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Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom - Episode 4 (Out Now)

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1 hour ago, QuakedoomNukem Cz said:

Not possible rn, due to some of the assets from Doom 2 being used, primarily in the super secret level in Episode 1 and the nod in the second to last level in Episode 4 as examples. The former is a much bigger problem to deal with, as actual Doom 2 enemies are also being used and just replacing all Doom assets with Freedoom ones is not something I'd feel comfortable about doing, even if they might allow it to an extent.

I see. Then we would devolve into the realm that loading it with FreeDoom would make it semi-standalone since then FreeDoom's beastiary is used.


I do wonder, what is primarily used in the super secret level?


Just saying, this legitimately looks like a fangame, a real Jackrabbit 3D of some sorts. Especially with EP5 almost finished, it would be a shame if this has to rely on the IWAD - Its that good.

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Here's some of the stuff causing problem, it straight up requires new textures and in case of the Doom bestiary used, new sprites (maybe slightly altered behaviors so they aren't 1:1, but I digress).

Bez názvu.png

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Hey, do you have a fix for this bug:


Whenever I try to load Episode 4 I get:

Script error, "UJJD EP4.pk3:mapinfo.txt" line 16:
Expected '=' but got '{'instead.

Its weird because even episode 3 doesn't work anymore. IT used to though. I have no idea what happened.



Are there special parameters, to launch Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom?

I use lzdoom  3.88 and I am running a flavor of linux, aur is available to me also.


Anywho, just curious.


I try lzdoom then the file and it fails Or lzdoom and it doesn't load jazzdoom or even show it on the list.


Help needed


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On 7/9/2024 at 1:17 AM, UserPlayer89 said:

I haven't gotten that far into Episode 1 yet but I have been following developement from the wayside and let me just say this is probably one of the most impressive GZDoom based total conversion mods directly based on another game I've seen period besides maybe Hocusdoom. absolutely mind numbing amounts of maps stuffed with tons of made from nearly the ground up assets to create as faithful of a Jazz experience within the framework of Doom's general design as possible. ending the mod off with a Holiday Hare episode of it's own like the other games is also really appropriate

Love this feedback. This definitely made my day, including the rest of Team Hell Hare! 🙏


After releasing the first download, definitely made me want to redesign. @RichardDS90, not only a developer but also a friend to give credit to rework and adding on what you experience throughout the mod.


I know the 13 year old version of me who came up with the idea would be proud, for sure.


But yes, close to finishing with episode 5. More is underway. 😉 

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On 7/10/2024 at 3:09 AM, Redneckerz said:

@BassSlapper89 please make this standalone. It deserves its own merit.

Definitely up in the clouds. This is has been mentioned before and definitely like the idea.

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On 7/10/2024 at 3:14 AM, UserPlayer89 said:

very interesting, jj3 seemed like a very different beast being somewhere between a third person shooter, platformer and a non linear adventure game though

Completely understandable. Pushing the envelope and brainstorming will be involved a lot more, for sure, once we get the ball rolling.

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, zapdust said:

Hey, do you have a fix for this bug:


Whenever I try to load Episode 4 I get:

Script error, "UJJD EP4.pk3:mapinfo.txt" line 16:
Expected '=' but got '{'instead.

Its weird because even episode 3 doesn't work anymore. IT used to though. I have no idea what happened.



Are there special parameters, to launch Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom?

I use lzdoom  3.88 and I am running a flavor of linux, aur is available to me also.


Anywho, just curious.


I try lzdoom then the file and it fails Or lzdoom and it doesn't load jazzdoom or even show it on the list.


Help needed


I, personally, haven't tested the mod in Lzdoom for awhile. This is more GZDoom oriented, due to the features.


GZDoom version 4.8.0 at minimum is recommended.


I believe @QuakedoomNukem Czhas more details.

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, BassSlapper89 said:

I, personally, haven't tested the mod in Lzdoom for awhile. This is more GZDoom oriented, due to the features.


GZDoom version 4.8.0 at minimum is recommended.


I believe @QuakedoomNukem Czhas more details.

I see... would it be possible if you could make it work on lzdoom's latest version?


lzdoom has much less requirements and for this reason I would love to be able to use it. I don't have a great need for the newer dependencies you see.


Although, I don't know how many episodes you plan to make So it would probably make more sense to do it once you've made them all. Possibly.


Assuming you are willing. I am not sure one way or another. I just read your moddb page and it says it worked in lzdoom 3.85.


PS, yeah it does work in gzdoom. I like to use lzdoom more though due to less resources, etc... though.

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6 hours ago, zapdust said:

I see... would it be possible if you could make it work on lzdoom's latest version?


lzdoom has much less requirements and for this reason I would love to be able to use it. I don't have a great need for the newer dependencies you see.


Although, I don't know how many episodes you plan to make So it would probably make more sense to do it once you've made them all. Possibly.


Assuming you are willing. I am not sure one way or another. I just read your moddb page and it says it worked in lzdoom 3.85.


PS, yeah it does work in gzdoom. I like to use lzdoom more though due to less resources, etc... though.

Not exactly possible, as some of the stuff also relies on ZScript (granted, it's ZSC 4.7.1, but that's so it doesn't cause regressions on newer versions, which knowing how GZDoom is sometimes will most likely happen on latest versions either way).

As for that "bug" you people have been experiencing, it's very simple: Each of the episodes, 3D Bonus Stages and E4SL2 are using separate Mapinfo files, because navigating the full mapinfo file was an absolute mess, so it all got split into different text files (and in case of E4SL2 to allow HUB structure and not have the Episode 4 end text showing up when entering it with NoClusterText for E4SL1 + HUB structure doesn't exactly work on a per-map basis or work when maps are under the same numbered cluster).

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, QuakedoomNukem Cz said:

Not exactly possible, as some of the stuff also relies on ZScript (granted, it's ZSC 4.7.1, but that's so it doesn't cause regressions on newer versions, which knowing how GZDoom is sometimes will most likely happen on latest versions either way).

As for that "bug" you people have been experiencing, it's very simple: Each of the episodes, 3D Bonus Stages and E4SL2 are using separate Mapinfo files, because navigating the full mapinfo file was an absolute mess, so it all got split into different text files (and in case of E4SL2 to allow HUB structure and not have the Episode 4 end text showing up when entering it with NoClusterText for E4SL1 + HUB structure doesn't exactly work on a per-map basis or work when maps are under the same numbered cluster).

So if I were to report this bug, how would I do it? on lzdoom git or w/e


What would you recommend?

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Hello, I just finished playing all four episodes currently available. It was lot of fun, so thanks for making this.


I wanted to report a few bugs or glitches I experienced (playing on g4.12.2):

  • E1 - Medivo: The first time I fought the boss, I couldn't finish the battle. I think the boss failed to enter its second phase (drill). I can't reproduce the bug now, but I think I was using the frostbiter. I remember I froze it and whatever needed to happen wasn't triggered for some reason.
  • E2 - Marbelara: I couldn't trigger the bars that lead to the exit.
  • E2 - Carrotopolis: In the boss fight room at the end, if you approach the large windows, you can jump and see the repeating sky texture.
  • E3 - Dreamland: Early on, there is a large open area. After you leave this area through a door, you run into two blue waterfalls inside a cave system. However, their waterfall sounds are missing. Conversely, the purple waterfall does emit sound.
  • E4 - Labrat: Early on, there is a conveyor belt you can enter by crawling. At the end of it is a bounce pad. There is a missing wall texture in the vertical shaft you're propelled through when jumping on the pad.
  • E4 - Chelonia IV: If you stand under the brick lifts held by chains for too long when they're going down, they become "flattened".
  • E4 - Jazzy Elements: After picking up each element and returning to the hub, the respective door would not open. I would need to reenter a sub-level and go back to the hub for a second time to get the door to open.

A few possible areas of improvement:

  • E1 - Chameleon Planet: There is a green star that needs to be shot to open the hidden chamber with the secret exit sign. Perhaps this star could change color or somehow indicate it's been hit? I remember I wasn't sure if I was hitting it successfully.
  • E2 - Dreempipes: Underwater, after the pipe maze with yellow-purple walls, you're supposed to surface into an area surrounded by grates. I'm not sure about this one, but I remember I couldn't get the water level to rise enough to climb out of the water. I don't know if I missed a switch or something.
  • E4 - Labrat: Late in the level, it's somewhat easy to miss the ventilation shaft you need to enter in order to open a door.
  • E4 - Haunted House: I'm not sure about this, but is there a way to reach the highest gems in the hedge maze? I couldn't reach all of them, only those that were near something I could stand on to jump higher.
  • Using the toaster while standing on or near water creates a bunch of very loud, repeating sounds. I think it's the multiple particles hitting the water.
  • When approaching the signs placed on the levels, perhaps the displayed text could be placed inside a rectangle, for easier readability. The same goes for the text messages that appear sometimes (like the references to sewers, or the conversations with the bosses).
  • Perhaps a few more Turbo Time sequences would be fun, even if they just consisted of running in a straight line.
  • Similarly, perhaps some more use of the wall mechanic present in Castle Dungeon would be nice.
  • I'd consider replacing the sound that is heard when escaping out of the quicksave, quickload, end game and quit prompts, since those prompts still use the original Doom sound.
That's it. Once again, very cool project, and looking forward to whatever you come up with next.

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On 8/4/2024 at 3:23 AM, mattjoes said:

I wanted to report a few bugs or glitches I experienced (playing on g4.12.2) and few areas of improvement


Bunch of these mentioned have been fixed in the git repo, you'll just have to wait for E5 to release with those.


Certain enemies (mostly bosses) now have +NOICEDEATH flags to avoid these issues like breaking the transitions between phases on multi-phased bosses.

Marbelara's script for lowering the bars only had one enemy tagged, which showed up only on higher difficulties. It now works with all 5 enemies in that last area on any difficulty.

Saurian General's arena windows are impassable now.

The waterfall sounds is a very minor thing, I'm sure there are some spots in other maps that don't have ambient audio, but for your sake, they have sounds now.

The Labrat missing vent texture's been fixed, I only noticed it after you pointed it out. The shaft now has two blue gems to indicate it's there.

The hedgemaze gems have been lowered, so they can actually be collected now.

The script checking (or rather, the area of effect) for the Elemental Gems being collected in the hub has been improved.

Shooting the star block in Chameleon Planet now makes a sound to indicate it did something.

The toaster doesn't cause "splash spam" anymore on both the original and upgraded variant.

Those Doom menu sounds are not present anymore.


I have no idea how you managed to go through that Dreempipes part without raising the water. What on earth did you do?

Not sure how we would do the small rectangle on text for readability without relying on constantly calling a font "texture" with semi-transparency.

The other two points are something for Alan, as I myself agree Turbo Time and especially the climbing went completely underused.


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Life gets in a way. Just be patient, there's a reason why most of the trailers I've made were done when there was a new release out.

There will be a short period of playtesting to ensure no massive bugs get through once Burrowsville and the last 3D Bonus are finished.

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Posted (edited)
On 8/5/2024 at 2:26 PM, QuakedoomNukem Cz said:

Bunch of these mentioned have been fixed in the git repo, you'll just have to wait for E5 to release with those.


Certain enemies (mostly bosses) now have +NOICEDEATH flags to avoid these issues like breaking the transitions between phases on multi-phased bosses.

Marbelara's script for lowering the bars only had one enemy tagged, which showed up only on higher difficulties. It now works with all 5 enemies in that last area on any difficulty.

Saurian General's arena windows are impassable now.

The waterfall sounds is a very minor thing, I'm sure there are some spots in other maps that don't have ambient audio, but for your sake, they have sounds now.

The Labrat missing vent texture's been fixed, I only noticed it after you pointed it out. The shaft now has two blue gems to indicate it's there.

The hedgemaze gems have been lowered, so they can actually be collected now.

The script checking (or rather, the area of effect) for the Elemental Gems being collected in the hub has been improved.

Shooting the star block in Chameleon Planet now makes a sound to indicate it did something.

The toaster doesn't cause "splash spam" anymore on both the original and upgraded variant.

Those Doom menu sounds are not present anymore.


I have no idea how you managed to go through that Dreempipes part without raising the water. What on earth did you do?

Not sure how we would do the small rectangle on text for readability without relying on constantly calling a font "texture" with semi-transparency.

The other two points are something for Alan, as I myself agree Turbo Time and especially the climbing went completely underused.




About Dreempipes, I honestly don't know.


And about Carrotopolis, to clarify, I didn't mean to say you can cross the windows, but rather that if you get close and jump while standing, you can get a glimpse of the skybox and see it repeating. Turns out you can even see this without jumping:


Here's the room:





And this is what happens when you get close to the windows:





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On 8/5/2024 at 1:47 PM, Protagonist Corvus said:

Any date when episode 5 could be? BassSlapper said by the end of the month, which was now and still nothing.

My apologies on the delay. Work got hectic and short-staffed which has held me back from working on the mod...

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There's a fifth episode in the works?




And I thought this mod couldn't get any better.

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