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What Do You Think Of Wolfenstein 2009 And The New Order?

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2 hours ago, PsychEyeball said:

Sadly missed out on Wolfenstein 2009 so I never knew what the fuss what about and it's no longer possible to buy. But in those cases, abandonware do save the day...

Eh, do not sweat it. While I enjoyed it much more than Return To Castle Wolfenstein, I still would not call it an underrated classic.


Like every Raven Software game, it is good, but not great: it mostly plays like a Call of Duty clone with some paranormal elements here and there. At the end of the day, The New Order is a much better, more memorable game.

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Can't stand the new games with their unsatisfying weightless combat and their cringeworthy protagonist that talks like Batman on a Z-Bar, with Z-Bar dialogue to match. The Inglorious Bastards ripoff scene in TNC is a prime example of shitty writing in video games. Ripping off Tarantino is some 8th grader shit.

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Posted (edited)

I played Wolfenstein '09. It's an okay game, I guess. Not a masterpiece, but not terrible either. New Order, on the other hand, it's pretty good. In fact, I'm in the middle of playing it. Yeah, I consider them both to be Wolfenstein. Also, I chuckled in Wolfenstein '09 at the fact that the Nazis in the game refer to themselves as Nazis. They would never call themselves like that IRL (that term was used exclusively by the Allies during WW2), they prefer to be called Germans or the Reich.

Edited by Panzermann11

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7 hours ago, Panzermann11 said:

I played Wolfenstein '09. It's an okay game, I guess. Not a masterpiece, but not terrible either. New Order, on the other hand, it's pretty good. In fact, I'm in the middle of playing it. Yeah, I consider them both to be Wolfenstein. Also, I chuckled in Wolfenstein '09 at the fact that the Nazis in the game refer to themselves as Nazis. They would never call themselves like that IRL, they prefer to be called Germans or the Reich.

Played Wolfenstein 2009 till the last level boss and then quitted it because its just a grindfest.


And after having dealt with Endless Hub Traversals with enemies simply respawn i was like no thanks. The hub mechanic is a interesting idea, but in-game its just a teleporter for nazi scum. Especially when you have to do a lot of back and forth between hubs, this stuff is just plain bad.


I am surprised nobody at the development team thought that wasn't a fun thing to do.


Game still looks great though.

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I thought the New Order was good, Colossus had... issues. The writing went off the rails and got in the way of the gameplay. And the beheading scene was just ridiculous. I am all for suspension of disbelief, I play games and watch stuff to have fun, but that was just a bridge too far. But my favourite of the new games was actually the Old Blood. It felt more like RTCW in a lot of ways, solid action and good storytelling that didn't get in the game's way. Have never played Wolfenstein 2009.

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14 hours ago, Panzermann11 said:

I chuckled in Wolfenstein '09 at the fact that the Nazis in the game refer to themselves as Nazis. They would never call themselves like that IRL, they prefer to be called Germans or the Reich.

lol even 30's/40's nazis don't want to be called nazis

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Captain red pants said:

lol even 30's/40's nazis don't want to be called nazis

Yeah, I should've mentioned that term was exclusively used by the Western Allies during WW2.

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