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My Very First Doom Map

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Very basic 1994 wad but not bad for your first map.


I say keep practice on mapping & I think you'll get the better hang of it :)



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It's true it's a basic level, but I enjoyed it.
I think it's a bit too generous on the bullet department, especially if you go for the secrets.


Good fist map

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I'll take a look a bit later. Just wanted to let you know that Ultimate doom builder is the successor of doombuilder 2. Looks good from screenshots though.
Edit: @Mordra here's the video:

Edit 2: turns out you had difficulties implemented. saw that from bios video. sorry about not noticing that

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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I really liked it! Pretty short, but this is better than most peoples firsts maps Id say! Some of the traps actually caught me off guard, and the imp at the exit put a smile on my face. Keep at it! I love the style!


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Not too shabby at all, mate. Not much in the way of basic newbie mistakes, mechanics are down pat and your traps were decent. Very basic, but also solid. You're well on your way! Keep practicing ;^)



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A simple, nice first map. You paid attention to textures alignment and in some case even used borders to separate a texture from a completely different one. Fun little encounter in the red keycard room by the way. ;)


Hopefully you make more and next time you can challenge yourself with things such as "okay maybe I could play with ceiling/floor variation. More varied rooms shape, etc.". One step at a time but you definitely have the basics down!


Thank you for the map.

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