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ZDS #749 - Doom 2 Recreated from Memory

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Hello ZDaemon Sessions People,
This weekend it's time to play Doom 2 Recreated from Memory.
That was a mapping project on Doom World to recreate Doom 2 maps just from memory.
The first rotation will be Kill 'Em All (we don't want to rush the maps).
The next rotations can be Pain, Deathmatch, CTF, we will see icon_smile.gif
So don't miss the fun!




Game Mode: Survival
IWAD: doom2.wad (or freedoom)
PWAD: d2twwri zds_addon_146 kill_em_all16 zdsskinsv14
Wad url: https://monkey.zdaemon.org/wads
Maps: 01-15, 31-33, 16-30
DMFLAGS: 134299684 / 1343365120 / 0
Players: 32 + 32 spect slots
Skill: 3 // Ultra Violence.




Date: Saturday January 8th
Euro: 19:30 GMT (2:30 PM ET)
USA: 01:00 GMT (8:00 PM ET)

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