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[Community Project] Thirty Monsters Challenge 2: Thirty Aliens (the end)

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33 minutes ago, dac said:

Plain lost souls are included in the limit. Lost souls from pain elementals are not included.

Cool, thanks for clearing that up. In that case, here is my map


Map Name: 30 Reasons To Die

Author: Razza

Music: MIDI Tack 4, supplied by @R0rque. earlier in the thread

Difficulty Settings: Implemented

Ports Tested: DSDA Doom

Description: A dark, crumbling and hostile cave filled with all kinds of ways to write out your obituary. You may have the tools to tame the cave, but only the fleet-footed will make it out alive.

Notes: Skills 1-3 shouldn't provide too much challenge, however UV can be a bit of a bitch. The Undying can be troublesome to keep down on UV without the help of the secret berserk (Hint: keep your eyes peeled for a flashing light).



Edited by Razza : Would probably help to include the file

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6 hours ago, Razza said:

Cool, thanks for clearing that up. In that case, here is my map


Map Name: 30 Reasons To Die

Author: Razza

Music: MIDI Tack 4, supplied by @R0rque. earlier in the thread

Difficulty Settings: Implemented

Ports Tested: DSDA Doom

Description: A dark, crumbling and hostile cave filled with all kinds of ways to write out your obituary. You may have the tools to tame the cave, but only the fleet-footed will make it out alive.

Notes: Skills 1-3 shouldn't provide too much challenge, however UV can be a bit of a bitch. The Undying can be troublesome to keep down on UV without the help of the secret berserk (Hint: keep your eyes peeled for a flashing light).




Oooooh thanks a lot for picking up one of my MIDI files. I was surprised but that fitted pretty well for the map ! :O

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34 minutes ago, R0rque. said:

Oooooh thanks a lot for picking up one of my MIDI files. I was surprised but that fitted pretty well for the map ! :O

Track 2 was also a contender, but i liked how #4 kept it's more somber tone to the end, definitely fit the feel i was going for. BTW do you name your midis at all? A proper name would make it less awkward to credit than just "track 4"

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Here is my map. :)




Map : Hantrepaut

Author: Roofi

Music: from Aboo4.wad composed by Bob Reganess

Difficulty Settings: Yes (new weapons available on lower difficulties
Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom

Description: A warehouse with aliens and a puzzle.


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30 Reasons to Die by @Razza


Well, you get 4 demos, because I accidentally restarted the demo a couple of times. After recording these I had to stop and figure out how to adjust my gamma, because the map is very dark, especially the starting room. I died to the guardian because I couldn't actually see it. With the gamma cranked up two more levels it was fine, but it could maybe use some tweaks to the lighting. Looking at it in the editor it's not actually that dark, so maybe it's just that the guardian (and the aliens, obviously) easily blend into the background.


I finished the level afterwards, and it's good overall.


I did have a serious issue with the arch-diabolic. This is not really this map's fault, but I've seen them in most of the submissions so far, and I really don't enjoy fighting them. When you're not in a situation where you can keep moving, it's really hard to tell when you're about to get hit. As you can see in the demo, the fire attack even follows you through teleporters.


I also got lost for a while during the first attempt because I didn't see the correct path. That's mostly on me though.




Hantrepaut by @Roofi


Demo: 30mc2_roofi_m1_v1.wad_scf.lmp.zip


Pretty nice first-episode type of level. The green armor trap is nasty though, especially compared to how breezy the rest of the level is.


If the red key puzzle is anything but "press all the switches" then I didn't get it. I just hit things until it worked. I can imagine it being extra confusing if you've found one of the secrets first and the corresponding switch has sunk into the ground.


Edit: also, why is one secret just rockets in a map without rocket launcher?


Edited by SCF

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Hello there. Here come the MIDI files for you. This is not the best tracks I've made in my entire life, but I hope you'll find one which can please you ! I've done many music genres as possible ! ;)


P.S : I've put all of the tracks in one file. I've written the title of each track "inside" the MIDI file. And I've shown the genre of each track "outside". @Razza will be happy now ! :P


P.S² : I've made too the titlescreen and the intermission tracks. These are pretty short because this is not the place that you stay for so long in a Doom game. :P


Enjoy ! 

30 Monsters Community Project Tracks.zip

Edited by R0rque. : Forgot to say something about the file.

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Name: Thirty Deep Blue

Author: SuyaSS

Music: Chernobog's Domain By James Paddock

Difficulty Settings: Partially Implemented

Ports Tested: Woof 10.4.0, DSDA Doom 0.24.3

Description: "Hidden caves behind a blue base" A short-ish base + cave map with the main focus on the new Plasma Rifle.

Notes: I still don't understand how to make monster closets




Taken with No Monsters



DOWNLOAD: 30mc2_suyass_m1_v1.zip

Edited by SuyaSS

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So for some news: I'll have another resource pack update at a later time. Nothing really important, just fixes for the pistol so it shouldn't affect anything you're working on right now.


So anyway, thought I'd get in shape with playtesting:


@NiGHTS108 - 01 (Notes for version 3)



- Oh god this is a tough one. The opening is a bit easier if you let the diabolist do the work of blowing up the flamethrowers, but this is in the upper echelon as far as difficulty goes. Not a bad thing though, I know I said I wanted more mellow maps but it's fine to have some taxing ones too, at least on UV!

- The chaingun secret can't be accessed because of the impassable lines. These could be replaced with monster blocking lines and not lose much in return. (or just let the revenants roam freely on the ledges)

- Also the chaingun secret has a bugged sky.

- Not really a fan of how the locked doors are laid out, would prefer if each locked door was properly marked, or having two switches and a voodoo system to open one door, or any other ideas you have.

- I agree the plasma aliens are a bit much and the viles resurrecting them are not necessary. Last I checked the Undyings do not get resurrected when crushed, might be an idea for a replacement. (plus it would mean the four viles can be reused elsewhere like in the other difficulties)

- On cyberdemons: Having them is fine, but it's probably best to put them outside the portal.

- Probably could put the blue armor further in the level in either direction, it's a bit weird to have a green armor for the opening and be immediately greeted with a blue you can pick up by accident.

- Still, for two hours this is good. I expect ten more maps before the end of winter lolololololo



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Map - Brimstone Vertigo
Author - suzerduzer
Music - "Moonsong" by Pixel
Difficulty Settings - Implemented
Ports Tested - GZDoom, Woof, DSDA, Eternity
Description - Swept into a crumbling world, you attempt to seek answers within an occultist archive.
Notes - I really enjoyed the new plasma, it works pretty well as a crowd sweeping weapon. I think I enjoy it more then the regular plasma rifle to be honest.

I tried really hard to use the Arch-Diabolical somewhere in this map but honestly had difficulty placing one anywhere, it seems really difficult for them to actually hit the player. I also found an incompatibility with the Eternity engine, it seems that the Flamer enemies projectiles seem to shoot from y level 0 instead of from their sprite making them basically unable to hit the player. Although this may have been an issue on my end.

Download: 30mc2_suzerduzer_m1_v1.7z


Edit: New version of the map, I implemented difficulty settings as well as slightly changing item placement & tweaked some visuals I didn't care for.

Edited by suzerduzer

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Howdy @dac please sign me up :)

Edit: I've got one ready to go 🍻


Map Name: Hammer Smashed Lilac

Author: Russell Bowtell

Music: Tempissed Phlux by David "Tolwyn" Shaw

Difficulty Settings: Implemented

Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom v0.25.2

Description: Just a short walk around the (square) corner, there is no keys and no switches. It's kinda tech base themed with lots of purple. It can be 100% completed in under 3 minutes fairly easily but near the end the player can get swarmed if they are unlucky :)

Notes:  I've been working on this on and off since December 6th so roughly about 3 weeks. This is going to be one helluva project! Cheers :)





Edited by JaySmithen : Got a map ready :)

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It's murder on the dance floor, but you'd better not kill the groove !


Map Name: Murder on the Dancefloor
Author: Shawn
Music: Disco Inferno by The Trammps
Difficulty Settings: Implemented (Easy = more ammo/health, lower tier monsters and better rewards in the secrets)
Format: MBF21
Iwads: Doom 2 with aa-mons.wad and aa-tex.wad
Ports Tested: DSDA doom 0.25.2, GZDoom 4.10, Eternity x64 4.03.00 pre-839, Woof 10.5.1
Co-op: Yes, but be sure to all be in the same room before starting a fight.
Description: After returning from Hell, Doomguy went to a dance club to relax. People were shocked to see his outdated dance moves and his general stiffness. There was no choice but to send him to the Dance Incarceration Super Center Overhaul where he will learn how to keep the groove at all cost !




Notes: RED IS DEAD ! Don't walk on red floor, or you will lose the groove. A Spider Mastermind will make sure you are always dancing by shooting bullets at your feet. Don't try to kill her and stay grooving on the Dancefloor.


Here are a few notes for each port.
DSDA Doom: Everything works as intended.
GZDoom: Scrolling floors are slower in this port for some reason, making the tempo of the map slower. Overall it makes the map easier but nothing game breaking.
Eternity Engine: This port does not seem to have implemented sector flag 8192 (kill all monsters) so the Spider Mastermind will stay alive at the end. Don't forget to wave her goodbye as you exit the level.
Woof: I have some graphical glitches with the new monsters/weapons but the map itself works fine.


I would love any feedback you have. Is the map too difficult ? Frustrating ? I'm open to modify the map to make it even more groovy.



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1 minute ago, dyshoria said:

is it supposed to look like this?Screenshot_Doom_20230105_232901.png.ee54b9610723473fdee6bb13c6ada65b.png

You need to convert the IWAD resources to the AA palette. There should be instructions in the resource file for this.

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Speaking of, updated the resources. Nothing too big, AA-tex.wad was just updated with new textures and so I updated mine too.

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ok so the patches are the textures between the p_start/p2/p3 right?. Ive done that and the text and the switches work but everything else is the same

Edited by dyshoria

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1 hour ago, dyshoria said:

ok so the patches are the textures between the p_start/p2/p3 right?. Ive done that and the text and the switches work but everything else is the same


As I mentioned, the info is in the aa-tex-info text file. YOu have to convert the sprites, flats and textures from the iwad for them to have the correct colors.

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@dac Question: do friendly monsters count towards the 30-monster limit?

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@dac Please, put me in "Pinky Promise" list. I might came up with something in the nearby future...


P.S.: It is not critical, but can we do something about it?




P.P.S.: Is there any masters of Boom? I need to know how I can activate sector's special №9 w/o direct player's involvement?

Voodoo-dool seems can't do that...


P.P.P.S.: The map itself are almost done. I just need a little help with setting up the secrets...




Edited by RastaManGames

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I've made first version, boss! @dac

Map Name: "SubTerranean Troubles".


Author: @RastaManGames.


Music: Alfonzo - PipeLine.


Difficulty Settings: Implemented. All three difficulties have different encounters. Easier is less spicy (if you know what I mean).


Ports Tested: "DSDA-Doom" V0.25.0


Description: You was chosen by U.A.C. for one small mission. There is small portal in the very underground part of the humble complex that must be shut down. You can do that by disabling main generator, but don't expect it to be a cake walk, marine. There is something that passed thru the gate. This is something evil.


Notes: I was lazy to convert all IWAD's graphics to the "Ancient Aliens" palette, so it was like minesweeper for me to make a map. Also, this is my first time dealing with its textures, so... Please, don't be so harsh on me. Also, special thanks to @Liberation and @DMPhobos for helping me out with one tricky secret!


Download V1 (Google.Drive)


(There must be screenies, but without converted palette of IWAD's resources they gonna look awful...)

Edited by RastaManGames

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Still need to add difficulty and a secret or two to the map, but other wise its done.


Map Name: Time Warp

Author: Bloodbath Giraffe

Music: Time Warp

Difficulty Settings: not implemented 

Ports Tested:  DSDA Doom

Description: Small and challenging and I just tried to do something different then normal



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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but in the latest resource wad, which is linked in the first post, the item drops for the Chaingunner and the Plasma Alien seem to be the wrong way around. The Chaingunner drops an Energy Cell, and the Plasma Alien drops a clip.

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On 1/9/2023 at 11:24 AM, Worst said:

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but in the latest resource wad, which is linked in the first post, the item drops for the Chaingunner and the Plasma Alien seem to be the wrong way around. The Chaingunner drops an Energy Cell, and the Plasma Alien drops a clip.


So for the record, I forgot to remove some stuff from the dehacked. I'll try and get an update this weekend, but for now all you have to do is delete both "Dropped Item" lines from the dehacked in the resource file and it should work properly. Sorry about that!

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