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An Attempt at a Comprehensive Doom1 Episode 1 Replacements List

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Doom E1 Episodes are my favourite. I have made a list of all of the E1 Episodes I know of. I am looking for more to play - does any member here know of any that I have missed? I am essentially looking for any Doom1 E1 Episode replacement - this list only includes episodes with 8/9 levels, as anything lower in my opinion isn't a 'full' replacement. I know there have been similar threads in the past, (people looking for recommendations) but I haven't found anything that attempts to list all E1 replacements. It is very difficult to find JUST episode replacements on /idgames. That's part of my reasoning for making this thread - so that people can look up an overall list, and not have to go needle-and-haystacking themselves.


I'm sure I'm missing quite a few, so any help from the more experienced members of the community would be great. Also, this is my first thread - so if I've formatted anything incorrectly - please do let me know. Thanks!


20 Years of Doom
900 Deep in the Dead

2001 - a Doom Odyssey - Episode 1 Demo Release
Absolutely Killed
A New Nightmare
Akce Korian
All For One
All or None
Alpha Accident


Ash Cave
Back to 1994

Base Ganymede - Episode 1
Beta Labs
Beta Labs 2
Blood of the Damned
Boom v2.3 [NOT sourceport]
Bury My Heart Knee-Deep
Cannonball's Speedy Episode 1
Castle Phobos
CH Retro Episode

CH Retro Episode [retrpgl.wad version]

Classic Episode 2 - Singularity Complex
Combat 2

Come Out Fighting
Danne's E1
Dawn of the Dead
Deadly Standards
Death is Just the Beginning
Debut Episode
Deem - Episode 1
Distorted Memories

Doom: Awesome, Episode 1
Doom - Perdition
DooM Redemption

Doom: The Phobos Incursion

Doom the Way id Did - The Lost Episodes

Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #7
Door to Hell
Double Impact

E1 [by Silver Fox]
E1 Contest
Elf Gets Pissed
EpiBest 1
Episode X

Fallen Kingdom
The Far Side of Phobos
Fava Beans

Favillesco - Episode 1
Fernito's Phobos Base
For the Love of Doom
Frag Zones [ae_fze.wad]

Gamarra's Story - Part X - "Final Show"
Goetia 1
Grim Sense of Humor

Hell on Phil - Phantom Phobos [phanphob.wad]
Illicit Engineering
Industrial Techware Doom
In the Mess Of It

Invasion of the Damned
John's Little Dream World for Doom 1

Just Kill Me Now

Kentz Labyrinth 1

Knee-Deep in the Dead
Knee-Deep in the DEU
Knee-Deep in the UnDead

Knee-Deep in ZDOOM

Knee-Deep in Knee-Deep in ZDoom
Last Hope Of The UAC

Laura Beyer's Doom

The Lost Worlds

Maps from Memory
Mercenaries Demo

Mission: Techbase

Needs More Detail [E1 Release]
No Hope For Life Epsiode 1: Back To the Fight
No Sleep for the Dead

Nine Rings of Hell
Nuke Mine

Obsidian Fortress

Outbreak of Evil

Phantom Phobos
Phobos - Anomaly Reborn
Phobos Massacre
Phobos Revisited

Phobos - The Doomed Moon

Planet Phobos

Return to Hadron - E1
Return to Phobos

Shotgun Symphony

Simply Phobos [2010 Revised version]

Simply Phobos [2004 Original version]
Small Doom1 E1 Episode

Soaked in Blood
Sons of Ares
Special Operation Force
The 5th Project of DOOM

The Apocalypse Project

The Descent of Evil

The Infiltrator

The Madness of Mergatroid

The Phobos Directive
Train Station: Episode 1
UnDeath '94

Unfamiliar - Episode 1



Way Out and Still Doomed



PS - These episode replacements do not have to necessarily embody the aesthetics / theme of KDitD - they just simply have to occupy map slots 'E1M1-E1M8/E1M1-E1M9'. I am also not necessarily looking for WADs of 'quality' - I am just looking for as many suggestions of E1's as possible. :)


LAST UPDATED: 2023-08-02

Edited by Arrowhead

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3 minutes ago, Diabolución said:



As a mere historical curiosity: 2001-e1.wad




This is exactly the type of thing I'm looking for. Edited to reflect your additions.

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i love single episode replacements, and i love to create custom megawads with them.

This is a comprensive list of stand alone episodes.

It may be a little outdated, but surelly there are some intersting things to look up.



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1 hour ago, P41R47 said:

This is a comprensive list of stand alone episodes.

This is very helpful, thank you. I think I have all the E1's listed in that thread, but there are definitely some episode 2, 3 and 4 stuff I've never seen before.


Edit: Just added -

Maps from Memory
Phantom Phobos
E1 [by Silver Fox]
The Madness of Mergatroid
The Phobos Directive
Unfamiliar - Episode 1
Just Kill Me Now

Edited by Arrowhead12

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2 hours ago, punch you in the face man said:

Thanks! I wasn't aware that the first episode was ever released separately. I will add it now!


Edit: Just added -

Kentz Labyrinth 1

Knee-Deep in ZDOOM

Gamarra's Story - Part X - "Final Show"

Obsidian Fortress

Edited by Arrowhead12

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Added -

Way Out and Still Doomed


The Infiltrator

Hell on Phil - Phantom Phobos [phanphob.wad]

Planet Phobos

Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #7



Edit: Added-

Come Out Fighting

Phobos the Doomed Moon


Edited by Arrowhead12

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Added -



Edit: Added-

Fallen Kingdom

Laura Beyer's Doom



EDIT 5/6/21



Mission: Techbase


EDIT 7/31/21



Soaked in Blood

Edited by Arrowhead

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23 minutes ago, PSXDoomer said:

Here is an old school episode 1 replacement from 1994, it's one of my favourites. It's a little rough around the edges, typical of that era, but it's really fun to play and there is lot of exploration to be had. Check it out!


The Apocalypse Project (APOCALYP.WAD)


  Reveal hidden contents












Very cool - thanks for the screenshots, too. Looks interesting! Yet another one that I was unaware of. I've added it to the master list now. Thanks! :)


It really makes me wonder how many 1994 WADs we're still missing. It was arguably the most popular time to make an E1 replacement, so I reckon there are tons out there lost to time. Gonna likely give this one a playthrough tonight!

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 Let me chime in here about the history of dminator.wad and why it is what it is.  Shuffle back more than 20 years ago where a friend and I were playing doom2 cooperatively, but the stock maps were not providing much of a challenge.  One of the first editors (deu?) allowed me to edit the existing maps, but I couldn't change physical structure (without breaking stuff) because the editor didn't rebuild the BSP.  All I could do was add more monsters, ammo and change some sector heights/lighting.  When a BSP rebuilder was available, I just started experimenting with the original maps and adding little bits here and there.  Yeah, it was wrong to change the original maps, but what's done is done.  Originally it was just for my friend and I to play co-op, but I must have uploaded it to a BBS at some point.  Before the internet was mainstream.


 Eventually I even created a few original maps to add into the mix.  Tonight I dusted off the wad file and went through the levels one by one, trying to fix things that were broken or didn't make sense.  There was too much back and forth which I've greatly reduced.   If the odd texture doesn't line up, I don't really care.  


 Here's a picture of Map21 which is completely original and I put a lot of effort into.  Even with co-op, this map by itself takes a long time to finish.


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 No 'randomizer' was ever used.  All ammo, monsters and everything else was done manually.  We'd play through it and I would fix some things or make it harder where needed.  I really made an effort to balance ammunition, health and (of course) monsters as best I could so that it would be challenging for 2 people, but not a cakewalk either.    


 I'm not sure what versions are hosted where, but about 15 years (?) ago I gave an updated copy to some guys and they may have posted it online.  I do see a few videos for the wad, but some of those versions are very old and outdated.  


 Some people liked it, others hated it.  C'est la vie! :)






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12 hours ago, RobG66 said:

Some people liked it, others hated it.  C'est la vie! :)

I really appreciate you taking the time to shed some more information on a lesser known WAD! Always interesting to hear the ins and outs of early WAD editing!


I can't evens imagine what it would be like to use an editor like DEU! I love my modern 'visual mode' too much.


Thanks for giving us some back story on this WAD, I actually haven't played it yet, but now I'm probably going to give it a go this weekend! :)



Added 'The Descent of Evil' to the master list.


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DEU wasn't bad.  I find it actually had some functionality which even some current editors don't seem to have (splitting sectors, mergine linedefs etc).  I have had a lot of difficulty using doombuilder and slade where the mouse just doesn't drag things correctly and I keep getting the context menu popping up instead.  It's VERY annoying! 


 13, 14, 15 and 16 are now cleaned up A LOT.  14 was a headache to fix...  17 is in a good state so it won't take much work.  Then on to the others.


 If it's still not hard enough, add in complex doom or brutal doom as well. 



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Added Arrokoth.


It's been a while since I've updated this - if there's been any new E1 replacements in the last two years, please let me know in this thread, and I'll update it.



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1 hour ago, Arrowhead said:

 - if there's been any new E1 replacements in the last two years, please let me know in this thread, and I'll update it.



This one?



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21 minutes ago, Chris Hansen said:

This one?

Added NostalDoom.


Thanks! Wasn't aware of this one yet.



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