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Doom 64 Doomguy appearance (?)

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I'm not familiar with Doom 64, I know that this model is used for "Former Human", but does it double as Doomguy or not? 

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TBQH I never noticed how Doomguy looks in Doom 64, however the Marine bots are supposed to use the same sprites:




No face on those, so it's hard to tell.


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Maybe there's like renders of him or something I'm not familiar with. Recently there was a post about zig-zag hairstyle and former human (?) as the example of Doomguy.


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I think they changed it with Doom II so marine appeared more radical and keep it up, till 90's died.

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That's the latex model that Gregor Punchatz made for Doom 64's Doomguy, and it was reused for the Zombieman and Shotgun Guy since that's what Adrian did for Doom as well.


Gregor also posted this photo of the helmeted Doom 64 Doomguy head:


Edited by Revenant100

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