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Anyone else tired of the "DOOM runs on anything" meme?

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7 hours ago, TasAcri said:

It would at least be funny if half of these "ports" had anything to do with DOOM other then the name and maybe a few similar looking sprites. How is this DOOM?





Or this?





These are not running anything resembling the DOOM engine. Or even Wolfenstein 3D for that matter. There's nothing resembling the original maps, not even in a heavily gutted form. It's like those crappy Tiger LCD games. Sure, they share the titles with some popular games but can you really say that "Sonic" or "Golden Axe" runs on a Tiger LCD?


And how about all the "DOOM runs on a pregnancy test" articles? It wasn't even the test device that was running the game but an external one, using the pregnancy test's screen for the output. IIRC, there was also a "DOOM on the NES" that did something similar, i think it was an FPGA system in a cart and the NES was only using it's video output. I guess the SNES port of DOOM is also questionable since most of the work is done by the FX chip but hey.


Anyone else annoyed by this or is it just me not allowing any fun?


Does Doom run on you?

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it is genuinely infuriating to see "lmao someone made doom run on my left teste" plastered across every news site, while the community's creativity in almost all other areas flies under the radar

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8 minutes ago, akolai said:

it is genuinely infuriating to see "lmao someone made doom run on my left teste" plastered across every news site, while the community's creativity in almost all other areas flies under the radar


I do still enjoy the meme, but I definitely get your point. Especially when the actual programmers / modders who made it possible aren't credited by whatever gaming journalism outlet a given article is from.


Gee, that "Someone" sure did a lot of doom ports and mods

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6 hours ago, continuum.mid said:

The appeal of that meme to me is seeing the lengths people will go to to get Doom (or a similar "boomer shooter" engine) working on unusual platforms. I find ports of Linux to unusual hardware, or finding Turing-complete functionality in unusual places, similarly interesting.


I fully agree. But the problem is that a lot of these attempts aren't even DOOM. I mean, what defines DOOM? It's engine? It's maps? It's mechanics? When you have nothing of these and all you did was to make a first person flat/boxy corridor that somehow scrolls and plastered a bunch of DOOM sprites all over it, is that DOOM? Did you really made DOOM run on whatever it is that you running?

Edited by TasAcri

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Between this and the Modern Doom games' memes, which one(s) annoy(s) you? Not to say I hate the Modern Doom games tho.

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20 minutes ago, taufan99 said:

Between this and the Modern Doom games' memes, which one(s) annoy(s) you? Not to say I hate the Modern Doom games tho.


I just find it annoying how everything that is depicted in first person can automatically assumed to be DOOM. Even if there's not a single line of code that resembles the original, even if it's just a gun from a first person perspective, in an empty space or something, then hey!, It's DOOM.


So i made it run on some crappy, obscure device. Sure, it doesn't have the DOOM engine, or the maps, or the mechanics, or just about anything DOOM has... other than this gun sprite that looks the same and an Imp, running on that empty corridor i wrote in basic in 5 minutes. And the DOOM logo on the title screen. Apparently these are enough to define DOOM i guess.


But answering your question, i think the "rip and tear" thing is even worse, yeah.

Edited by TasAcri

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10 minutes ago, taufan99 said:

Between this and the Modern Doom games' memes, which one(s) annoy(s) you? Not to say I hate the Modern Doom games tho.

Oh Modern Doom memes.

I hate a lot the "Doom only have one joke" bullshit.

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13 hours ago, TasAcri said:

It would at least be funny if half of these "ports" had anything to do with DOOM other then the name and maybe a few similar looking sprites. How is this DOOM?



The fact that the HUD says "LIFE" instead of "HEALTH" pisses me off more than anything else for some reason.

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Broke: Health

Joke: Life

Woke: Vitality

Edited by Mr. Freeze

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I love the meme but I hate some people taking shortcuts and just dumping the video output into something wacky. Like the pregnancy tester, like Excel, like notepad... Some crazy hackers made the real engine run on a variety of things, and don't get enough credit. And are often overshadowed by these hacks who take the easy route. 

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17 hours ago, TasAcri said:

It would at least be funny if half of these "ports" had anything to do with DOOM other then the name and maybe a few similar looking sprites. How is this DOOM?




17 hours ago, TasAcri said:

Or this?




17 hours ago, TasAcri said:

or is it just me not allowing any fun?


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I’d like to see Doom running on a book as a classic “choose-your-own-adventure” game with each page being a black and white game screenshot complete with HUD.



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10 hours ago, TasAcri said:

So i made it run on some crappy, obscure device. Sure, it doesn't have the DOOM engine, or the maps, or the mechanics, or just about anything DOOM has... other than this gun sprite that looks the same and an Imp, running on that empty corridor i wrote in basic in 5 minutes. And the DOOM logo on the title screen. Apparently these are enough to define DOOM i guess.

SNES Doom and GBA Doom II don't have the Doom engine.

Doom 64 doesn't have the Doom maps or graphics or soundscape.


Are they Doom?

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18 minutes ago, Gez said:

SNES Doom and GBA Doom II don't have the Doom engine.


But they have an equivalent that allows the maps to run. It's not like they have a Wolfenstein 3D like engine that can only render orthogonal rooms. Which is what a lot of these "ports" seem to use. The complexity of it's maps was one thing that defined DOOM, IMO, and made it stand out from every other FPS at the time of it's release. Any game with strictly orthogonal rooms is far closer to Wolfenstein than DOOM. Even if you fill it with DOOM's assets and sprites.



18 minutes ago, Gez said:

Doom 64 doesn't have the Doom maps or graphics or soundscape.


Well, it's not a port, it's a different game. It has a more advanced version of the DOOM engine and similar but even more complex and detailed maps. It's a slightly more advanced DOOM sequel.



18 minutes ago, Gez said:

Are they Doom?


Yes. Except DOOM 64. That's DOOM 64.

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Merry antichristmas, OP!


//Edit: link YouTube app gave me link doesn't seem to be embedding right - it's a Doom Christmas bauble.


Edited by holaareola

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To be honest, I'm glad Doom of all games is on most things, especially portables. It'd make for a good boredom killer when you have random handhelds with you, like the DS or PSP.

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Tbh I agree with most of what this thread is saying. Id prefer if the ports were actually based on Doom and not just shrunken down versions of Wolf3D but usually a fair share of hardware, especially most calculators, arent able to render such graphics. But the media blow it out of proportion a bit as if someone ran Doom on a public kiosk (when that never happened) and someone just photoshops Doom onto a potato or lemon. What I'd like people do more of though is tetris. Way less intensive than Doom (given that it was made for the NES and Gameboy) meaning it can run on more hardware and its really fun and customizable in colors and shit.

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Sort of, while I do think some ports are insanely impressive, at the end of the day it's just free advertisement for Bethesda

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23 hours ago, TasAcri said:

But they have an equivalent that allows the maps to run. It's not like they have a Wolfenstein 3D like engine that can only render orthogonal rooms. Which is what a lot of these "ports" seem to use. The complexity of it's maps was one thing that defined DOOM, IMO, and made it stand out from every other FPS at the time of it's release. Any game with strictly orthogonal rooms is far closer to Wolfenstein than DOOM. Even if you fill it with DOOM's assets and sprites.


But would Doom remade in Wolfenstein 3D engine be actually that bad port? Most of the actual basic gameplay is a already there, just add things like episode 1 monsters and shotgun/rocketlauncher and you got nice little demake of Doom gameplay. Also remember that Doom RPG used engine closer to Wolfenstein 3D.

Edited by banjiepixel

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I’m not tired, I find it funny to imagine that Doom will run one day on my electric pressure cooker or on one of my printers.

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5 hours ago, banjiepixel said:


But would Doom remade in Wolfenstein 3D engine be actually that bad port? Most of the actual basic gameplay is a already there, just add things like episode 1 monsters and shotgun/rocketlauncher and you got nice little demake of Doom gameplay. Also remember that Doom RPG used engine closer to Wolfenstein 3D.


IMO, DOOM is not DOOM anymore without the complexity of it's maps. I never thought of DOOM as a game where you only shoot demons. It's also a game where you have to explore and "solve" the maps. I spent much more time trying to figure them out or find all the secrets, long after all the monsters were dead.


That exploration aspect would never be the same if DOOM had the Wolfenstein 3D engine. Because with an engine like that, you can only do the same rooms and corridors over and over. Even back in 1992 i got bored of them since the only thing that made them somewhat interesting was the different textures. I'm sure there are people who found the exploration of Wolf's maps more fun than i did but even they can agree DOOM is several generations above that.


That was DOOM's biggest achievement IMO, not the violence, or the shooting. It was the maps and the engine that could move those maps at playable speeds, at least on top of the line consumer hardware. For the first time i could explore 3D environments that looked like some real architecture is taking place. The fact that each area was completely different than any other place in the whole game blew my mind.


So yeah, for me DOOM is not DOOM anymore if that aspect is gone. The whole "DOOM can run on this device" thing started because the game was pretty demanding back in the day and many people had a hard time running it so having this advanced engine run at something obscure and weaker than a 386/486 was a fun achievement, kinda like the old console ports. But without that aspect there's no point. It might as well be "Wolfenstein can run on this device" but that wouldn't sound as impressive, would it? And while you are at it, you could also make some pre-rendered Crysis sprites, add the Crysis logo, make a basic wolfenstein like engine and claim "Crysis can run on my TV remote control" or something, it would be the same situation with some of those so called DOOM ports.


As for DOOM RPG, that's not a DOOM port. It's a completely different game. Which is something the memers never clarify even when it's the case.

Edited by TasAcri

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5 minutes ago, TasAcri said:

That was DOOM's biggest achievement IMO, not the violence, or the shooting. It was the maps and the engine that could move those maps at playable speeds. For the first time i could explore 3D environments that looked like some real architecture is taking place. The fact that each area was completely different than any other place in the whole game blew my mind.


The way I see that the actual gameplay, the enemies and weapons are what today make Doom most special. Build engine is more advanced and allows more complex maps but none of build engine games or even later id software games had the perfect gameplay that classic Doom had. Doom created first person version of classic shoot em up gameplay with majority of the enemies using slow projectiles to attack you. No other game has really done that. That what makes Doom most unique experience today.


So would then Doom gameplay ported to Build engine be more acceptable to you?


22 minutes ago, TasAcri said:

As for DOOM RPG, that's not a DOOM port. It's a completely different game. Which is something this meme never assumes even though it's the case most of the times.


But it is still a Doom game and has much simpler levels, so demake using Wolf3d engine could still be Doom ported to more limited hardware. Also PSX Doom gamea are not as much ports as they strange remixes of the pc titles. Especially Final Doom that is mix of Master Levels and a very limited set of actual Final Doom levels. They could be easily seen as their own separate games too.

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1 hour ago, banjiepixel said:


The way I see that the actual gameplay, the enemies and weapons are what today make Doom most special. Build engine is more advanced and allows more complex maps but none of build engine games or even later id software games had the perfect gameplay that classic Doom had. Doom created first person version of classic shoot em up gameplay with majority of the enemies using slow projectiles to attack you. No other game has really done that. That what makes Doom most unique experience today.


So would then Doom gameplay ported to Build engine be more acceptable to you?


Yes, the Build engine allows for similar levels of complexity or more. It can handle something like the original DOOM.


I highly doubt you would play a Wolfenstein 3D engine DOOM mod with DOOM's gameplay and monsters for more than a few minutes. You would quickly get bored of it. Same thing if someone made a DOOM wad with maps that are only orthogonal rooms with the same height like Wolfenstein. Popular wads don't get popular because they have DOOM's gameplay, most of them do by default anyway. They get popular because they have interesting maps to navigate/look. You could only do so much with Wolf's level design. But the possibilities are almost endless with DOOM.


I believe the combination of that fine gameplay and map complexity is what defines DOOM. If either is missing then we are talking about a different game.



1 hour ago, banjiepixel said:

But it is still a Doom game and has much simpler levels, so demake using Wolf3d engine could still be Doom ported to more limited hardware.


DOOM RPG is a "DOOM game" as in it's a game in the DOOM franchise. It's a completely different game and completely different genre even. Doesn't even play like the original DOOM shooter, which seemed like a requirement to you just now (as you mentioned in the initial argument above) but now you change your mind and say a DOOM game with none of that gameplay is still DOOM for you?


Again, the whole point of "DOOM runs on X" is porting the original DOOM (or DOOM 2/Final/Ultimate, i suppose) on a very weak machine that shouldn't be able to handle DOOM. If it's a completely different game, with an engine that can't handle DOOM anyway or has gameplay that's completely different (i'm sure some of these DOOM games in the memes don't even play like DOOM at all) then what's the point? It's like claiming "WoW! Elden Ring is running on the NES!!!!1111!" and in reality it's just a Super Mario Bros hack with a bunch of assets resembling Elden Ring. And a nice looking Elden Ring title screen.


I see no point in this other than click-baiting i guess. Sure, you made an Elden Ring game but you didn't actually made the Elden ring game run on the NES. That's exactly what most of the memers do, they see a DOOM game (by name) but not the DOOM game and then claim it's the later because it would be impressive if the DOOM game was running instead.


Now, something like DOOM on the C64 running at 3 fps (someone posted this example in this topic) is legit. Because it's indeed DOOM trying to run on the C64. And there's also an ongoing Amiga project that seems to do wonders with this concept.

Edited by TasAcri

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I thought this trend died a long time ago... the last time i saw this meme was from the post John romero said on Twitter linking to a video where doom runs on notepad. 


Idk, maybe I'm out of touch in this trend

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