Back on idgames   I've been working since March on a vanilla compatible megawad for the Ultimate Doom, and this is it. I finally have Thy Flesh Consumed done and ready for its initial release. I wouldn't say that this project is anything super special, just a standard tier UDTWID type of wad.   I started designing E1 after hitting a stall in a UDMF project of mine, deciding that a fresh start on something simpler might be interesting, and so far it's been a lot of fun working on this.   One thing I paid very close attention to when working on E2 is balancing. I think I speak for quite a few people when I say that shotgunning Barons is a pain, so I've made sure that this shouldn't be happening in any of the levels, if you've explored the map thoroughly enough. I also made a point to inject more variety into E2. There are more open areas, to facilitate the bigger enemies, and a wider range of textures in use.   Episode 3's main difference is difficulty. There are more and crueler traps, less pickups, and more hazards. It's a bit harder than the first two episodes, at least in my experience. The same rules about balancing from Episode 2 carry over, but ammo is a bit tighter, so don't miss too often.   Episode 4 exists for pain.   This release also marks the (probably) final version of the soundtrack that I've been working on. At the suggestion of @Captain Keen I've kept it as a separate file from the levels.   Here's a video version of the complete soundtrack:   Another note I'd like to add here is to not expect an E4. I think I've done what I can with these types of maps, and honestly would like to move on to something else once I finish polishing these levels some more. I'll be combing through them a lot in the coming little bit, trying to find any way I can adjust them or optimize them and polish them off. I'd say this is very near the final product though.   Primary testing has been through Chocolate Doom, and as far as I've seen, there aren't any glitches or bugs. I've pistol started and completed each level, though some of them do get a bit tough at times.   Big shoutouts to some of the people helping me along the way in this thread, including @sandwedge (check out his video playthroughts, they've helped me a lot by showing someone's live reaction to these levels), @Captain Keen (I think he may be this wad's biggest fan at this point), @kalensar (for giving me the perfect quote to introduce the wad in the txt file), @Doomkid (for getting me to write that txt file), @Lippeth (for sticking around the whole way through and always giving good feedback), and @Rudolph (for sticking to his guns)   (yeah, take that @Snaxalotl)   Download:   Screenshots