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DOOM 4 (Hell on Earth) Concept Art Findings

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, whatup876 said:

They would suit a campaign where you play as an ARC soldier if reused in the modern games.

The last one even fits the idea of former humans using the same guns as the player.

Judging by the early descriptions of the two additions to doom eternal in steam, we should have seen the events of the beginning of demonic envasion, I think that we  have probably played as an ARC soldier in one of them. 


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Posted (edited)

On 5:55 Unused announcer voice lines , which most likely relate in my opinion to Doom 4, or more precisely to its horde mode that mentioned from some of strings inside closed alpha's files, screenshot with that I posted earlier, especially the phrase “ Demon wave incoming" reinforces this.

Here is also a test mocap scene used “headtech" technology and another short one from crispies's channel.


Edited by Wad overdose

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Posted (edited)

I seem to have identified what this map/level is at the end of the teaser when the player starts beating all the demons with his bare hands.





This is the path to the folder with imp unused animations from doom 4, parking garage is visible on these freeze shots that I made, at first I thought in  thread about teaser, that this is from “ashes" aka library but it looks like by to this folder and the strings from doom 2016's cutting room floor page is now all obviously.

veranda_streets ("Parking Garage", "Street Combat" and "Buildings Crumble")

The rest of the shots from outside of garage are a continuation of this moment, if you watch everything carefully at a speed of 0.25. 
Ps: I wonder what the second creature is in the footage?. 

Edited by Wad overdose : Minor change in text

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Posted (edited)

It seems we now know the origin of burst rifle from mp, thanks to this page, from bryan flynn's artstation, the backstock is suspiciously similar in shape to backstock of doom 4's assault rifle.

“This is the Doom 2016 Repeater Rifle. I was asked to concept the front half of an older doom gun. The backend of the rifle was designed by Jon Lane."


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Posted (edited)


Probably this strings from closed alpha of Uac station map  is moment from fight with possessed soldier  from the teaser,minigunner is that creature with double berreled chaingun also from there, arc cannon is also mentioned here, this is the former name of lightning gun from doom 2016's mp, created by Jonn lane who also make it design for shotgun, super shotgun and granade launcher which are doom 4's leftover weapons, maybe lightning gun from doom 4?.


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Posted (edited)

A long time ago I found this stuff, but forgot to show it.
00:24 unused summoner Intro, which remains in alpha's files.
00:59 from veranda level, imp_out but not full.
01:04 unknown animation which, judging by the environment, belongs to Doom 4 too.

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Posted (edited)

The Technican model from brett brilay site is it have  very similar outfit  to the people from Matt burke's command center art that I showed earlier.


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Posted (edited)

I found More good stuff, like animations and new doom 2016 tech demo tests  by joon kim from IGC 2017!.

20:03 Animation test of Doom 4 “conjoined" zombie, a variant of the model with two long arms and with five arms and two heads, now I can say with confidence that this monster became the basis for possesed scientists, workers, engineers and unwillings.
38:01 Enemy AI test using a model similar to a square that can open its mouth, it called in alpha's files as pavdemon.
44:10 footage of possessed soldier's Glory kill test.


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On 4/21/2024 at 5:13 PM, Wad overdose said:

It's a shame that crispies didn't decide to show tank concept arts at first, as you can see it, tank appearing  in blur studio's trailer, Danny keyes hologram study video, and too in this leaked Ingame screenshots from 12 years ago , besides these artworks by mathew burke.

It's a shame that this model wasn't adapted for doom eternal.







Внешне этот танк напоминает тяжёлый танк "Ксеркс lll" из Rage 2.

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37 minutes ago, Wad overdose said:

Згідно з веб-сайтом Тао Ле, Doom 4 насправді має називатися «Doom: Hell On Earth». Я не знаю, чи це мала бути остаточна назва гри чи ні.


Скорее всего это реальное его рабочее название, ведь исходя из старого логотипа "Doom" там отсутствует цифра "4"

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Posted (edited)

These screenshots refer to early doom (2016) instead to Doom 4, but they are still interesting, I can’t say for sure whether this level made it into the game in a reworked form to SP/MP or not.







Edited:two concept arts of server interior, and of computer server room of this level by Colin Geller



Edited by Wad overdose

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Posted (edited)
On 7/31/2022 at 9:46 PM, Wad overdose said:

Doom 4 leftovers this is Found it from doom Eternal's files by doom 4 archive member vic vos
gameresources.resources, texture/guis/hud/mp/icons/deathtypes

Edited:Credits to a dataminer in the Eternal modding server.


Here is another one this is rocket launcher icon, from doom 2016 release, In closed alpha It mirrored. 


Edited by Wad overdose

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On 6/5/2024 at 8:51 PM, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:

Thanks for all you do @Wad overdose, you're doing the Doom community a great service by finding and archiving this stuff

I plan to make a separate topic about Doom (2016) rare early concept arts, and cut content from release game and clsoed alpha/open beta.

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Posted (edited)

I was looking at one screenshot from Thao Le's site, and I thought it looks so familiar... So I booted up Rage and found it, yeah, that place looks like Brick's Bar from Subway Town. Just pay attention to pipes, chairs and couches, and overall those places look so similiar, except changes in level geometry.


That brings one question: how much level geometry in Rage was repurposed from Doom 4, when it was still in development?


Edited by HarveyLi

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21 hours ago, HarveyLi said:

I was looking at one screenshot from Thao Le's site, and I thought it looks so familiar... So I booted up Rage and found it, yeah, that place looks like Brick's Bar from Subway Town. Just pay attention to pipes, chairs and couches, and overall those places look so similiar, except changes in level geometry.


That brings one question: how much level geometry in Rage was repurposed from Doom 4, when it was still in development?


The more I think about it. The more I realize Doom 4 shares a lot of DNA from Rage from it's atmosphere and Aesthetics. 

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