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[Now on idgames!] Doom II: Demonic Destruction! (Megawad I Made)

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And here is second map - those pistol bitches really stung away at me those little bitches - needs more trucks - good times so far



Unless things get wacky I'll keep on truckin with these maps now and again good times

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3 hours ago, mxbobbie49 said:









Congrats on the release Bobbie. All screenshots look good but especially this one. :D

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I can't wait to see the giant switch level that looks fun - in meantime I did map 3 - enjoying these short maps



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Congratulations on your release! A one-man megaWAD is an incredible undertaking, so big kudos to you for completing it. Might to see if we can get the DWmegaWAD Club to give it a spin in the coming months.

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Well, here is a small video of me playing through MAP01 and MAP02. (I did play more than that though)

And uh, pretty good. 


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Just played through the first 5 maps and browsed around some of the later ones. The Wad works without any crashes in DosBox using Doom32.exe for every map I've tried, which is a fun bonus. This is quality classic-style stuff right here!

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The amount of difficulty jump here is shocking - it was quite fun actually but compared to the first three maps I let my guard down haha



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Just wait until level 5!  ive made it to map 9 its been alot of fun!  its been alot of fun and some times pretty tough.  thank you for sharing this with everyone

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On 7/17/2021 at 3:37 AM, Kami said:

Just wait until level 5!  ive made it to map 9 its been alot of fun!  its been alot of fun and some times pretty tough.  thank you for sharing this with everyone


I really liked map 5 I played it twice





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Map 6 good time as always I especially liked the start situation. Lot of cool stuff here with the dark watery rooms fighting spiders but the revenants on the ledge kind of pointless - love these short hard maps 





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What a great Megawad. I completed it today and it was so much fun


My thoughs and experience about this Megawad: Well, it's actually one of the coolest Megawads I've ever played so far. I really like the tech bases at the early maps but my favourites ones are City of the Summer and Hell Walk. I also noticed that you used Plutonia's gimick (too many Revenants, Chaingunners and Archviles) so it felt like playing Plutonia which I have many fun and painful memories from it. Those memories will remain for this Megawad as well. Amazing job, if you are planning to do a 2nd Megawad, I'll be 100% grateful to play it


Here are my favourite moments:




Here's a bonus one which made me piss off:



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On 7/14/2021 at 3:54 PM, Misty said:

I approve this big switch, it kinda says "don't dare to talk to me or my son ever again!"


Laffing way too hard at this. :o)

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I played this a few days ago. Just as expected from watching MrZzul streams of it, I very thoroughly enjoyed this from start to end, actually more when it ramped up to plutonia-esque energy in m04, and the various goofy -but evil- crusher/barrel ideas were lovely. IIRC there was one midi that failed to loop, in the map that starts with a fake PR trap, but other than that, no issues found. Keep it up please!

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After the last map ramp up in difficulty this felt much easier. I would say this should be in the 4 slot as I feel it's harder than the first 3 but not the rest I played so far - but what do I know I died a bunch on that first run lol



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I played the 2 first maps and here are my thoughts and a video.


map 01:

I really enjoyed this one! Way longer than I thought of a first map but still really fun. The layout was really intuitive so I always found my way easily. The difficultie is absolutely perfect as it is your first map it is easily doable but that doesn't mean you can't mes up easily. Goog map!


video map01: 



map 02:

From the 2 I played this one is my favorite. Again nice and intuitive lay-out. I also really enjoyed you sometimes could see where you needed to go or what you needed to pick up (keycards). A bit more challenging than the first one but that is not a problem I can already start to see how this magawad will go in feather maps.


veideo map 02: 



I am kinda knew to you-tube so if you have any feedback to give or any things or thought that you would like to see changed please let me know :)

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