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Gossip | Update #14 on page3 - content complete & playtesting phase imminent

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Been following this for some time. Looks fantastic so far!

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Good luck for the final mile! Really looking forward to this one. Love the design of the room with the green poison.

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This looks really cool. GOod luck getting it all done. 


And for the record, I like both the old and the new areas that you replaced them with. imho a good sign. :)

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Gossip Update #10

MAP07 is finished
As predicted MAP07 is now fully functional and playable, though only on UV for the time being. I think it came out really nicely. Not to brag or anything but honestly this level exceeded my expectations. You see, last year was really painful for me. What it meant for the project was that I had a massive mapper's block, barely inching my way forward - if at all. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to come up with anything interesting. Thankfully I've managed to brute-force my way out of it. I think it's gonna be a great final level all things considered.

I have changed my approach to the gameplay balance a little bit on this one. In every previous level I'd always make things too hard with the intention of toning them down later because I've always been paranoid about people cheesing the fights. This time I did the opposite - I made MAP07 too easy with the intention of making it more difficult later. Well, it's not a walk in the park but it's pretty chill right now. I might turn it up eventually but first I need to find the right balance for UV across all maps.

There are many things I could say but that would all be spoilers. I did a couple of... weird things in this level. At this stage of development I feel kind of like a convict released from prison - I do completely random things and I find joy in all of them, regardless of how nonsensical they are. I think this is a good example:


You're probably wondering what the hell is this. This my friends is probably the most complex boom mechanism I made. What does it do? Well, I cannot tell you because it would spoil things but let's just say I've spent a whole day figuring it out, it has like 300 tags and... it's completely pointless. Seriously, it's just a little bonus that's not important at all. And most people probably won't even realize there's a complex mechanism there in the first place. And to top it all of: it's all for a tiny room where nothing interesting happens. So why did I do that? It's simple: why not?

The map sits at 57k linedefs, which is funny because that means it has more lines that MAP03, MAP04 and MAP06. And here I thought it would be a smaller level. It took me 17 days to make the gameplay for it. Hard to say how long the total construction took. I came back to it in early January and worked on it almost every day. I'm not counting last year because I barely did anything back then. So probably around 3ish months from start to finish.


The best case scenario for Gossip is for the difficulty to be kind of like in Half-Life series. HL feels exciting and fun but the challenge is often smoke and mirrors. Even when things are ramping up it's still very managable. My original plan was to have HMP as the default "challenging but fun" / "immersion first" difficulty with UV being far more sadistic for people who like difficult maps. The obvious problem is that 99% of people default to UV anyway so they'd only judge it based on that. Then I decided to cave in and make UV the default setting because I cannot force the entire community to change. I wanted it to be "challenging but fun" FOR ME - for my skill level. However right now I'm thinking that I'm gonna turn it down even more.

At the end of the day I want people who play Gossip to have fun. If you want to hone your skills there are plenty of psychotically difficult levels out there. However I don't want to make it too easy because that would take away from the excitement and thrill. Again, the smoke and mirrors Half-Life style of balance is what I want but I don't know if I can achieve that.

For now I'm gonna keep throwing stuff at the wall and see what sticks.

Unforseen changes
There's been a little change to the project though it's pretty insignificant in a grand scheme of things. Basically I decided to move the finale to MAP08. I did this because I didn't want to hold back on MAP07 AND I certainly didn't want to downscale my plans for the final fight. Trying to cram everything into a 65k linedef limit was risky so I played it safe and separated the two. In practice nothing is changing - except I can go crazy with the finale now because it's on a new map slot.

Just to clarify: MAP08 will NOT be a full map. I'm not making another big level. It's literally what was supposed to be at the end of MAP07 - the final confrontation. In retrospect I think I actually like it this way. MAP07 will be the last "normal" level and serve as the buildup to the final battle and transitioning to MAP08 should make the ending more pronounced and dramatic.

So, as of right now Gossip will have 9 maps - 7 normal levels, the finale and the "closure map" that will serve as the ending and won't have any gameplay.

Plans for April
The overhaul of MAP02 is progressing. I think it's gonna take at least one more week as I keep discovering things I want to change.


After that is done I'll begin the "rebalancing phase". I will go in sequence, from MAP01 to MAP06 and basically finalize EVERYTHING, except the difficulty levels. This might go in all sorts of ways. I cannot predict whatsoever how long it's gonna take. A couple of months, no doubt. All the behind-the-scenes / progression-related mechanisms are complete and I don't think anything's gonna change on that front - theoretically it's just rebalancing the encounters and setpieces. But let's be real, it'll be a grind. There are six big levels to go through with dozens of encounters. Some of those will be remade from scratch. I won't even try to make any predictions. I'll just keep working and it's gonna take as long as necessary.

Haven't done anything with the soundtrack yet. I think I'll wrap up the overhaul of MAP02 and then split my time between rebalancing and composing.


I will also continue introducing the remaining levels for what it's worth.

I'm taking a slightly more relaxed approach for the rest of the development. I'm still working on Gossip every day but I also scrape away some time for playing other games which I haven't done since December. I'm a bit afraid of burning myself out so Imma slowly work on my to-play backlog in the meantime.


The search for playtesters continues. If anyone's interested or maybe know somebody else who might be interested in catching bugs and providing feedback then let me know.




I think that's about it. The grind continues. Things are looking good for a 2024 release.

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27 minutes ago, Touchdown said:

My original plan was to have HMP as the default "challenging but fun" / "immersion first" difficulty with UV being far more sadistic for people who like difficult maps. The obvious problem is that 99% of people default to UV anyway so they'd only judge it based on that. Then I decided to cave in and make UV the default setting because I cannot force the entire community to change. I wanted it to be "challenging but fun" FOR ME - for my skill level. However right now I'm thinking that I'm gonna turn it down even more.


Why not use HNTR or solo net for sadistic difficulty?


Alternatively, you could change the difficulty names. Replace UV with something to your liking and then just push everything down the line. HMP would be renamed UV. HNTR would be renamed HMP and ITYTD would be renamed HNTR. This is something I'm doing with my own WIP wad and to fix the problems you are having.


Also, I'm interested in playtesting your maps though I may take a while to get back to you because I have a lot going on at the moment.

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On 4/1/2024 at 10:05 AM, Jacek Bourne said:

Why not use HNTR or solo net for sadistic difficulty?


Alternatively, you could change the difficulty names. Replace UV with something to your liking and then just push everything down the line. HMP would be renamed UV. HNTR would be renamed HMP and ITYTD would be renamed HNTR. This is something I'm doing with my own WIP wad and to fix the problems you are having.


Also, I'm interested in playtesting your maps though I may take a while to get back to you because I have a lot going on at the moment.


Actually I did have a few ideas of "hiding" the hardcore difficulty setting. :) Not sure if I should spoil then just in case I end up using one of them. However at this point I think I'm not gonna bother with it and the reasons for this are:

1. While I still enjoy challanging myself every now and then right now I'm far more interested in crafting the kind of experience where fun comes first. Now don't get me wrong. When I say that UV in Gossip won't be super hardcore that doesn't mean it's gonna be easy. I do have a fair amount of UV-Maxing under my belt so my standards for what's "casual" are not exactly that low. But I certainly want it to be beatable on the first attempt and not forcing the player to figure out a specific solution that needs to be executed flawlessly.

2. At this point I want to minimize doing things that would prolong the development for no good reason. I think achieving the kind of gameplay that I want is already a big enough goal. Trying to add a difficulty tailored for hardcore players would require way, WAY more time and playtesting that I'm willing to do. I'd rather leave this kind of stuff to slaughter experts who have a better grasp on how to balance that kind of gameplay.

On the subject of playtesting, well, welcome aboard. :) I'll PM you when the time comes for that. It's still months away but I didn't want to wait with looking for testers until the last minute.

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Gossip Update #11

Forever lost in the sewer level
How many times have I said that I'm done overhauling MAP02? I've lost count. Anyway, I'm done overhauling MAP02. For now. I mean, seriously, I will probably do it like five more times before Gossip comes out but I don't care at this point.

My prediction was that I'd spend up to one week of April on the overhaul and then move on. However on the 2nd as I was working on one of the areas I accidentally noticed something in another part. So I tried to fix it but then I noticed another thing. And another. And another. And suddenly the scope of the overhaul has spiraled out of control again. However the straw that broke the camels back was when I've spent about 1,5h fixing a really old area only to look at it... and realize it was garbage. No amount of makeup would make this corpse look any better. I got so angry that I just straight up deleted this area. And... about 3 or 4 other ones as well. Screw it, I'm rebuilding it.

As a result I've spent over half of April doing nothing but redoing parts of MAP02. I'm not gonna say it's over because it probably isn't. However I am VERY pleased with the results. The new locations that replaced the old ones are waaay better. I'm happy to report that this level is not longer the weakest link as all the ancient stuff has been remade from scratch.

A lot of the older locations looked like they were made by a kid who has just learned how to use DOOM Builder. The new versions on the other hand feel like the creation of an angsty teenager going through a raging puberty. Unfortunately I will not reach proper maturity as a mapper before this project is finished... But I guess I'm fine with being an edgy teenager at heart. I mean, come on - we need more angst and edginess these days.

Oh by the way - if anyone's reading this and thinking that I keep complaining about stuff that I'm working on... Some of the things like having to completely rebuild certain locations is frustrating indeed. But it's a good kind of frustration - at the end of the day the final result is better and that's what matters. I'd rather spend an extra week or two and make significant improvements than try to convince myself that things are "good enough".

I was thinking of showing you comparison shots again but I don't really want to spoil any more things. So instead I'm gonna show you the OLD versions that no longer exist! All of the pictures below showcase areas that have been deleted and completely remade from scratch. I'll leave it up to your imagination what the new versions look like.



[old areas that have been remade from scratch in the current version]


The rebalancing/rework phase has officially begun!
With MAP02 out of the way I was FINALLY able to begin the gameplay rebalancing phase. This is super significant. At this point EVERYTHING is constructed (except the MAP08 finale but that's on hold for now) and I'm ready to start finalizing the gameplay across all levels. This is pretty much the final phase before the playtesting. And obviously the playtesting is the last thing to do before the release (not really but close enough).

As a reminder: while all of the levels have gameplay and progression already in place many parts are essentially "first-pass", especially setpieces. In other words they work but they're not properly balanced. Also - because I've been rebuilding a lot of things from scratch - many areas do not work anymore and I have to redo the progression mechanisms for them. So basically that's gonna be the goal for the next few months - to finalize the gameplay on all levels and prepare them for playtesting. For now I'm only doing UV because I want to get feedback on that before I start messing with other difficulty settings.

There is no deadline for that phase. Levels vary greatly in the amount of stuff that needs to be tweaked or reworked. It'll take as long as it needs. The good news is that once that is done we'll be DANGEROUSLY close to release. Freaking finally.

Since I have finished MAP01 already and MAP07 won't see many changes that means I have 5 levels to tweak. If I were to make a prediction and assume it'd take ~2 weeks to wrap up a single map... that'd still take 2-3 months. 0_0 So as of right now my guess is that the playtesting will begin around August, unless I somehow manage to get things done quicker than that. Still on track for 2024 release but damn...

Anyway, I thought I might give you a more comprehensive overview of the current situation. This is all rather hazy but that's the best I can do for now.


status: DONE!
estimated amount of work: N/A
notes: I've managed to finish it in April. This level is officially ready to go and as complete as it can be at this point. Might add a secret or two if I feel fancy.

status: in progress
estimated amount of work: SIGNIFICANT
notes: Due to the number of locations that needed to be rebuild a lot of the gameplay will have to be redone as well. Many old mechanisms have to be replaced with more robust ones.

status: waiting...
estimated amount of work: MODERATE
notes: Despite its size I HOPE this one won't take forever to tweak. I'm mainly looking at setpieces here as some of them need to be redone (or at the very least tweaked). As before, some old mechanisms will be replaced. The more traditional, exploration-based sections will most likely stay as they are, barring some minor tweaks.

status: waiting...
estimated amount of work: MODERATE
notes: I don't expect many changes to the main portions of this level but one of the big fights and the entire underground compound are back in square one because I had to rebuild them. General tweaks, optimizations of the mechanisms and teleporters. Maybe adding a little nasty surprise, if I have lines to spare? This is definitely gonna be one of the quickest maps to finalize.

status: waiting...
estimated amount of work: SOMEBODY KILL ME PLEASE
notes: Oh boy. I am NOT looking forward to this one. This is the longest level in Gossip and the sheer amount of locations makes me dread trying to fine-tune it. But that's not the biggest issue. I'm 99% certain that the entire finale of this map will be redone from scratch because it sucks and the temp gameplay is just not fun. Some of the final bits will need to be updated. This level is problematic because it's literally right on the 65k linedef limit meaning that I can't go too far with the improvements or I'm straight up gonna run out of lines. The concept for this one was too big of an idea for a single map and I'll have to be really careful with it or I'm gonna have to start cutting or down-scaling stuff. Ugh. Oh, did I mention this map takes over 2h to beat? That's gonna be fun to test... Don't get me wrong, I think this one is really nice in terms of gameplay. It's just freakishly long.

status: waiting...
estimated amount of work: MINIMAL
notes: This is one of the newest levels so I don't forsee many changes, other than the general balance tweaks. I know there's one big area that will probably need to be reworked because the gameplay is kinda sketchy there. Maybe I can come up with something better. Some minor visual improvements are incoming in several locations. Certain bits will be significantly nerfed because they're not fun. All in all this map shouldn't take an exorbitant amount of time to wrap up.

status: DONE (I guess?)
estimated amount of work: MOST LIKELY NONE
notes: Since this one is the newest I think it'll stay as it is for the testing phase. Maybe I'm gonna tweak something here and there but nothing major.

MAP08 [the finale]
status: waiting...
estimated amount of work: SIGNIFICANT
notes: The final confrontation. I haven't started this one yet but I'll build it once I get closer to finishing other levels. It shouldn't take an insane amount of time since this is just the final fight but - unlike other maps - it doesn't even exist yet.

MAP09 [the closure]
status: N/A
estimated amount of work: MINIMAL
notes: A short "you have won" / "it's over" map with no gameplay. Not started yet but it'll be a quick one. This will not be a part of the testing phase at all since there will be nothing to test.


And there you have it. Still lots of work left to be done but also not really that much when you think about it. Still months away from testing but at least we're on the straight path towards it now. Getting there but it's not over yet. You get the idea.

At this point the development will slow down as I'm splitting my time between rebalancing and composing. Yup, I'm finally back to working on the soundtrack. I would say I have almost too much fun with it. Right now it's hard to estimate the amount of progress because I'm basically just starting a bunch of small sections as experiments. Whatever comes to my mind. I'll pick the best ones and turn them into full tracks later.

The music in Gossip won't be in your face. I want it to be distinct but not overpowering. So... obviously the first thing I made this month was a high-octane melt-your-face wall-of-sound banger. I'm not sure if I'm even gonna use it for the project but if I do then it'll be the final-fight music as it wouldn't fit anywhere else - you don't really want high intensity music playing non stop for 1,5h. But yeah, that's another benefit of separating the last battle from MAP07 - I can make an action-packed music track for it!

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Gossip Update #12

I don't feel like writing a detailed update this time so I'll just give you the essentials.

1. For reasons I won't talk about I can't be bothered to work on Gossip right now (or do anything else, for that matter). As a result I have removed the "coming 2024" from the title. It may still happen but I can already tell where this is going.

2. MAP02 is finished. 4 more levels to go.

3. Some work has been done on MAP03. I've updated the background mechanisms and monster teleporters + tweaked some of the early sections but that's about it.

4. No progress on the soundtrack.

5. If I don't have anything to say next month then you can start worrying about the project. I won't cancel or abandon it but if I can't get back to it this month then it'll most likely suffer an extended delay (again).

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Gossip Update #13

Don't know how many people care but here's a short update.

MAP05: in progress...
MAP06: 95% READY
MAP08: not started

I expect the playtesting to begin sometime next month, in September. It'll not include MAP08 because I don't want to delay the testing of the main levels any further. Depending on how things go the public release may still happen in 2024 though early 2025 seems more realistic.

Bonus note: as of July the project has been in development for 10 years. Yeah, there won't be another one after this.

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Congratulations for reaching this point and good luck for the final stretch. Not much left. This is going to be good!

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