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128 Linedefs, 64 Things - A Community Project [1.3.3, finally]

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9 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

i just received one of the most massive reality checks in my life (realizing that im an inconsiderate asshole)

You are not an asshole dude, your one of most funniest and cool guys i've meet on dw. Dont let some comments bother you, keep going on, you have potential. :)

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Yeah, im being overly dramatic. For all my prodigious developments and my genious mind, im still just a teenager, my brain is fundamentally not developed enough to/not do/understand certain things.

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1 hour ago, Arsinikk said:

So knifeworld, which version would you like to go with... It's completely your choice. Me and Luleta like the original more. I think the only person who's really dissented is %some random internet shkila. I mean yes, other people have commented on it saying it's "interesting", but no one else has really said they didn't like it.


I'm asking so I can compile the latest version of the WAD.

Here's the final version, I only changed the textures earlier since I guessed people would prefer it to at least not have tutti frutti everywhere, but it sucked since "cursed" texturing was indeed what I was going for (Btw I'm really glad that this map is part of your inspiration for a new wad ).

Final Changes:
- Some of the old tutti was put back, a couple of texture changes are even more strange than the original, but texture consistency and alignment is better overall, (or "worse) in some places for added effect )
- Lowering floor was turned into a stay open door activated by a switch that you have to kill monsters to get to, a caco near the switch doesn't wake up which is unintentional but it means you have to kill him.. adding to the importance of clearing a way thru. Thanks @Luleta for the idea!
- Megasphere was moved away from the exit, (which was turned into a normal exit in the above version)
- Monster placement in the first room was changed around slightly to reflect that it's not symmetrical anymore and to make hitting the switch more dangerous.
- Soulsphere, armor, and rocket supplies were moved closer to the player so you can get them almost immediately, since I didn't want to change the way the macubus was facing (intention was to create a slightly hot start where the player has to move right away)


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5 hours ago, knifeworld said:

Here's the final version, I only changed the textures earlier since I guessed people would prefer it to at least not have tutti frutti everywhere, but it sucked since "cursed" texturing was indeed what I was going for (Btw I'm really glad that this map is part of your inspiration for a new wad ).

So I tested the map and it's good! It still looks cursed but different.


However, I did notice that you can easily softlock yourself by pressing the beginning switch more than once. Pressing it more than once will cause the door that opened to permanently close. This happens cuz there are actually 2 sectors with the door open tag... If you set it to just the one, it'll fix the issue.


Also I'd like to see what other people have to say, but I might suggest adding 1 extra box of rockets in the beginning for UV... Since in testing the map, I sometimes ended up having to pistol a hell knight or cacodemon to death.

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Update to MAP24 "Stay With Us, Aniki!!"


Includes a demo (-complevel 2).


  • Added a couple Electron Charge Packs and de-secreted the BFG to ease the difficulty of UV-Max.
  • Added a Rad Suit and moved the existing ones around.
  • A couple buddies had the wrong door, so now there's a new boss of this BFG.
  • Changed various textures/flats.
  • Used newly-free linedefs to do a lil' trollin'.


Edited by Rancid Sam

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36 minutes ago, Rancid Sam said:

Update to MAP24 "Stay With Us, Aniki!!"


Includes a demo (-complevel 2).


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Added a couple Electron Charge Packs and de-secreted the BFG to ease the difficulty of UV-Max.
  • Added a Rad Suit and moved the existing ones around.
  • A couple buddies had the wrong door, so now there's a new boss of this BFG.
  • Changed various textures/flats.
  • Used newly-free linedefs to do a lil' trollin'.


Ayo can you tell me what music this map uses? I really like it.

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Hi everyone, I've published a (very!) minor update to MAP16: Blue Orpheus:

  • Rocket launcher in central room after blue door changed to plasma rifle
  • A few objects moved around and a few enemies changed
  • MIDI changed to D_BETWEE (from MAP04: The Focus)



@Arsinikk - I believe this will represent the final version of this level. Thanks for all the work compiling this!

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18 hours ago, knifeworld said:

Here's the final version, I only changed the textures earlier since I guessed people would prefer it to at least not have tutti frutti everywhere, but it sucked since "cursed" texturing was indeed what I was going for (Btw I'm really glad that this map is part of your inspiration for a new wad ).

Final Changes:
- Some of the old tutti was put back, a couple of texture changes are even more strange than the original, but texture consistency and alignment is better overall, (or "worse) in some places for added effect )
- Lowering floor was turned into a stay open door activated by a switch that you have to kill monsters to get to, a caco near the switch doesn't wake up which is unintentional but it means you have to kill him.. adding to the importance of clearing a way thru. Thanks @Luleta for the idea!
- Megasphere was moved away from the exit, (which was turned into a normal exit in the above version)
- Monster placement in the first room was changed around slightly to reflect that it's not symmetrical anymore and to make hitting the switch more dangerous.
- Soulsphere, armor, and rocket supplies were moved closer to the player so you can get them almost immediately, since I didn't want to change the way the macubus was facing (intention was to create a slightly hot start where the player has to move right away)


hello it's nice u got rid of the waiting sections, unfortunately the switch you use for the door at the start is repeatable which means if you press it twice the door closes causing a soft-lock, this is easily fixed by making the switch a switch once action instead of repeatable.

now the drop-down onto the ssg and radsuit is a little bit of a blind jump, which IMO is a little sloppy.

the sector lowering  is a good idea for the player to be able to see the mancubus and the arachnotron.  you can simply make the sector that lowers not have to go across a huge difference in height for it to not get boring. maybe raise it enough so that the entrance to the next section isn't visible but as soon as the platform lowers it is?

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18 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

So I tested the map and it's good! It still looks cursed but different.


However, I did notice that you can easily softlock yourself by pressing the beginning switch more than once. Pressing it more than once will cause the door that opened to permanently close. This happens cuz there are actually 2 sectors with the door open tag... If you set it to just the one, it'll fix the issue.


Also I'd like to see what other people have to say, but I might suggest adding 1 extra box of rockets in the beginning for UV... Since in testing the map, I sometimes ended up having to pistol a hell knight or cacodemon to death.

I wasn't zoomed in enough to notice the extra tag, that would explain why I was seeing a HOM even though the wall behind the door was textured, the wall was the front of the other sector which I had to put in for the door to raise high enough, since it otherwise only opened to 8 units below the lower penultimate room.

5 hours ago, Luleta said:

hello it's nice u got rid of the waiting sections, unfortunately the switch you use for the door at the start is repeatable which means if you press it twice the door closes causing a soft-lock, this is easily fixed by making the switch a switch once action instead of repeatable.

now the drop-down onto the ssg and radsuit is a little bit of a blind jump, which IMO is a little sloppy.

the sector lowering  is a good idea for the player to be able to see the mancubus and the arachnotron.  you can simply make the sector that lowers not have to go across a huge difference in height for it to not get boring. maybe raise it enough so that the entrance to the next section isn't visible but as soon as the platform lowers it is?

I used SR floor lower fast because I wasn't seeing the S1 floor lower action that was also fast, it was late and I was tired that's my excuse :P, but since I turned it into a lowering floor again that doesn't matter, although I wish someone had mentioned a bunch earlier that the blind jump wasn't fun and to reduce the distance between the two main rooms, then I wouldn't have had to change the map around to accomodate a door.
Thanks both.

I'm getting a little bit fed up of editing this map, but softlocks are serious enough that they need fixing so here it is:

- S1 switch now lowers a floor instead, with less height to travel down to the penultimate room. (fixes a softlock), thanks @Luleta & @Arsinikk!
-The "stuck" caco was somehow set to ambush at one point, replaced him with a pain elemental.
- Removed second caco so I could place one extra box of rockets. (thanks to Arsinikk for ammo suggestion)

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33 minutes ago, knifeworld said:

I wasn't zoomed in enough to notice the extra tag, that would explain why I was seeing a HOM even though the wall behind the door was textured, the wall was the front of the other sector which I had to put in for the door to raise high enough, since it otherwise only opened to 8 units below the lower penultimate room.

I used SR floor lower fast because I wasn't seeing the S1 floor lower action that was also fast, it was late and I was tired that's my excuse :P, but since I turned it into a lowering floor again that doesn't matter, although I wish someone had mentioned a bunch earlier that the blind jump wasn't fun and to reduce the distance between the two main rooms, then I wouldn't have had to change the map around to accomodate a door.
Thanks both.

I'm getting a little bit fed up of editing this map, but softlocks are serious enough that they need fixing so here it is:

- S1 switch now lowers a floor instead, with less height to travel down to the penultimate room. (fixes a softlock), thanks @Luleta & @Arsinikk!
-The "stuck" caco was somehow set to ambush at one point, replaced him with a pain elemental.
- Removed second caco so I could place one extra box of rockets. (thanks to Arsinikk for ammo suggestion)

@knifeworld that should do it! excellent ^^"

please don't take our suggestions as orders tho, it ultimately is your privilege as a mapper to have the map the way you want it, we just want to help.

we only ask YOU to do them instead of fixing things ourselves so we don't mess with ur artistic vision directly.

we can fix things no problem as long as you give us permission i say this so you don't get further fed up if any more issues pop up xP

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1 hour ago, Luleta said:

@knifeworld that should do it! excellent ^^"

please don't take our suggestions as orders tho, it ultimately is your privilege as a mapper to have the map the way you want it, we just want to help.

we only ask YOU to do them instead of fixing things ourselves so we don't mess with ur artistic vision directly.

we can fix things no problem as long as you give us permission i say this so you don't get further fed up if any more issues pop up xP

No problem, I don't take constructive feedback as an order. after all this was about a softlock so I gotta do something about that!
The important thing is you both enjoyed it enough to want to help.

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Okey dokey! Finally I got a new version for you all!


128L64T CP (Beta 1.4.1)


Here's the changes/updates:

  • Changed MAP30 midi to new Vanilla compatible one (chosen by RedBoule themselves)!
  • Changed MAP16 midi to new midi as requested from map author
  • Added 2 new maps: finnks13's MAP17 and SilverMiner's MAP12
  • Updated existing maps with newer versions (MAP10, MAP24, MAP16, MAP12)
  • Reordered map lumps in order (as requested from %some random internet shkila)
  • Added new CWILV graphics and updated DehackEd for the added maps
  • Hotfix: fixed MAP32's midi from causing hard crashes in Vanilla Doom
Edited by Arsinikk

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So everyone, I've replaced the last link with a hotfix update...


While playing the WAD in the Vanilla Doom exe, MAP32 was causing some hard crashes (you can see a glorious screenshot in the spoiler below)


Enjoy the Vanilla Doom crash art :P




Turns out it was the midi in MAP32 that was crashing Vanilla Doom.

Luckily, since I'm a musician and know how to work with midi, I was able to find what was causing the midi to crash Vanilla Doom and fix it!


And so this hotfix fixes the midi and makes it so loading MAP32 will no longer crash Vanilla Doom:

128L64T CP (Beta 1.4.1)

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Hello again...


I've been so inspired by the parameters of this CP that I couldn't resist making another map.


I don't expect this to take up someone else's existing slot, I prefer just to think of this as a thank you and tribute to everyone who's been putting in hard work and making great maps for this project! This project has broken through my mapper's block and left me inspired to keep mapping. :)


This is the hardest (and largest) of my three contributions... I was initially inspired by the humorous (to me) idea of triangular crates to save a line, and it just went from there.


MAPXX??? (MAP01): Triangle Factory - (uses D_DOOM from DOOM2 MAP05)



Edited by YMB

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6 hours ago, YMB said:

Hello again...


I've been so inspired by the parameters of this CP that I couldn't resist making another map.


I don't expect this to take up someone else's existing slot, I prefer just to think of this as a thank you and tribute to everyone who's been putting in hard work and making great maps for this project! This project has broken through my mapper's block and left me inspired to keep mapping. :)


This is the hardest (and largest) of my three contributions... I was initially inspired by the humorous (to me) idea of triangular crates to save a line, and it just went from there.


MAPXX??? (MAP01): Triangle Factory - (uses D_DOOM from DOOM2 MAP05)



limitations breed creativity, im extremely happy to read that c:

excellent lil map


love how you reuse the space, as always really smart use of lines. 

really solid texturing considering the limitations, i like the cheeky triangular crates.

combat is very organic, it really doesn't feel like the limitations compromised the map at all, well done!

my ONLY nitpick, (cuz you know me, i GOTTA have some nitpick) is that the secret lowering at the end is kinda lame. i personally would've made the secret lower with the berserk by makin one of the linedefs of the crate with the berserk  be a WR lift lower linedef that lowers the mega. but i do understand the mega may be a little op if you get it that early. 

i just think it's kinda pointless for pistol starters and i feel like most people playing community projects tend to pistol start (at least i do)

here is my fda:

TFfda.zip played the demo back on choccy doom and there doesn't seem to be any issues.


anyways i personally REALLY liked your map however i don't know if we could add it as a lil bonus map or... something? 

im conflicted because i like it but it feels a lil unfair to give you more slots than the rest...?

you can always release it on it's own, its very solid.

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3 minutes ago, Luleta said:

limitations breed creativity, im extremely happy to read that c:

excellent lil map

  Hide contents

love how you reuse the space, as always really smart use of lines. 

really solid texturing considering the limitations, i like the cheeky triangular crates.

combat is very organic, it really doesn't feel like the limitations compromised the map at all, well done!

my ONLY nitpick, (cuz you know me, i GOTTA have some nitpick) is that the secret lowering at the end is kinda lame. i personally would've made the secret lower with the berserk by makin one of the linedefs of the crate with the berserk  be a WR lift lower linedef that lowers the mega. but i do understand the mega may be a little op if you get it that early. 

i just think it's kinda pointless for pistol starters and i feel like most people playing community projects tend to pistol start (at least i do)

here is my fda:

TFfda.zip played the demo back on choccy doom and there doesn't seem to be any issues.


anyways i personally REALLY liked your map however i don't know if we could add it as a lil bonus map or... something? 

im conflicted because i like it but it feels a lil unfair to give you more slots than the rest...?

you can always release it on it's own, its very solid.


The secret is indeed lame, and only intended as a little hidden gift for people playing the wad straight through (although, as you mentioned, I'm not sure how many people actually play it that way). Thanks for your feedback! It doesn't matter to me if the map gets included or not, I consider making the map its own reward. :)

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29 minutes ago, Luleta said:

im conflicted because i like it but it feels a lil unfair to give you more slots than the rest...?

Make a sequel CP. Then turn it into a franchise. The obtain a monopoly on limitation based community projects. Keep expanding your influence until you’re the sole provider of community projects. Establish a system that greatly inconveniences any other aspiring community projects that are not under your control. Run for the president of doomworld. Turn the whole place into a secret dystopia that seems to be a good place to live only on the outside. Live the rest of your life with limitless power.

Simple solution, really.

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1 hour ago, Luleta said:

limitations breed creativity, im extremely happy to read that c:

excellent lil map

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love how you reuse the space, as always really smart use of lines. 

really solid texturing considering the limitations, i like the cheeky triangular crates.

combat is very organic, it really doesn't feel like the limitations compromised the map at all, well done!

my ONLY nitpick, (cuz you know me, i GOTTA have some nitpick) is that the secret lowering at the end is kinda lame. i personally would've made the secret lower with the berserk by makin one of the linedefs of the crate with the berserk  be a WR lift lower linedef that lowers the mega. but i do understand the mega may be a little op if you get it that early. 

i just think it's kinda pointless for pistol starters and i feel like most people playing community projects tend to pistol start (at least i do)

here is my fda:

TFfda.zip played the demo back on choccy doom and there doesn't seem to be any issues.


anyways i personally REALLY liked your map however i don't know if we could add it as a lil bonus map or... something? 

im conflicted because i like it but it feels a lil unfair to give you more slots than the rest...?

you can always release it on it's own, its very solid.


Well, the Pokemon Movies had those little Films before the main one.

If some more want to make a Map, lets do a little Bonus Wad as a opening Act^^

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12 hours ago, YMB said:

Hello again...


I've been so inspired by the parameters of this CP that I couldn't resist making another map.


I don't expect this to take up someone else's existing slot, I prefer just to think of this as a thank you and tribute to everyone who's been putting in hard work and making great maps for this project! This project has broken through my mapper's block and left me inspired to keep mapping. :)


 This is the hardest (and largest) of my three contributions... I was initially inspired by the humorous (to me) idea of triangular crates to save a line, and it just went from there.


MAPXX??? (MAP01): Triangle Factory - (uses D_DOOM from DOOM2 MAP05)



@YMB I really really like this map a lot actually! It's a solid map. Imo it would fit better in the MAP16 slot. (Not that I thought Blue Orpheus was a bad map... not at all). Although it's honestly up to you which map you want in what slot.


What does everyone think about maybe adding a bit of bonus maps?


Vanilla Doom actually allows for the player to IDCLEV to up to MAP39, so technically we could add up to 7 extra maps...

If we did this, I think it would be best to keep the new maps with the mappers that have already submitted maps.


The only downside to having extra maps, is that we wouldn't be able to control the music for the maps... In Vanilla doom the music goes like this:

  • MAP33 - Intermission music
  • MAP34 - Title music
  • MAP35 - Text story music
  • MAP36 - MAP01 music
  • MAP37 - MAP02 music
  • MAP38 - MAP03 music
  • MAP39 - MAP04 music

YMB's bonus map actually inspired me to make a new bonus map (i used the text story music):

-Title: Caught In a Web
-Build time: ~1 Hour
-Midi: (Story Text)
-Slot: MAP35
-Skills: All implimented
-Tested: Chocolate Doom, Crispy doom, DSDA Doom and GZDoom
-128 Linedefs
-64 Things



Edit: Here's a demo for the map (it's a bit sloppy in the gameplay department, but it shows that the map is possible)

Edited by Arsinikk : Added demo

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3 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:

@YMB I really really like this map a lot actually! It's a solid map. Imo it would fit better in the MAP16 slot. (Not that I thought Blue Orpheus was a bad map... not at all). Although it's honestly up to you which map you want in what slot.


What does everyone think about maybe adding a bit of bonus maps?


Vanilla Doom actually allows for the player to IDCLEV to up to MAP39, so technically we could add up to 7 extra maps...

If we did this, I think it would be best to keep the new maps with the mappers that have already submitted maps.


The only downside to having extra maps, is that we wouldn't be able to control the music for the maps... In Vanilla doom the music goes like this:

  • MAP33 - Intermission music
  • MAP34 - Title music
  • MAP35 - Text story music
  • MAP36 - MAP01 music
  • MAP37 - MAP02 music
  • MAP38 - MAP03 music
  • MAP39 - MAP04 music

YMB's bonus map actually inspired me to make a new bonus map (i used the text story music):

Caught in a Web.wad


I'm fine with swapping Triangle Factory into the MAP16 slot and moving Blue Orpheus to the mystery zone... I was totally unaware of the ability to include "bonus maps" in a vanilla wad, that's pretty cool. I don't mind if Blue Orpheus ends up not getting included anywhere if we don't do bonus maps - I think I'm happier overall with Triangle Factory at the end of the day.

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5 minutes ago, YMB said:

I'm fine with swapping Triangle Factory into the MAP16 slot and moving Blue Orpheus to the mystery zone... I was totally unaware of the ability to include "bonus maps" in a vanilla wad, that's pretty cool. I don't mind if Blue Orpheus ends up not getting included anywhere if we don't do bonus maps - I think I'm happier overall with Triangle Factory at the end of the day.

I like the idea of doing bonus maps...


Because of how the music is kinda slotted, I guess what we should do is first come, first serve for the mappers already in this cp to chose a slot.

I think it would be better for whoever finishes their maps first, can post it and choose a slot that's not taken... So not necessarily choosing slots in advance.

I'd rather not have to wait another few weeks just for bonus maps. But if you happen to whip up a bonus map... why not post it?


Since, I chose the story music, I guess I could choose map35.

YMB, if you wanted Blue Orpheus in a mapslot, which music would you like?

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12 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:


What does everyone think about maybe adding a bit of bonus maps?


If we did this, I think it would be best to keep the new maps with the mappers that have already submitted maps.


I think i can wipe up a mew submission, i have a scrapped version of map26 that i abandoned in the favor of the current one because the old one took more linedefs than i expected, i can remake and finish it real quick.

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Also, btw, i thought about the critique of my map “untitled1” and it’s name, so i decided to go fir a compromise and rename my map into “untitled place”, so when the next updated happens, rename map26 “untitled1” into “untitled place” pls.

@Arsinikk @Luleta

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2 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Also, btw, i thought about the critique of my map “untitled1” and it’s name, so i decided to go fir a compromise and rename my map into “untitled place”, so when the next updated happens, rename map26 “untitled1” into “untitled place” pls.

 @Arsinikk @Luleta

Sounds good!

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17 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

I like the idea of doing bonus maps...


Because of how the music is kinda slotted, I guess what we should do is first come, first serve for the mappers already in this cp to chose a slot.

I think it would be better for whoever finishes their maps first, can post it and choose a slot that's not taken... So not necessarily choosing slots in advance.

I'd rather not have to wait another few weeks just for bonus maps. But if you happen to whip up a bonus map... why not post it?


Since, I chose the story music, I guess I could choose map35.

YMB, if you wanted Blue Orpheus in a mapslot, which music would you like?


I'll take the MAP38 slot - the MAP03 music in this project sets a good tone for the level!

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48 minutes ago, YMB said:


I'll take the MAP38 slot - the MAP03 music in this project sets a good tone for the level!

like @Arsinikk said, due to the nature of these bonus levels i'm afraid we cant really reserve a slot. 

but if you make the map and at that time noone took it yet its yours :^3.

im sorry but otherwise we'd have to make yet ANOTHER DEADLINE for the bonus levels.

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32 minutes ago, Luleta said:

like @Arsinikk said, due to the nature of these bonus levels i'm afraid we cant really reserve a slot. 

but if you make the map and at that time noone took it yet its yours :^3.

im sorry but otherwise we'd have to make yet ANOTHER DEADLINE for the bonus levels.

Lol but @YMB has a map already... Blue Orpheus can be used as a bonus map.


What I didn't think of, is what if we don't make it to say "MAP38" in bonus maps... Like if we don't get to 5 previous maps before that from people.


Depending on how many bonus maps we get, we may have to shift the bonus map locations.

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