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What level did you struggle the most with when you first played doom?

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I am talking about both Doom 1 and 2. I am not sure what level I struggled with.

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Toxin Refinery in Sharware probably. The blue key trap used to do such a number on me personally.


In the full version....it would definitely be Mt. Erebus. It used to take me so long to finish that map.


I have nothing for Doom II, in part because I used to cheat, and while I now see "Industrial Zone" "Gotcha" and "The Living End" are all troublesome for different reasons, it was actually "Dead Simple" I had the most trouble with because circle-strafing keyboard only was just so cumbersome

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any of the maps from episode 2 or 3 of  the ultimate doom. maybe im just really bad at finding paths but they are like mazes to me, and downtown from doom 2 is also a shit map

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The Waste Tunnels. Yes, I know it's strange that I'd have trouble with that map, but when I first started playing DOOM II, I didn't have a good time.

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E3M1 on UV, ran out of ammo. Came to realize how perfectly balanced this map is from a pistol start. Then E3M2 was even more challenging but with savegames I beat Episode 3. E3M7 was a serious challenge with the maze. I did not have enough health to rocket jump to the secret exit in E3M6 but later realized you can activate the switch by humping the outside of the casket.

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E2M4 was definitely the hardest for me my first time around in terms of just figuring out what to do and where to go, and E4M2 is the only one I really recall having issue with in terms of not dying.

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E2M2, actually. I was a dumbass kid that didn't understand Doom's movement too well, and I struggled with KDITD quite a bit on HMP. E3M6's teleporters were difficult in the sense that they were incredibly disorienting. Everyone has to start somewhere though, right? ;)

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E3M3 (Pandemonium) - strange one, I know, as it's not really hard, but for some reasons I got stuck there in my first playthrough and just IDDQD'd the rest of Inferno. Later learned to play it the right way.


In Doom 2, I think it was "Refueling Base" (MAP10). I also remember having problems with "Barrels O' Fun".

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Limbo (E3M7). That map made me find out that you can get "SUCKS" as a time on the intermission screen

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I think E3M6 - it ran poorly on my 33 Mhz 486, and I couldn’t take the seemingly infinite hordes of Cacodemons. And back then Doom’s atmosphere scared me, I was some 11 years old.


Another hard one was E3M7. To this date I can’t really internalize the teleporter shenanigans, and back in the day damaging blood and the enemy numbers (which now appear very measly) proved troublesome together.

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I always struggled with E3M5 Unholy Cathedral. Mostly because of the obtuse progression.


The first level I really struggled with due to the monsters was E1M8 Phobos Anomaly because I was playing on the Atari Jaguar from pistol start. When I played from an earlier level and carried over the rocket launcher it became much easier.

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Pretty sure it was something in the 15-20 range of D2. Can't remember exactly, that crap all kind of mashes together in my memory.

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E3M7 because, well, it's Limbo. For Doom 2 there's still a few maps that I find fairly difficult even today, notably maps 22, 23, and 26.

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MAP19/LEVEL47 The Citadel 


I pose the question of how I was supposed to know to shoot the wall, that got me stuck for weeks.

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Doom: Limbo (E3M7)

That teleporter puzzle is literally from hell. If the idea was to put one last huge cockblocker in your path on the way to the boss, the map does an amazing job at it.


Doom II: The Chasm (MAP24)

There's little more to that map than balancing over some super-thin ledges. Also a letdown regarding visuals. Always felt more like a gapfiller to me.

Edited by NightFright

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Believe it or not, I would have to say it was The Waste Tunnels. I truly was crap at the game back then...

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Doom 2, MAP19: the Citadel. My friend and I spent a good couple of days trying to beat that level. We didn't know that you could beat it with just two keys and struggled to find the yellow one. Eventually, we did and were dumbfounded that a key is behind a secret.


I actually still think it's bad level design, but I do like the level nonetheless.

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I feel like I'm the only one who kinda likes E3M7, but it was probably the most Doom 1 level I struggled with. For Doom II, it's Map27: The Spirit World, or maybe Map23: Barrels O' Fun?

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Definitely Halls Of The Damned and Limbo, mostly because I had literally no idea where to go

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Icon of Sin, hands down. To this day i have a loathing for any and all IOS maps and generally skip them when playing pwads

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