, so I'll leave at that. :09? Nope, not something I will try :).

Sending both demos to Ops now.

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Kristian Ronge said:

Map 6 NM speed (also pacifist and reality) in 0:08.

Sorry, Anima. :-/ But OTOH, time to make Jochen work if he wants this, eh? ;-)

...Oh great, and I just wasted about an hour recording a :09 map06 NM Speed+ Reality. Curses!

*Shakes fist at the sky*

Great job though on the demo. Was nicely done.

So...anyone insane enough to go for :07 NM-Speed+ Pacifist on this map? I don't think that's gonna be possible. If someone does do it, I'm gonna just scream and eat my words whole :P.

That being said, I do have one other demo for this level I did...improved map06 NM100S. Knocked 8 seconds off my time, making it 0:33. 1 or 2 more seconds could still be shaved off the time.

Sending it to Ops now.

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That second set are all Anima rather than Angus.
edit: fixed. =|

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Good evening, gentlemen,

I did map 5 UV speed + pacifist in 0:21. It looks a little sloppy, but it will require some work to reach 0:20, I think.

And before I forget ... Gusta -- that map 10 max run was AMAZING! Anima's NM100S of map 6 was also fun to watch. :-)

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This one is in the "meh" category I'm afraid...
Map05 NM Pacifist in 0:24.
The odds of getting past all the "sticky" points are better than one might expect.

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Just FYI map09 has a possible (I think at least) RJ (from the berserk area) which combined with the platform jump at the end could surely put the time well below 20 sec. It's probably the hardest intentional trick combination in the whole wad though and I dont expect anyone to pull it off =)

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Did 2 demos today.

First one is an improved UV-Max for map17. Knocked off a good chunk of time from my previous run. New time is 6:35.

Then, for pacifist freaks out there, I did a UV-Speed+ Pacifist run on map17 in 1:46. This could be improved some, as I get caught on a few monsters during the run.

Sending to Ops now.

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I sent an UV speed trickrun of map17 in :53 to Opulent. Feel free to improve it, it just shows off the trick and my crappy framerate in the map (which is apparent from my running) mostly.

Edit: btw, what the hell is up with that demon behind the blue door? I shoot him in the face every run but he never dies like a proper demon should :P I guess it could be the same bug that protects the sargeant in doom2 map02?

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I don't know, but it sounds more like a blockmap issue, rather than the map02 sergeant quirk.

Unless you accidentally combined the two, and put it both in a "sleepwalking" set-up and on the corner of the blocks. [Come to think of it, that would be kind of cunning, as it would ensure it didn't move out of position, and thus make itself easier to kill.]

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Erik said:

I sent an UV speed trickrun of map17 in :53 to Opulent. Feel free to improve it, it just shows off the trick and my crappy framerate in the map (which is apparent from my running) mostly.

Nice. Almost reality, too. :)

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Vile: heh, I had forgotten exactly how that stuck-thing on map18 was executed, I tried it for a bit earlier and couldn't pull it off so I just thought that i maybe fixed it :P

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2 speedruns today.

First off, did an improved UV-Speed+ Pacifist run for map17 in 1:06. That trick jump towards the ending area was nice! Also including one demo (Stuck.lmp) which will show where not to jump to if you don't want to get trapped ^_^.

Then, I did a UV-Speed for map18 in 0:40. Getting the RSK early is easy, last half of the run shouldn't be too hard either.

Sending both demos to Ops now.

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I have to say that map 10 in 3:36 wasn§t too good. Method wrote some replies above that he did 3:13 (he didn§t recorded) so I beated this with better route to 3:03. But I didn't recorded too as I wasn't sure if my demo would be valid, now I know I can start recording even on the version I actually have. Something is telling me that below 3 mins is possible there :)

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And forgot to say, pls. somebody to beat my speed for map09. It has to be easy. The demo is ugly and I don't think I will record more speeds under prboom. Rather maxers or tysons.

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Gusta said:

I don't think I will record more speeds under prboom.

If glboom is no go for you, and Vile's "moving the mouse around a bit as the game starts up" doesn't work for you, then you can try "Jon's port" as mentioned by Opulent. In case you don't know what he meant by that, this is JrBoom, a modified version of Prboom 2.2.3 made by Jonathan Rimmer. See this post for a description and links. Of course, it doesn't have any fixes or features introduced in 2.2.4-2.2.6, but these won't affect too many demos.

Judging from Jon's description of the cause of the problem, another workaround would be to launch the program by clicking on a link to a batch file that you have placed right in the centre of your desktop. (Actually, that's something I sometimes do when trying to record an ultra-short demo {e.g. ks25-001} in any case, as the mouse will be in the right place to click on it between attempts.)

Note: I have never used JrBoom myself, so cannot personnally vouch for it.

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I did map31 secret exit UV-pacifist in :12. Note that this is the intended route to the secret exit and :12 is probably the worst time possible unless you stand around at the start without moving for a while. :11 shouldn't be too hard with some better luck and better running.

Sending to Opulent.

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Could someone tell me how to reach the secret exit in map 15? There's a switch that's supposed to give access to it (at the base of the last elevator), but it's not tagged correctly; the tag doesn't do anything!

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Kristian Ronge said:

Could someone tell me how to reach the secret exit in map 15? There's a switch that's supposed to give access to it (at the base of the last elevator), but it's not tagged correctly; the tag doesn't do anything!

It seems like it requires -complevel 3+
That exit was a late addition to the wad and I guess I had DB set in boom mode when making it.

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