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I can't fix this texture bug


In the preview of Ultimate Doom Builder the iron grid textures load properly,



but when I start the game, it loads for some reason these textures



One time it magically fixed itself, but after importanting some files into the wad it came back.


I honestly don't know what causes it, it could be pretty much anything, because I imported 3 custom enemies, a truckload of custom textures and some levelspecific scripts into the wad and the magic fix happened when I deleted some unused textures(!?)


It only shows this error message, maybe it has to do something with that: 

Patch "SW18_7", index 2314 is double defined in resource "DOOM2.WAD"

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3 answers to this question

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There may be 2 patches with the same name in your file. Check for duplicate names with Slade3:


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