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TNT 2: Devilution (Final beta released)

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6 minutes ago, Pottus said:

The mirror realities of the Satan building, upside down room followed by improvements to the drill room really captures what was trying to be shown here; that all hell broke loose.

Interesting... was it intentional that map23 afterward also has the same drill thing? i thought it was the hell ship from the previous maps drilling into the demon moon for some reason, cause it uses the same moving red stripe texture. Also Solitude is easily one of the best maps in this wad, the atmosphere is amazing.

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6 hours ago, Tycitron said:

Interesting... was it intentional that map23 afterward also has the same drill thing? i thought it was the hell ship from the previous maps drilling into the demon moon for some reason, cause it uses the same moving red stripe texture. Also Solitude is easily one of the best maps in this wad, the atmosphere is amazing.


I just made it up out of the blue when I made that map lol; although whoever worked on Map23 may have adapted that element into Map23. Some more interesting facts about Map22 I spent a lot of time doing the light change effects and getting the stair trap at the end to work correctly took a lot of trail and error. As I said there is quite a few changes from the original Map but they are all so good and make sense that the atmosphere was significantly improved at the same time the changes are authentic to the point that they look natural as if only one person actually worked on the map.


Overall the whole project is impressive from the maps I have played so far that I think every one of the original authors of TNT would endorse this project fully and wholly as a sequel.

Edited by Pottus

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8 hours ago, Pottus said:


I just made it up out of the blue when I made that map lol; although whoever worked on Map23 may have adapted that element into Map23. Some more interesting facts about Map22 I spent a lot of time doing the light change effects and getting the stair trap at the end to work correctly took a lot of trail and error. As I said there is quite a few changes from the original Map but they are all so good and make sense that the atmosphere was significantly improved at the same time the changes are authentic to the point that they look natural as if only one person actually worked on the map.


Overall the whole project is impressive from the maps I have played so far that I think every one of the original authors of TNT would endorse this project fully and wholly as a sequel.

I also thought the drill thing from 22 and 23 were connected, interesting to hear that they weren’t intended to be. Also am in hard agreement that Solitude was one of the best maps, really enjoyed the atmosphere and the nice touches like the automap fake out and the way you return to the opening area.

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2 hours ago, SuperFreaksDev said:

I also thought the drill thing from 22 and 23 were connected, interesting to hear that they weren’t intended to be. Also am in hard agreement that Solitude was one of the best maps, really enjoyed the atmosphere and the nice touches like the automap fake out and the way you return to the opening area.


I personally have not had any involvement in the project since I submitted my map and that was 10 years ago so my thought is there was some continuity work done to make it like that. I am sure someone has a better explanation than me than about it all however checking in Doom builder the drill is exactly the same dimensions in terms of dimensions between maps so Map23 must have been intentionally edited at some point to factor in continuity between levels.

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@Pottus thanks! Glad you're enjoying it and happy to ehar the changes fell in line with the original concept.Tthe map had such a creepy foreboding atmosphere and I just rolled with that; the "reality is fallng apart" angle was a fun bit of convergent evolution that kinda just cropped up in a bunch of E3 maps (though I did borrow the idea for the northern bit from AD_79's MAP25) -- sounds like that was the evil plan all along. :P

re: MAP22 and MAP23's drill: MAP23 was made much later in the project than 22, and the author (TMD) incorporated the drill from 22 as a fun bit of continuity: the map takes place further underground, directly beneath MAP22.

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5 minutes ago, Xaser said:

@Pottus thanks! Glad you're enjoying it and happy to ehar the changes fell in line with the original concept.Tthe map had such a creepy foreboding atmosphere and I just rolled with that; the "reality is fallng apart" angle was a fun bit of convergent evolution that kinda just cropped up in a bunch of E3 maps (though I did borrow the idea for the northern bit from AD_79's MAP25) -- sounds like that was the evil plan all along. :P

re: MAP22 and MAP23's drill: MAP23 was made much later in the project than 22, and the author (TMD) incorporated the drill from 22 as a fun bit of continuity: the map takes place further underground, directly beneath MAP22.


Yeah I really liked the Northern bit; the original area was a good fight however I think the new format really bodes well with the overall feel and progression of the map.


As for the drill it would seem the TNT:2 Lore has already begun!

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2 hours ago, Pottus said:

As for the drill it would seem the TNT:2 Lore has already begun!

True, as i've said many times before in this thread i hope once the wad is 100% done we can get at least a little but of elaboration on what tf is actually going on in the wads storyline (minus map30 as that is already explained by kassman earlier, Thanks BTW). Alot of the episode 3 maps really sell this mysterious reality warping mind fuckery vibe and i love it alot.


(Although i hope some of the vanilla coop softlocks are fixed when its fully released, mainly map06 and map12's. in those maps an area would be closed off for an ambush and are unable to be opened again if you die and get sent back to the start.)

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1 hour ago, Tycitron said:

True, as i've said many times before in this thread i hope once the wad is 100% done we can get at least a little but of elaboration on what tf is actually going on in the wads storyline (minus map30 as that is already explained by kassman earlier, Thanks BTW). Alot of the episode 3 maps really sell this mysterious reality warping mind fuckery vibe and i love it alot.


(Although i hope some of the vanilla coop softlocks are fixed when its fully released, mainly map06 and map12's. in those maps an area would be closed off for an ambush and are unable to be opened again if you die and get sent back to the start.)

The episode 3 maps getting increasingly reality breaking culminating in Relayer being an outright Wormhole tribute is an outstanding bit of buildup, even if it doesn’t sound like it was intentional! Hard Wired’s sky floors are a really nice bit of mind fuckery, that spooky sunset background was perfect for that kind of thing.


I was no clipping around in Obituary to find any cool details in the opening area that I missed and found an alternate exit with seemingly no other way to get up to it. Is this an Easter egg or was this the original exit at one point?

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18 minutes ago, SuperFreaksDev said:

I was no clipping around in Obituary to find any cool details in the opening area that I missed and found an alternate exit with seemingly no other way to get up to it. Is this an Easter egg or was this the original exit at one point?

In the original TNT map30 that area was the deathmatch exit, so it's just a reference to that.

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4 minutes ago, Tycitron said:

In the original TNT map30 that area was the deathmatch exit, so it's just a reference to that.

I actually never knew that, thanks! It has a really cool looking skull in its place in the blue light area.

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On 2/26/2023 at 1:57 AM, Tycitron said:

Interesting... was it intentional that map23 afterward also has the same drill thing? i thought it was the hell ship from the previous maps drilling into the demon moon for some reason, cause it uses the same moving red stripe texture. Also Solitude is easily one of the best maps in this wad, the atmosphere is amazing.

It's a coincidence.   I built what is now map23 as map24 around a large circular structure with a bit more eyeball imagery and aesthetic esembling TNT map18. 

When doing visual updates, Tarnsman(I think) made it resemble the reactor in map22, upped the red and silver vibes and moved the map to the 23 spot for continuity.


I hope someday after the release we can further explore the evolution of this wad.

Edited by TMD

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last night I played TNT Devilution map 30 it is the creepy and intersting map and out of any map in this megawad map 30 is my favorite. 

and Xaser midi is creepy.  


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1 hour ago, Tom2007 said:

last night I played TNT Devilution map 30 it is the creepy and intersting map and out of any map in this megawad map 30 is my favorite. 

and Xaser midi is creepy.  



Something i like about map30 is that the default midi soundfont makes the music sound like a demonic heartbeat, something sc-55 soundfonts or any others don't seem to replicate. Not sure if it was intentional but it sounds cool.


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My guess is that some soundfonts don't bother recreating notes that would be outside the range a given instrument could realistically play.

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8 hours ago, Tycitron said:
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Something i like about map30 is that the default midi soundfont makes the music sound like a demonic heartbeat, something sc-55 soundfonts or any others don't seem to replicate. Not sure if it was intentional but it sounds cool.



Yup, it's intentional. It only really works with good ol' cheesy MSGS Wavetable Synth (or soundfonts that emulate it), but that just be how midis do.


Thanks BTW! Was a fun one to make, though it was definitely a weird time trying to figure out how to score MAP30. It's a goddamn epic and a half.

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3 hours ago, Xaser said:


Yup, it's intentional. It only really works with good ol' cheesy MSGS Wavetable Synth (or soundfonts that emulate it), but that just be how midis do.


Thanks BTW! Was a fun one to make, though it was definitely a weird time trying to figure out how to score MAP30. It's a goddamn epic and a half.

Yes you did great on the music, when i first got to map30 i was literally in awe the whole time with the map and the music together.

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Appreciate all the multiplayer fixes! I’ve been waiting for the final release to play with my buddies over Zandronum. Best of luck with map 26 and with pushing it over the finish line!

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20 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

Map26 is here now? Need to play TNT2 again then :p

Still not the full version, only showcasing some area with no monster placed in it.

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I've only played a couple of the maps from this mapset, because waiting for the final release. Congrats to all involved, and good luck on the final release. There has been a huge amount of work gone into this, and it is great to see that this hasn't fallen into some kind of development hell and died one of those deaths.


Another extraordinary classic Doom2 megawad ahoy.

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3 hours ago, Kyka said:

I've only played a couple of the maps from this mapset, because waiting for the final release. Congrats to all involved, and good luck on the final release. There has been a huge amount of work gone into this, and it is great to see that this hasn't fallen into some kind of development hell and died one of those deaths.


Another extraordinary classic Doom2 megawad ahoy.

Revilution was great too!

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37 minutes ago, SuperFreaksDev said:

Revilution was great too!

And i'm sure Convilution/TNT Forever will also be great, although i wonder whats happening with TNT Forever, if it's still sticking to the "wait a few months after Devilution fully releases to release our project" or something different.

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13 hours ago, SuperFreaksDev said:

Revilution was great too!


Revilution was superb. I wasn't involved with its completion, but I was privileged to be involved with it for a number of years. (From 2009, when I did my first map for the project, which as it happens, will be map 23 of TNT:Forever,) until 2015 when I left the Doom community for a number of years.)


12 hours ago, Tycitron said:

And i'm sure Convilution/TNT Forever will also be great, although i wonder whats happening with TNT Forever, if it's still sticking to the "wait a few months after Devilution fully releases to release our project" or something different.


To answer this, Convilution/TNT Forever (though our current title is TNT Foreverlution, not totally final,) has 4 maps awaiting completion, the rest are done; then we will release a beta. The agreement between JawsInSpace, the former leader of Convilution, and the TNT2 team, was that we wouldn't release within 6 months of TNT2 coming out, an agreement that I, as current head of the project, and the team, are more than happy to honour.


That said, now that I think about it, I don't actually know whether that means not releasing anything publicly (say, a beta or a demo of several levels,) in that 6 month window, or whether that prohibition was only intended for the final release date.


Happy to have that conversation with the TNT2 team as needed.


That said, waiting impatiently for the final TNT2 release so I can kick back and sink my teeth into another great classic Doom2 megawad. :D


Thanks guys. Great stuff.

Edited by Kyka : [edit] I said my first map for Revilution was in the map 23 slot of Foreverlution. It is actually map 22. My bad.

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That is odd. The original post shows no trace of having been edited. Usually, this is how I can tell there has been an update without having to browse through multiple pages.


Anyway, I am glad to hear the project is still being worked on and is nearing completion.

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hello everyone, I was a fan of TNT: Evilution and totally mind=blown to discover TNT Revilution a few years ago. I only discovered on accident during a research mission that TNT2 Devilution was given a beta release, and here I am. Revilution was awesome, but I've been playing the Devilution beta and am thoroughly impressed with it so far. thank you everyone that's worked on these projects. 

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