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What non-Doom mapping/modding efforts have you completed/are near completing? Please reveal them!

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The reason I'm creating this thread is because the "[. . . .] I wanna see your wads[. . . .]" thread clearly requests Doom map previews.


If someone wishes to post non-id Software Doom mod work that displays their personal passion(s), then logistically it would be off-topic to sample such digital efforts in a reply to that post in that thread.


If you have non-Doom file(s) you have completed and wish to showcase to others viewing Doomworld and the file(s) took tens of hours to realize, then please, if you would, share that work here so others may witness what came from your soul.

Edited by Reviver

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BoHCatdl(Baron_of_Hell's_Cathedral)[Quake 1/Classic Quake]



Sullen in nature is the battleground before you,
existing within a domain a demon holds sacred. . .

Grey worn building materials prominently featured
within the sturdy structures are accented with brown
surfaces along with black and other dark colors. . .

It appears before you in decorations that could
hold function to a variety of mysteries -- the skulls
that have thick curved descending horns -
the being this cathedral pays tribute to as
if it were of nobility.














BoHCatdl(Baron_of_Hell's_Cathedral)[Quake 1/Classic Quake] YouTube content:


BoHCatdl Tour - YouTube:  

BohCatdl.nav: Version 1 Tyrant demo

Edited by Reviver

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BoHSuite(Baron_of_Hell's_Suite) was completed 09/08/2022 and released online starting 09/09/2022:



Download link:  https://archive.org/details/BoHSuite



YouTube video tour of level:



I purposely excluded two secrets while providing the guiding tour. . .


Thank you for your interest in BoHSuite(Baron_of_Hell's_Suite).

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BoHWarZn(Baron_of_Hell's_War_Zone) 09-22-2022[09-23-2022 for Version 1.1]




YouTube Tour of BoHWarZn(Baron_of_Hell's_War_Zone):



Download Link: https://archive.org/details/bo-hwar-zn-1

Edited by Reviver : Version 1.1 was quickly but carefully made for publication

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Project Maverick Breaker is underway.  It is a Free For All map for Quake III: Arena.  Here are previews of what I have done so far:







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Just a quick test to try and wrap my head around Trenchbroom around the time the Quake 1 remaster came out. At some point I need to sit down and fiddle around with it some more, but all the other tools for creating texture WADs etc. feel so much more primitive than the amazing stuff I'm used to from the Doom scene.



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I did a bunch of maps for UT2004, specifically for the Unreal Tournament Revolution and CTF4 projects (I was lead mapper in the latter).


Of course, that was 15+ years ago :)

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The project draws near to an end.  Just one element is missing before I release BoHColsm via the internet using file sharing servers.

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BoHColsm(Baron_of_Hell's_Coliseum) is now complete!



"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"/
 "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."


Dante Alighieri


This is not Paradise; this is not Sheol or 
Purgatory: this place is a violent Limbo!

Trapped within an arena where the release
of death is denied, you do battle against
intelligent and vicious opponents -- you
and the enemy both fight for freedom from
this soul-toturing place.


To win your freedom, you must emerge
victorious.  If you do not, then you will
endure being damned to be fodder for your
opponent's deadly arsenal and strategies.


Weapons              :  Shotgun, Plasma Gun, Lightning Gun, Rail Gun


Items                   :  (x4)Health(5 Points), (x2)Personal Teleporter,
                                Holdable Medikit, Heavy Armor


Ammo Items         :  Bullets, Shells, Cells, Slugs


Additional Credits to   :  Ultimate Doom/Doom II, and Classic Quake.
                                   Their influences within Quake III: Arena
                                   inspired this map's creation.


                                   Musician Dylan Leggett, who gave me permission
                                   to use an altered version of the Episode 1 Mission
                                   8 from Ultimate Doom "Sign of Evil" he created!

                                   Here is his YouTube channel URL:

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Rampage M


This was to be a commercial project that, sadly, had to be canceled. A lot of development occurred, including coding, models, mapping.



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L'odio_Nero_Death_Match(The Black Hatred Death Match) is officially underway for Quake 1.


Here are previews from my beta version that I started developing today:







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L'odio_Nero_Death_Match is complete today this 12/05/2022!


L'odio Nero. . .

Il colore del buio;

L'ombra che domina questo spazio.

Il mio odio ha dato origine a questa arena di morte e violenza che è diventata un punto caldo;

Odio Nero. . . è il disegno che sprigiona l'ombra dello spirito.









Want more screenshots, or simply wish to download this map?  If interested, follow this link: https://archive.org/details/ldio-nero-death-match/

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This is but a sample from my latest map in development "The_Grey_Stardust_Zone."



This time around, I'm implementing not only my own ideas, but also the ideas from others who offer them.  Every single outside idea gets the person who contributed it a creative assistant credit in the readme.txt file!


Don't be afraid to express yourself if you have a way to improve this map!

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Description               : Mostly grey building materials harmonize with the dark.

Weapons                  : Double Barrelled Shotgun; Super Nail Gun; and Thunderbolt.

Items                       : Green Armor; ( 2x)15 point medikits.

Ammo Items             : Shells, Nails/Spikes, and Cells.

Additional Credits to  : Special thanks to these creative assistants:


                                  Shinkanohikari https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS16gow6Fb87aC0HPhxLRPA






                                  Fred Miller(Social Work | Associate in Science)









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My first release for Wolfenstein 3D is known simply as SS. It’s a 10 level stand-alone episode with minor code changes (thanks to the MIA Wolf 3D guru known as Andy Nonymous). It is very reminiscent of the Escape From Castle Wolfenstein episode and overall is very noobish. This was made prior to EC/LZWolf, so thus far there is not a compatible version to use with that port and it will require the SDL exe included in the download to run. There’s also a 2 level SDM demo that connects to the story, but I don’t really care for it and probably shouldn’t have released it. 


Then, I worked with ThunderEnema to help him make his dream project known as Beyond the Grave. Several of the maps are based off of maps I made for a cancelled Wolf 3D project.

I also contributed maps to each of the following Wolf 3D community map sets: 

DHW Lost Episodes Mapset (lvls 4 & 20)

DHW Totengraber Mapset (lvls 6 & 9)

LZWolf Mapset (2 lvls)


The most recent solo effort of mine is my SDM mapset. It is 2 levels that use the Spear of Destiny Demo code as a base, very minor source code changes were implemented here by yours truly. This is by far what I consider to represent my best mapping efforts for this game. Unlike the previous projects I mentioned, this one does have an EC/LZWolf compatible version thanks to AstroCreep. 

And just recently, I contributed a map for the Floor 10 slot of Oldfartenstein. I will be providing 2 maps for episode 3 of this project that will release quite soon (hopefully). 

I really enjoy making maps for Wolfenstein 3D, and plan to release a full map replacement for both WL6 and SOD in the near future that will be DOS compatible so they’ll run on all ports. I also am contributing maps to the LZWolf Astrostein mapset, and I encourage anyone who wants to make a map to do so because they need more submissions. It’s an open-invite so there’s no slots or anything to be concerned about.  

Otherwise, I have been toying with making a Duke Nukem 3D map for years now and just need to quit procrastinating and finish something for release. 

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I started making Commander Keen mods 10 years ago, but I haven't yet completed any of them :/ (to be fair my motivation for keen modding dropped sharply after 2020)

Someday I'll release some of the unfinished keen mods I made over the years, and hopefully even finish some of them.

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I was in the middle of making an Unreal deathmatch map but I put it on hold to binge Doom since the re-release happened. Still a work in progress, just patiently working on it at my own pace. ^^


* level name to be decided *



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Recently (2023 - present) I have done the following. 

Wolf 3d (as Gerolf):

-I contributed 6 maps to Orka’s Des Mannes bester Freund mod.

-I also contributed to the following community sets: Return to Danger - IDeas FormGenerations (3 maps), Speedmapping Mania 2023 Event Thing Mod (1 map), & Tribute - The Best Map in the World (1 map). Another is on the way titled Clusterfuck (the title is related to the premise of the mod). 

Duke 3d (as DNSKILL5):

-Submitted my first user map to Sanek’s BattleDuke 2 contest

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Posted (edited)

I'm making stuff for quake. Learning a new tool feels daunting but Trenchbroom is a fun and easy mapping tool, beats Hammer. I hope to make epic mods in the future.


Here's one of my first maps, it's a simple short one. After fighting a few grunts and dogs, there'll a door that needs a key but the key is on a tall pillar. There's a button next to the door that raises a few pillars next to it that form platforms to jump up on to get the key. Meanwhile an ogre walks along the gate and hurls grenades at the player while they parkour. After you open the door, there's be a demon to lunge at you too. I really like it.


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I'm really digging quake modding, retexturing things and doing modeling edits are easier than doing it in doom or source. since for doom you have to worry about rotation sprites and for source you have to make super high quality model edits and textures. I feel at home with quake.

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Posted (edited)

@Reviver screenshots are not working in your second post.


I started my mapping journey with Duke3D back in '97. I made dozens of maps back then, but the majority of them never got released. This is one of the few ones that did, back in 2008.



I also made a couple of scenarios for Lemmings back in 2009. 







I made levels for Wolf3D and an old DOS game called "Jetpack" back when I was a kid as well, but I have no idea where they are, I think I never backed them up (this is just a reference pic).


Edited by Fernito : Typo

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Posted (edited)

Toxic Serenity Refinery -- A Custom-made Quake 1 Map!


Toxic: extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful.


Serenity: a state of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude.


Refinery: a building and equipment for refining or processing
something (such as oil or sugar).

[Refine: to make improvement by introducing subtleties or


Toxic green slime underneath will pose no hazard,
for the opponent before you is determined to make the kill
in close-quarters combat!


Keep your fear in check, and embrace the power
of your tranquil fury to pay back the violence
delivered that will be struck unto you.


In this arena, expect only to intensely battle for
your life. Though menacing, this environment also
holds weapons, ammo, and useful items.


Map Contents:


Super Shotgun and Super Nailgun.


(2x) 25 Point Health Kits.


150 Point Yellow Armor.


(2x) Small Shells and (2x) Small Spikes.


The shadows within my true self from dark inspiration.


Toxic Serenity Refinery Video Tour



File Download Links:


https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?resources%2Ftoxic-serenity-refinery.390%2F (SlipGate SightSeer)


https://www.moddb.com/games/quake/addons/toxic-serenity-refinery (ModDb)


https://www.gamefront.com/games/quake--1/file/toxic-serenity-refinery (GameFront)


https://archive.org/details/toxic-serenity-refinery (Internet Archive)


https://gamebanana.com/mods/538350 (GameBanana)


Screenshot Previews:





Edited by Reviver : Typo was made, noticed and corrected. . . .

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