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Supercharge [gameplay mod | v3.0b 07/16/23 multiplayer fix]

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I Remember Paradise, I gotta go back and finish that wad. The idea behind the damage is interesting can't wait to try this out in other wads.

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Hey, I would just like to give some feedback on the dynamic lights:

  • The green helmet armour bonus sprite is as dark as the sector it's in, despite casting a green glow.
  • Gunshots from the player or hitscan enemies don't create light around the shooter, compared to default dynamic light behaviour in GZDoom.
  • Explosive barrels do no cast a green glow, nor do their explosions create any light.
  • Now this one's more regarding consistency: some items like the health potions have a static glow around them while armor helmets have a strobing kind of light effect. Meanwhile a large bobbing powerup like the Soulsphere casts a static green light. I think it would make more sense if larger animated pickups had the pulsating light animation while minor items cast a standard light.

Just a few suggestion! ;)

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Hi, the mod turned out very good, but there are not enough improvements on the similarity of optics, or a silencer, well, the similarity of this, I hope in the future you will add, and so the mod is cool

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On 5/10/2020 at 4:31 PM, Spectre01 said:

Hey, I would just like to give some feedback on the dynamic lights:


your feedback is much appreciated as always, thanks so much :D and apologies for the very belated reply. I agree on all accounts, though I do have some reservations about shooting enemies creating dynamic lights.  it's definitely weird for them not to have dynamic lights when firing, but at the same time, I feel like adding dynamic lights would compromise the effect of brightmaps on monsters in dark areas, which I quite like. so I'll think on that one.


no new updates for now, but I am working on a potential new rocket launcher alternative weapon, and I'm hoping I can get some brand new sprites made for the Scrap Gun so that it's no longer cosplaying as a quad barrel shotgun. I'd also like to tinker with adding a menu option to switch the places of the ammo and armor display in the big HUD, so that all ammo stuff is on the right, and health and armor on the left. but we shall see!

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You should probably add some images of the decors added in this for map makers. You hadn't shown anything and only mentioned it on the topic like a minor thing, but when i checked them out in UDB i was really impressed and immediately wanted to use them!! Also just generally good job on the mod as a whole, i played Paradise and mentioned it to a friend, who informed me about Supercharge and a few other wads that make use of it, and found all of the content really fun (though i haven't been able to get good at weapon combo-ing just yet).

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11 hours ago, MattFright said:

Also just generally good job on the mod as a whole,


thanks so much MattFright :D


you make a really good point about the mapping resources, I should definitely update the OP to have some more information there. I've gotten a good amount of questions over time about a few other things related to mapping with Supercharge too, so I should really just generally flesh out the mapping info in the OP. I'll try to get around to that sometime in the next few weeks. thanks again :D

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i've been playing everything with this since february or so, and it's just amazing. it totally changed the feeling of the game for me, i can't imagine playing without it at this point. i bailed on several wads (Struggle - Antaresian Legacy and Maskim Xul, to name a few) because they were thoroughly incompatible with it.


a few notes:

i find the bouncing of the revenant skull excessive. i'd change the number of bounces to two or three. it's especially intrusive when it bounces in liquid.

i wish there was a way to configure the blood decals in some way, make them smaller, more transparent or otherwise less obtrusive, because i've found myself several times in situations where they completely cover up a switch or something else important on the wall behind the monster that i've shot.

i'm not sure about this, but it seems like the arachnotron projectiles are wider than they are in vanilla doom. i've been in several situations where the design of the map would suggest that an arachnotron should have a clean line of fire to me, but its projectiles were blocked by low walls. this doesn't really bother me since i hate arachnotrons and don't mind cheesing them, but i just thought i'd point it out.

also, the new dynamic lights for torches feel too strong to me: i can usually see them from the other side of a thin wall.

lastly, this may be some gzdoom thing you can't really do anything about, but the pistol seems to fire slightly lower of where the crosshair actually appears (see attached image).


these are all pretty minor, though, and like i said, i'm enjoying the mod immensely. keep up the good work.


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On 7/1/2020 at 7:55 PM, Tango said:



your feedback is much appreciated as always, thanks so much :D and apologies for the very belated reply. I agree on all accounts, though I do have some reservations about shooting enemies creating dynamic lights.  it's definitely weird for them not to have dynamic lights when firing, but at the same time, I feel like adding dynamic lights would compromise the effect of brightmaps on monsters in dark areas, which I quite like. so I'll think on that one.


no new updates for now, but I am working on a potential new rocket launcher alternative weapon, and I'm hoping I can get some brand new sprites made for the Scrap Gun so that it's no longer cosplaying as a quad barrel shotgun. I'd also like to tinker with adding a menu option to switch the places of the ammo and armor display in the big HUD, so that all ammo stuff is on the right, and health and armor on the left. but we shall see!

Yoo! Tango that rocket launcher replacement is looking pretty nice!. Ive been using supercharge to play wads for quite sometime now and one of my main complaints is the rocket launcher was missing something, It just doesnt feel as powerful or satisfying ( im not talking about damage) to use. Im not sure if its the really small splash explosion or the sound of the gun or maybe the screen not shaking when I fire rockets ( If im using a rocket launcher I want to feel like a bad ass damm it). But overall its a fantastic mod and this new weapon will definately give the launcher that extra power that im talking about ( Maybe just change the firing sound a little). Thanks for the mod its being a blast using it to slay demons.

Edited by TheHit_61x

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@TheHit_61x I disagree. All of the RL characteristics make it special and stylish. It doesn't need to be "a big gun that makes big BOOM". I love its fast and small missiles, and those quiet sounds... Splendid!

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In general I like this mod, but I rate the work with sound as poor.


On 7/21/2020 at 2:40 PM, dmslr said:

All of the RL characteristics make it special and stylish. It doesn't need to be "a big gun that makes big BOOM". I love its fast and small missiles, and those quiet sounds... Splendid!

Thanks to you and similar opinions, modmakers continue to make mods with disgusting, defective and unbalanced sounds. Where instead of realistic shots, you can hear an indistinct fart. Where sounds of falling casings, reloading, clicking of the shutter, and footsteps are louder than the shots. Where some sounds are not compatible or do not match with others, etc.


On 7/21/2020 at 5:05 AM, TheHit_61x said:

Yoo! Tango that rocket launcher replacement is looking pretty nice!. Ive been using supercharge to play wads for quite sometime now and one of my main complaints is the rocket launcher was missing something, It just doesnt feel as powerful or satisfying ( im not talking about damage) to use. Im not sure if its the really small splash explosion or the sound of the gun or maybe the screen not shaking when I fire rockets ( If im using a rocket launcher I want to feel like a bad ass damm it). But overall its a fantastic mod and this new weapon will definately give the launcher that extra power that im talking about ( Maybe just change the firing sound a little). Thanks for the mod its being a blast using it to slay demons.

If you think this is the only one sound drawback then use the patch below.



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oh, another minor thing, actually: even with wads that are ostensibly compatible with Supercharge, there are sometimes small issues with the textures, especially when they're segmented. this is an example from map 19 of Akeldama:



but there are several others. if this is something you have any interest in fixing, i can be on the lookout for them and make a proper list.

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1 hour ago, Doomenator said:

In general I like this mod, but I rate the work with sound as poor.


Thanks to you and similar opinions, modmakers continue to make mods with disgusting, defective and unbalanced sounds. Where instead of realistic shots, you can hear an indistinct fart. Where sounds of falling casings, reloading, clicking of the shutter, and footsteps are louder than the shots. Where some sounds are not compatible or do not match with others, etc.


If you think this is the only one sound drawback then use the patch below.




I agree and also bitched about the sound inconsistency (in volume and bitrate/frequency), but at this point fixing it would be a huge project of its own, and there's only a handful of us freaks with good speakers and sensitive ears, so it's not exactly a priority. I'd volunteer to do it but I'm too lazy

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many thanks everyone for the kind words and warranted criticism - it is all very much appreciated :D


On 7/19/2020 at 9:57 AM, Darnn said:

it totally changed the feeling of the game for me, i can't imagine playing without it at this point.


haha cheers mate, really appreciate it. I've become the same way - playing vanilla has become real tough for me these days for me. can't do without my gibs and smooth weapon sprites!


re: the rev skulls, yeah, you make a good point. the absurdly bouncy skulls are actually one of my favorite things haha, I find that sound so satisfying. but all the same, I understand they're maybe a bit much. I'll play around with tweaking their bounciness or at least adding a toggle to reduce it.

re: the blood decals, they can definitely be an issue yeah :( I can experiment with transparency, but I think last time I tried it, I was very put off by the way it worked. what I really want is for the decals to add a red translation to any pixels beneath them, but it seems that instead, the transparency you can apply to the decals is just plain ol transparency that makes things look "fake." this is on my list to look into though!

re: arachnotron projectiles, this is because the origin of the shots is lower down on the arachnotron body versus vanilla, but there is a menu toggle for "vanilla arachnotron projectile origins" (or something along those lines) in the SC options menu for this.

re: dynamic light torches, I'll take a second look at em. are you referring to the dynamic lights for the vanilla red/blue/green torches? I can't remember if I included light definitions for those specifically in Supercharge or if those just come from the lights.pk3 included with gzdoom...

re: the pistol, that is definitely weird and I appreciate you calling that out. I'll take a look at it!

re: the switch texture oddities, this is because I include some brightmaps for the vanilla switch textures, but many pwads replace the switch textures, so the original brightmaps don't fit the graphics and that leads to the effect you see. I think I'll just have to remove switch brightmaps in the next release.


@TheHit_61x thanks so much mate :D you make a good point about the RL. I don't want a sound that's too powerful given how small the rockets are, but I'd definitely be open to something with a bit more punch, same for the rocket explosions. I'll keep an ear out for good sounds (and thanks @Doomenator for providing that pk3 with extra sounds!).


I do very much appreciate the thoughts on sounds - since Vorpal brought it up last time, it has been on my mind to give them all a second look, but I've not gotten to it yet. sounds are particularly tough for me because it feels like the only viable option for them is just ripping them from other mods/games, which I feel is kind of morally questionable but everyone does it all the same. when it comes to coding and even graphics/sprites to a lesser extent, I feel decently comfortable putting in lots of my own effort to create or tweak things, but sounds are something I'm just completely clueless about making, so I feel a bit helpless. I feel like it would be within the realm of possibility to make some random sounds for things like item pickups or monster grunts, but I don't know that I have the resources to make good gun sounds. ANYWAY I am grateful for everyone's thoughts, and it's something I'll continue working on

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8 hours ago, Tango said:



It's not a problem unique to supercharge, and has almost nobody that notices it, so I really gotta emphasize how much of a "rainy day" priority this should be. It doesnt bother me enough to not use the mod constantly (since your last version, I even binned my little "tweak" pk3 as you addressed some of the stuff like screen shake and added a bunch of excellent new stuff). Also I have zero qualms about ripping from other games/movies.


The more I think about it, the more I think I or one of the detractors should pony up and do it (or attempt to do it)

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@Doomenator Thanks for the RL sound. I actually used it in a full playthrough of syringe and I think im going to use it everytime I load supercharge from now on unless Tango updates the sound.


@Tango Im still pumped about the new RL. Hope I can use it soon.

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Downloaded this months ago when v2.5 dropped and forgot about it, until I picked it blindly to throw together with the Unfamiliar: Martian Fury wad (also blindly picked) for a BitChute video the other night.

Normally, I get profoundly bored by gameplay mods that are more-or-less vanilla weapon swaps, but this is actually a very nice vanilla-replacement mod that's had me constantly coming back to get in some more levels of Unfam_marsfury.wad in between doing other stuff.

Good sound effects (both for weapons and for enemies and their death cues), no weapon-switch animations is a refreshing change, very nice gib effects that pair well with Nashgore. I wish I could comment on the new lighting effects but I've only just started using Dynamic Lighting again after getting GZD 4.4.2 so I'm not in a position to give a good opinion on how well they're implemented.

Also goddamn, the mostly-invisible imps are probably the single most challenging enemy I've had to deal with in most mods because of how their bloody feet blend in with gore from other monsters as they walk around. It's not a cheese tactic or making them bullet sponges, it's actually an interesting tactical problem for once, that's been made more intense by my choice of adding on Nashgore.


If I ever get around to recording and editing my Going_Down.wad 'movie' I wanna do, Supercharge is definitely going to be one of the mods in rotation with TreasureTech, Guncaster, and Trailblazer.

EDIT: Also, I scrolled up a a bit and saw there's a bit of controversy about your choice of sound effects.
Frankly, as someone who grinds through DOOM mods like a butcher makes mince, I don't really care where the sound effects come from, as long as they're:
1) Distinct sounds that I can tell apart (so two different shotguns should make distinct sounds)
2) Appropriate to the things they're for (the SSG doesn't use a pistol sound effect from another game I've played)
3) They serve a gameplay purpose (the clanky noise of shotgunners dying is a great audio cue for the player)

Don't get me wrong, I'm always blown away to see or hear entirely original assets, but good design is the most important thing to a player like me. I remember people kicking up shit about WildWeasel's use of Tekwar sprites in WW Presents: TERRORISTS! and again, to someone like me that's just not really that important compared to is the gameplay good and is everything thematically appropriate for the mod?

Edited by AschTheConjurer

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@Spectre01 haha yes, very soon hopefully. I've got a nice batch of changes for the upcoming version (most notably, new scrap gun sprites, but a lot of small QoL changes too), but I'm waiting for the Mapwich 2 beta to be out before I release the next version. supposedly a private Mapwich 2 playtesting session is going to happen next week and then the beta will be posted, and I hope to post the next version of Supercharge shortly after that happens. if there's no Mapwich 2 beta posted in the next, say, 2 weeks, I'll probably just go ahead and release a new version of Supercharge here because I want yall to enjoy the swanky new scrap gun sprites.


appreciate you prodding though :D


also, a very belated thank you to @AschTheConjurer for your very kind words, and your thoughts on the sounds too! I think I feel similarly to you re: sounds, but it would still ultimately be good for me to clean up the sounds here so things are more consistent. but a task for a later day, I suppose




while I'm here mentioning the new scrap gun, suppose I may as well tease it here too:



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at long last!!! Supercharge v2.6 is here. the OP has been updated with the new download link, as well as updated screenshots and gifs. there have been a lot of changes, mostly cosmetic quality-of-life stuff, but here's a changelog off the top of my head:


  • new Scrap Gun sprites courtesy of Ultra 64! (with some crucial edits by @Aurelius)
  • added a new big HUD customization option; you can now change between the vanilla order of sections (Ammo/Health/Armor) or logical grouping (Health/Armor/Ammo)
  • Shotgun reload speed buffed slightly
  • Soulspheres and Megaspheres will no longer be picked up if the player is at 100hp or 200hp/200armor respectively. both powerups no longer count toward map item percentage accordingly
  • fixed the BFG refire speed to match vanilla (it was 6 frames too slow in previous versions)
  • changed the Ultra-Randomized difficulty slightly
    • Diabolists spawned via randomized spawns (in place of Draugrs) will no longer resurrect
    • Berserks now also contain the Scrap Gun with some ammo
    • Cyberdemons and Masterminds now drop the Scrap Gun with some ammo
    • I want this mode to be better in the future, so any suggestions for better randomization would be much appreciated
  • added a brief green flash when picking up the Soulsphere
  • changed the berserk 20-second red pickup screen to be a brief red flash (but you can toggle between the two in the menu if you so choose)
  • added vertical, self-correcting weapon recoil to all weapons for more oomph. just like screenshake, you can turn this off in the menu
  • slightly reduced the bounciness of the Draugr skull, but I might reduce it more in the future since this nerf was pretty minor
  • added editor numbers for the Chaingun and Assault Rifle, as well as for Chaingunners that specifically drop either the Chaingun or Assault rifle, for mappers that want to bypass the Chaingun/AR menu option selection


I apologize for taking ages with this update, but hopefully subsequent updates will go back to a slightly more regular cadence. in upcoming versions, be on the lookout for new AR sprites, maybe an additional new weapon 👀 I also plan to address the various issues that have been pointed out with the latest version (dynamic light weirdness and that sort of thing).


I owe a great many thanks to Aurelius, @RonnieJamesDiner, @Bridgeburner56 and the other denizens of his Discord server for all of their valuable feedback and ideas!

Edited by Tango

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Great work!


Disabling weapon screen shake seems to be broken, though. Works fine in 2.5, but in 2.6 the screen shakes no matter if you have set it to on or off.

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gods damn it. thanks for the report boris! I'm heading to bed now but I'll patch that and update in the morning

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thanks Sapfiar :D


@boris I took a look into it but wasn't able to replicate the screenshake always being on. is the new weapon recoil also on and moving the screen causing it to look like it was shaking?

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3 minutes ago, Tango said:


@boris I took a look into it but wasn't able to replicate the screenshake always being on. is the new weapon recoil also on and moving the screen causing it to look like it was shaking?


Yeah, it was the recoil. Sorry for the confusion.

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haha no worries, the change was hidden halfway down the changelog, so it wasn't advertised too clearly

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On vendredi 24 juillet 2020 at 7:53 AM, Tango said:

re: the switch texture oddities, this is because I include some brightmaps for the vanilla switch textures, but many pwads replace the switch textures, so the original brightmaps don't fit the graphics and that leads to the effect you see. I think I'll just have to remove switch brightmaps in the next release.

There's an "iwad" keyword you can put in brightmap definitions that disable the brightmap automatically if the graphic is modified.


(There's also "thiswad" which has the same effect for graphics that are not loaded from the archive containing the brightmap.)

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Oh man, i LOVE the reduced spread on the scrapgun now, and the less sparkly shots seem like they make it feel more punchy. I'm about 10x more excited to use it in the map i'm working on, now :)

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@MattFright haha you are not the first person to say that but, the spread is actually unchanged :D when I first put the new sprites in and coded everything, I was really surprised how much the pointed tip of the gun just made things feel more accurate, but the spread is the same as it's been since at least v2.2. really glad to hear it though, I feel the same. I went from wishing I had just never created the scrap gun to being stoked to use it more. Ultra 64 did such a fantastic job with the sprites

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