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If you could make a "Doom game", what would it be and why?

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I would personally add lots of gore, and add new monsters. (That's an oversimplified explanation) 

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I'd set it in Heretic world cuz I like an idea of putting modern guy in a medieval world (or in a world that has been destroyed by something and has fallen to that level of progress)

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New monsters to add a touch of unpredictability. New weapons to be able to fight against the new monsters. A story where Doomguy is not an incredible and raw "entity", but a badass guy who faces everything even though he's afraid and going through difficulties, like Guts from Berserk. He is not alone and solves everything like a generic alpha male all the time, he has help from other soldiers like in War Hammer 40k. The story would take place in various locations in the galaxy rather than just on Earth.

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If i could make a "Doom" style game what would it be and why? 


That's a tough one only because i've had an idea for a game that's Quake 1 and dusk inspired game called "Moon Raven" edgy i know. 


But as far as a doom game goes, i would make a game that has fps with a blend of rpg element in it. I know i know there's mods like that but i'm thinking more as a game not a mod for a game. Have something like Hexen with classes, health, armour and special abilities only they have to each other. 


I.E: Let's say you play a mage and he has good health but low armour, his special would be a forbitten totme book that only can use to cast dark or black magic.


Another one would be if you played as a fighter and he has good armour but crappy health. His special would be when he picks up a norse weapon (let's just say thor's hammer or a weapon made out of Jormagander), he would get a buff to health for like 30 seconds and/or he will be immune to any type of damage for a short amount of time.  


The base of it would be like medieval mixed with lovecraftian horror and hellish demonic theme. It's got to have a kick ass soundtrack or Midi track (depends on your taste of music). 


As far as a story goes well i don't got one because i'm thinking of this as i go along.  


I know i might get people saying "well that's just like this or that game" So? It's an idea and if it did happen i would play it. I'm a sucker for old school fps games from the 90's and 2000's, because that's what i grew up on. 


Also one last thing i wanted to add that if i had to come up with a name for it. It would be either "Heretic's of the old gods" or "Slaves of a heretic god: xur Zek" I don't know which one would sound better. 


But that's just my thought's on what i would do and it is my own opition and everyone has an option.  

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On 7/23/2022 at 11:56 AM, Gore said:

I would personally add lots of gore, and add new monsters.

Damn, fucking wild imagination! id, hire this man!


Personally, I would make the game as dark as possible. I'd retcon the lore, most of the setting, story, etc so it would be DOOM in name/gameplay only. I'd give the game a gothic setting, with more religious overtones and demons that are more in line with medieval artwork. Hell could still be a part of it, but I would strip out the science fiction aspect of it.

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I would add like doom 3 graphics like shadow and lightning but with gameplay of doom eternal. Seriously tho, doom 3 had the best shadow and lightning i ever seen, shame most game didnt use that type of lightning and shadow.

Edited by Ozcar

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Something similar to Strife, or a story-heavy game with lots of NPCs, branching pathlines, and more flavor text than you could possibly need, but probably based in the world of Doom, with inclusion of settings like the tropics or the deserts of Ancient Aliens. But very much a shooter at heart with the occasional frighteningly large ambush, probably with things drawing from Mill in TNT. Maybe time travel too, but that gets screwy too easily. I do love me some medieval settings, and there could be occasional jaunts to strange dimensions.

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26 minutes ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Something similar to Strife, or a story-heavy game with lots of NPCs, branching pathlines, and more flavor text than you could possibly need, but probably based in the world of Doom, with inclusion of settings like the tropics or the deserts of Ancient Aliens. But very much a shooter at heart with the occasional frighteningly large ambush, probably with things drawing from Mill in TNT. Maybe time travel too, but that gets screwy too easily. I do love me some medieval settings, and there could be occasional jaunts to strange dimensions.


I have said this a few times before but I think there's plenty of room for "side stories" ala Half-Life Opposing Force in the Doom universe. It would be a good chance to explore the effects of the invasion on a more human level, following one or more characters who might not have superpowers but still have some combat training (military or police perhaps), forced to try and keep people they care about safe like their kids or other family members, relying as much if not more on wits than combat ability (though there would still be plenty of that). Not pure survival horror, I am generally not fond of those where I can't shoot the things hunting me with relative ease. But somewhere in the middle between the extremes of Doom Eternal and something like Outlast.

Funnily enough also regarding time travel, I actually tried to write a story many many years ago based in the Doom universe that featured time travel that tied in Wolfenstein as well and even featured an alternate future that happened when the Doomguy went back in time for some reason, like Hell and the Nazis working together or something. I can't remember the specifics. But it's kind of funny that the Wolfenstein franchise went that route. I have also toyed with "Medieval Apocalypse" type themes as well.

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I would attempt to create another Doom 3 style version, taking lots of learnings from it of course.


More horror focused, slower paced survival sci-fi shooter. Ammunition would be a bit scarce but the weapons should have a very powerful, satisfying impact to them. I'd make the starting pistol essentially a 6 bullet revolver.


You may not have to be Doom guy, maybe another marine or even scientist. Maybe I would consider a new mechanic where you can optionally choose to tap into hell's energy as the game progresses to get some powerful boons, from straight out healing, enchanting weapons, health / armour / ammo cap increase etc but the more the player chooses to use this, they get corrupted which may involve negative consequences (more detectable by demons, friendly NPCs don't trust you, take more damage from hell attacks, impact on end game, or even a permanent death? Etc).

Edited by Chezza

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I’d like to imagine building a bridge between Doom gameplay and Descent: Six degrees of freedom, gory, and sorta spooky. It could be the standard premise of “demon’s happened!!!” except on an outpost floating in space without gravity - simple!

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A classic styled Doom game where you venture into the planets before Doom 1 and 2, essentially an exploration game.

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like many, many others have said, i would make classic Doom 3. i would set it immediately after Doom 2, and all the levels would basically be Earth in ruins (think Fallout) of course, this would mean mostly city levels, but i would also do Demonic Nest type stuff, and even an actually good Suburban section. (i've always wanted to see what Doomguy's house would canonically look like) Hell, maybe even throw in a countryside level here and there. also, more enemy types, maybe demons that evolved after being in Earthlike conditions for awhile.


basically, make Doom 2 again, but all Earth levels. and actually GOOD Earth levels.


(super random, but i would do a secret level called "Ghosts Of War". it would be set on a Demonic/Earth battlefield, and every enemy is a hitscanner modded to look clear-ish, like a ghost. i would throw in SS officers in the mix there as well)

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I like the theming of the psx doom games so anything i would do would have colored lighting and the aubrey hodges ost 

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Since Doom 1 and 2 got the 2016/Eternal treatment I'd like to see takes on Final Doom and Doom 64.

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On 7/25/2022 at 11:15 PM, TenthRingWanderer said:

Military-themed but it gradually progresses from Classic Doom gameplay to Doom Eternal gameplay while justifying it in the narrative.

How do you presume this would work?

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12 hours ago, BGrieber said:

I’d like to imagine building a bridge between Doom gameplay and Descent: Six degrees of freedom, gory, and sorta spooky. It could be the standard premise of “demon’s happened!!!” except on an outpost floating in space without gravity - simple!

The player could play as a Cacodemon instead of controlling a ship.


"Two buttholes and six degrees of freedom add up to a lot of fun in this retro-inspired FPS"


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Me gustaría crear una edición especial. Juntaría Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 y su expansión, Final Doom y Sigil. A esos juegos les agregaría una expansión más que consistiría en otro marine dentro de los eventos de Ultimate Doom y Doom 2, algo como Lost Mission de Doom 3. Teniendo entonces lo clásico, le añadaría mejoras gráficas, pero sin perder la esencia, nuevos demonios, sub jefes únicos para ciertos niveles y nuevas armas para Final Doom y la otra expansión. Creo nomás que si fuera posible también incluiria los juegos de FreeDOOM Phase I & II. 

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28 minutes ago, ProgrammerPower said:

How do you presume this would work?


I could see this happening except mechanics would have to disappear in favour of new ones (which isn't something I've really seen before).


E.g. you're more grounded and can take cover, need to reload, apply health, take fall damage etc.


Narrative wise you start unlocking super natural abilities and gradually become the Doom Slayer. As you play, you unlock faster running, no fall damage, double jump, glory kill healing, more weapon capacity, unique mods / powers that enable you to pounce distances or teleport (at this point cover mechanic is no longer present).


If done right, with great pacing I can see it being very cool. Actually could work in the idea I had in my previous post about optionally accepting powerful boons from Hell energy but with consequences.

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Honestly I would probably go the route ID software went when making Doom II; same game but "More".


I'd make Doom 4 but the gameplay would be very very close to the classic games. The engine though would be more modern and 3D. You still move and strafe faster than any human has any right to and I would add a jump and crouch button. Also free look to interact better with the new 3D levels. I would probably keep sprite-based enemies and weapon and item pickups though but add like more angels to view the sprites from other than just 8 to give them a "3D feel". This is because I kinda want bodies of fallen enemies to stay until level ends. I would add a bit more gore that would disappear after a while though. Like blood splats on the walls and floors when a monster dies and stuff like that. Maybe give each monster 2-3 different death animations.


Finally add some new weapons or buff existing ones: Make the Chainsaw a melee ranged stun-lock weapon basically and make the Plasma Rifle use a different Ammo type than the BFG. Add a Sniper Rifle/Railgun for long range sniping. Also buff the pistol and the Chaingun because these weapons become underwhelming when you get the SSG normally. I would boost the damage of the chaingun and maybe make the pistol 100% accurate so it can snipe things too without going overkill and wasting ammo for smaller enemies like the Sniper Rifle would.


Then add a few more monsters: Machine gun troops that are basically reskinned SS soldiers from Doom 2. Add a Cyber-Hell Knight which is like a smaller Cyberdemon but with Hell Knight HP. Add some boss monsters.


So yeah. You still have most of the classic weapons that work pretty closely to how they are in Doom 2. You have a few new weapons to fill certain niches. You have more complex levels to explore and fight in. You have old monsters that, again, work very closely to how they do normally. Maybe slightly tweak their AI to work better in 3D environments but I'm thinking about mostly path-finding and not some new ability.

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I think I would make a sequel to Doom 3, "Hell on Earth", with a similar pacing, world design, monster designs (the overall aesthetic, for short), but in the modern Doom 2016/Eternal engine. The intention would be to remove or rework the worst parts of Doom 3, like the over-reliance on jumpscares, the camera shake when taking damage, the soul cube/artifact, the clunky platforming, and bring some of the best additions, QoL and UI improvements from the new games.


I like the weapons wheel and weapon customization aspect, though would probably leave the skill tree out. Maybe incorporate glory kills albeit in a way to match the more horror oriented theme of the game. The gameplay would still be more reminiscent of Doom 3 but with some of the extra options those things give.


Nightmare mode would work similar to Doom 3's ticking down to 25 health and having no Medkits on the map, but relying on some of the Doom 2016 mechanics to recover health instead of the cube.


And I would leave the shotgun exactly as it is, because it is perfect.

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I'd definitely rather make a low budget spin-off in the spirit of today's retro shooters. I know there's like a bajillion of those but idc.

Very simple, fast, and pure gameplay. Like Hotline Miami but in 3D and in hellish techbases.

No dead weight attached. Definitely no cringefest plot like Eternal.

Optional movement tricks for better navigation, think Quake Arena but with hook shot too. 

And add a replay value for each level with unlockable difficulty settings and modifiers. So you can play the same level again but now it's raining acid, or floor is turned to lava, or shadows consume you, or something. Making it a little bit rouge like. 

That feels like something I'd like to play myself. 

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I'd canonise RAGE and have the Hell On Earth bits take place in a Mad Max-style desert wasteland. Because I love that shit, and it's neat how Wolfenstein RPG joined Wolfie and DOOM, so...

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