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What if Classic DOOM gets forgotten..?

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It'd be a bit hard for nuDOOM to outshine classic DOOM when nuDOOM has a ton of Easter eggs and references to classic titles. Hell, you can even play DOOM and DOOM 2 (rather janky ports tbh) on Eternal.

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As long as I'm alive, I'll remember Doom. And once I'm dead, I'll probably be too busy floating around blissfully in the ether to care.

Nihilism FTW.

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Classic Doom will never die !! Seriously, it won't. The game is almost 30 years old and people are still playing it today, people are still developing for it today. Which other game can say the same and I know of certain games which are no longer available through legit means (Steam, GOG) and/or have an active playerbase and modding community for it.


Take a look at the first Elite Force. That game was released in 2000, made use of a more advanced game engine (idtech3, Team Arena variant) and used to have a large playerbase and modding community. Nowadays: let's just say that there is more life in a dodo then in the game itself, so I do say that the game is still very much alive . . .

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33 minutes ago, Bauul said:


That's not really accurate at all. In no way has the original Tomb Raider game been "forgotten". Hell, for the recent Fortnite Lara Croft skin (which is a good litmus test for whatever is culturally popular right now) it famously includes a classic Lara look from the first game. I think you have a incorrect assumption for what "forgotten" means.


Classic Doom, on the other hand, will outlive everything. In 15 years I guarantee Doom and Doom 2 will have more players than either Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal, same as they have more players than Doom 3 does now.


Yes, there's a skin, but the actual gameplay style has been discarded entirely in the modern games, a classic skin doesn't really change that an adventure game series is now a stock standard TPS.

It's like if Doom 2016 or Doom 3 had a Doom Guy from 1 skin, sure it's "classic" but the actual game is still different.



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1 hour ago, Redneckerz said:

Classic TR is not as extensible as Doom. Unless there are multiple source ports of TR i am not remembering.

Also, Classic Tomb Raider is nowhere near as fun to play as Classic Doom: the controls are so stiff and awkward, the level design is oftentimes frustrating, the combat is just bad and like most early 3D platformers, you constantly have to worry about the camera. Even playing through the supposedly superior Tomb Raider: Anniversary remake was an absolutely rage-inducing experience for me.


In comparison, the only thing that I would argue has not aged well at all in Vanilla Doom is the need to rely on the autoaim to shoot at enemies that are below or above your level; the controls themselves - especially with a keyboard and a mouse - are simply perfect.

Edited by Rudolph

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9 hours ago, Nevander said:

This topic has been brought up at least two other times and the answer then still applies now. Classic Doom isn't going anywhere. Neither are we. It will never be forgotten.

Everything gets forgotten on a long enough timeline.

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10 hours ago, roadworx said:

classic doom has far more replay value, so i highly doubt it


if anything, the classic doom community will grow as more nudoom games release


Case in point: I started playing Doom 1 & 2 (and found out about Doomworld) mostly due to my being interested in Doom 2016 & Eternal.


To @SlayerOGames666: If Classic Doom goes away, then that happens. But it's been going on for nearly 30 years, and shows no sign of stopping. 

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1 hour ago, Cynical said:

Everything gets forgotten on a long enough timeline.

You are quite correct.


But the US Library of Congress is doing its part to stem the tide, including for DooM.

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Maybe this would have been a more hot topic 5 or 10 years ago, but with the way Doom's popularity has increased with the release of Doom 2016 and Eternal Doom, the rise of Youtubers streaming old games, and Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 are available on Steam and GOG (and they will sometimes go on sale making their prices much cheaper). The modern Unity ports being available on the modern consoles, and of course, the classic Doom community is still alive and kicking after all of these years, with constant wads and megawads and other projects being worked on by fans around the world, I think it's safe to say that Classic Doom will be around for a long time.

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4 hours ago, Samz707 said:


Yes, there's a skin, but the actual gameplay style has been discarded entirely in the modern games, a classic skin doesn't really change that an adventure game series is now a stock standard TPS.

It's like if Doom 2016 or Doom 3 had a Doom Guy from 1 skin, sure it's "classic" but the actual game is still different.




Having the new games use a different style of gameplay does not mean the original games have been "forgotten". You're making a different point. They don't make films like Lawrence of Arabia any more but that doesn't mean the movie has been "forgotten".


In the example of Doom, that's not even the case anyway as there are a whole host of recent releases (the so called, and I do strongly dislike the term, Boomer Shooters) that are very close in terms of gameplay to the original Doom and its contemporaries.

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I think it will be preserved in the pantheon of humanity's favorite games along side chess, poker, soccer, etc

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13 hours ago, SlayerOGames666 said:

Think about it: in the future, with the buildup of the nuDoom games, people may forget that Classic DOOM exists, and the thing we may be remembered for is shipping characters because they release on the same date as the next doom game...

Oh god, if Doomworld gets forgotten and everyone remembers the community to be r/DOOM...

In five billion years when the Sun begins it's helium-burning process and transforms into a red giant and swallows up the Earth in it's infernal death throes, copies of Doom will be floating somewhere out there in space contained within a protective container riding on humanity's last space probe, perhaps entering the Large Magellanic Cloud, maybe even get intercepted by an indigenous space faring species in that galaxy. And they too will know the joy and wonder Doom.

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Doom's legacy is forever sealed, and even if people one day stop playing or modding Doom in the (frankly impressive) numbers they do now, people will always talk about it and the influence it had for as long as there are FPS games.  And the nuDoom games, decades on, will just be a footnote to that legacy, however good they may be.  If the Doom fandom gets conquered by Redditors it won't be because the original game has been forgotten.

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1 hour ago, Bauul said:


Having the new games use a different style of gameplay does not mean the original games have been "forgotten". You're making a different point. They don't make films like Lawrence of Arabia any more but that doesn't mean the movie has been "forgotten".


Nah they have, people tend to shit-talk the older TR games, how Lara was just a sex-doll and other misinformation that shows alot of the newer audience don't care about the new games and just repeat stuff they've heard that's really wrong.


Even then, I'd like to see a proper non-indie take on Classic Doom's style of gameplay, with mazes, resource management and other elements that 2016 basically abandons almost entirely.

Edited by Samz707

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It's really weird to see posts like this considering how big Doom was when it released. Like it's decades old, with strong modding community and huge loads of community wads, and people have thoughts like these? (no offense)

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1 hour ago, Samz707 said:

Nah they have, people tend to shit-talk the older TR games, how Lara was just a sex-doll and other misinformation that shows alot of the newer audience don't care about the new games and just repeat stuff they've heard that's really wrong.

wat? so? just because people point out its flaws doesn't mean that its been "forgotten"


and also, trying to compare the tomb raider series to the doom series is just...strange, tbh. the two franchises are in two completely different situations for a variety of reasons; to say that the state of one is prophetic of the state of another in this case is wildly incorrect

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4 hours ago, PSXDoomer said:

Large Magellanic Cloud

"Phobos" or "Deimos" would probably be more appropriate, no?


Although you did say: ".... when the Sun begins it's helium-burning process and transforms into a red giant and swallows up the Earth ..." At that point the helium-burning would likely have started enveloping Mars and its moons too. So, Large Magellanic Cloud sounds about right.

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When I first started really mingling with the Doom community, I remember people saying “Doom is dying” and I was worried that I was too young and simply arrived too late to catch the bus.. Two decades of Dooming, deathmatching and mapping later, I’m still hearing people say it.


The last 5 years have marked some of the biggest overall Classic Doom popularity growth I’ve seen - I’m sure a lot of it is down to the new Dooms introducing many new players, but there’s also been a much higher overall number of things like YT channels centered around Doom, numerous articles about Doom mods and Doom running on obscure hardware, and just general mainstream coverage and attention.


The hype will die down over the years again I’m sure, but I’ve seen at least 3 distinct “boom and bust” cycles with Doom’s popularity so far, so until life and human society as we know it changes fundamentally, it will always be seen as a cultural cornerstone.

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2 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

arrived too late to catch the bus


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4 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

cultural cornerstone

Amen. F*ckin' Amen.

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6 hours ago, SlayerOGames666 said:

To everyone's high hopes for this banger of 2 games;

What does this mean exactly? (Not asking in a snarky way, I genuinely don’t understand it)

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13 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

When I first started really mingling with the Doom community, I remember people saying “Doom is dying” and I was worried that I was too young and simply arrived too late to catch the bus.. Two decades of Dooming, deathmatching and mapping later, I’m still hearing people say it.


The last 5 years have marked some of the biggest overall Classic Doom popularity growth I’ve seen - I’m sure a lot of it is down to the new Dooms introducing many new players, but there’s also been a much higher overall number of things like YT channels centered around Doom, numerous articles about Doom mods and Doom running on obscure hardware, and just general mainstream coverage and attention.


The hype will die down over the years again I’m sure, but I’ve seen at least 3 distinct “boom and bust” cycles with Doom’s popularity so far, so until life and human society as we know it changes fundamentally, it will always be seen as a cultural cornerstone.

We all know that Doom died when Quake came out. It was already on the run from Rise of the Triad at that point.


Kidding aside, the community, and the ease of modification is what kept Doom alive. I don't see it dying anytime soon. It's been around for almost thirty years, and it's still going strong. There are still new wads and mods coming out constantly, and there is far more content than any one person could keep up with. It was stagnant for a bit in the mid to late 90's, but once source ports started coming out that allowed controls similar to what you could get with Quake 2 and Half-Life, with the ease of accessibility that modding tools granted, it sprang back to life. I'm not worried about Doom.


Honestly, if they launch more "golden records" on a space probe like they did with Voyager 1 and 2, I'd be surprised if Doom's source code wasn't on it.

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8 minutes ago, HombreSal said:

Why would it die?

Everything, as you probably have guessed by now, dies. Heh.

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5 minutes ago, Jello said:

I'm not worried about Doom.

You and me, both.

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Sorry for causing a small stir with this whole "what if x gets forgotten" shtick. Like I said with my last post, I was having a conversation with my mates about doom and one of them brought up the vague thought of how "it's probably gonna get forgotten as the new doom games get more popular". I told him that it's probably never going to happen and how classic doom's modding capabilities outshine EVERYTHING nuDoom does, and it'll never go away like poof, but he ended up firing back with "but classic doom has shit graphics and boring music you retard, ever played DOOM Eternal?". Everyone else in the friend group seemed to side with the nuDoom player.

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