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[/idgames] UAC Storage Surplus Project - MBF21 Crate Maze Madness

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Updated my map with all the fixes I listed above.
Now has difficulty settings and misc balancing changes to items.

@Quill Not sure what's up with the switch textures but none of them seem to animate for me. The normal sound still plays.
I'm using the latest UDB and dsda-doom 0.25.6, and I'm also using the correct format.

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Ok, here's my latest version. Probably still needs some tweaking, as well as choosing a custom track. Oh well, ran out of time in the end. I'll make a more detailed post when I've got the time, but I just want it to hand it in for now.


Cratemap.wad 2.zip

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Last minute map incoming (sorry for that btw)! as the title suggests, this map has a lot of Revenants in it. don't have much else to say except that it's hard and it's very dark.   



Format: MBF21

UMAPINFO included: yes

Build time: Last time I checked was at 40 hours

Editors used: UDB

Tested with: WOOF, GZDOOM (4-8-2)

Music used: Decino - Shhh, the Shadows Are Near  


Donut: BONEBOX.zip  






Deathmatch and co-op are not playtested but are included 


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Well, after a copious amount of procrastination, here it is! It's a small map focused on beating monsters into putrid pools of bloody pulp, hence the name.


Title: Beatbox

Format: MBF21

UMAPINFO included: No

Build time: ~12 hours total

Editors used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE 3

Tested with: DSDA-Doom v0.24.1

Music used: "Guilty Love" - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

Download link: Beatbox (UACSSP Submission 1)

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Phew. I think I got all of the maps submitted in the post.

Should I remove the people who haven't done a map submission from the signups list? I'll keep joshthenesnerd's (and EagerBeaver's too, forgot about them) name there.

Edit: While we're here, I've got an outline of a map order.

Episodes are 7 each, since we got 21 maps (1 secret)

[moved the maplist to a different post]

Edited by Quill

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Thanks for giving me extra time for the final stretch. I'll upload my map in 2 hours or less. I'm playtesting the level myself RN to be sure that everything works correctly. some demons don't want to leave their cozy monster closets

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Well, I think everything is good to go.


One important detail - I decided to follow Kuro_mahoh's example and created a separate arena for Deathmatch Mode. It may be not balanced, cuz I'm not so good with arenas, sorry.

Title: Boxed Commodities

Format: Boom

UMAPINFO included: No

Build time: During 2 months, when I had some free time.

Editors used: Ultimate Doom Builder

Tested with: PrBoom+

Music used: MIDI rendition of Hardware Store by Wierd Al Yankovic, author - Jay2K


A small synopsys.


Nobody knows what this building was before the dreadful "UAC and One Bajilion Crates" Incident. According to DoomGuy, once there was his favourite hardware store here, where he used to buy tiles, but now it's all boxes and containers. Also, the demons roam freely, as if this place was their sweet unholy citadel in Hell, and spread their vile corruption everywhere. It's time to put things in order.



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I think my map should be fine in one of the first 7 map slots. The map is pretty short and you get easy access to the super shotgun, chaingun and rocket launcher.

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Here it is. Feel free to make any suggestions.

I'll also update the resource WAD.


Episode 1 (7 maps)

  • Desecrate (start of episode)
  • Crate-Fort
  • Crate Job, Man!
  • Everything Crate
  • joshthenesnerd's map
  • Crate Overload
  • The Crate Curse (end of episode)

Episode 2 (6 maps)

  • Boxed In (start of episode)
  • Crates & More
  • What Does The Box Say!?
  • Boxed Commodities
  • Boxing Fatality Crates

  • Crate-r Lake (end of episode)

Episode 3 (7 maps)

  • Perfect Cratred (start of episode)
  • Alcratraz
  • The Crates of Wrath
  • Beatbox
  • Bloody Crates!
  • Bone Box
  • Fear Storage Mechanisms (end of episode)

Secret Level

  • Crate Minds Think Alike
Edited by Quill

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6 hours ago, Quill said:

Here it is. Feel free to make any suggestions.

I'll also update the resource WAD.

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Episode 1 (7 maps)

  • Desecrate (start of episode)
  • Crate-Fort
  • Crate Job, Man!
  • Everything Crate
  • joshthenesnerd's map
  • Crate Overload
  • The Crate Curse (end of episode)

Episode 2 (6 maps)

  • Boxed In (start of episode)
  • Crates & More
  • What Does The Box Say!?
  • Boxed Commodities
  • Boxing Fatality Crates

  • Crate-r Lake (end of episode)

Episode 3 (7 maps)

  • Perfect Cratred (start of episode)
  • Alcratraz
  • The Crates of Wrath
  • Beatbox
  • Bloody Crates!
  • Bone Box
  • Fear Storage Mechanisms (end of episode)

Secret Level

  • Crate Minds Think Alike

Oh my! my map is the opener? I feel the pressure. (not complaining tho) 

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Ok, I added a track and fixed a few texture misalignments. 


Title: Crates and more

Format: MBF21

UMAPINFO included: Yes

Build time: Countless hours

Editors used: SLADE 3

Tested with: GZDOOM

Music used: "Port of Adia" - Turok 2: seeds of evil

Download link: Cratemap.wad.zip

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On 3/20/2023 at 10:57 PM, LOD42 said:

Title: Boxing Fatality Crates
Format: Boom
UMAPINFO included: No
Build time: About 35 days
Editors used: UDB
Tested with: DSDA Doom 0.25.6 cl21
Music used: Ozzy Osbourne - Killer of Giants (Random midi from BitMidi)

Sorry for almost submitting it late, IRL stuff got in the way unexpectedly.
I tried to make a tyson map, but it's more like a partial one. Latter parts are rushed and aren't very well playtested, so expect some roughly balanced gameplay and maybe even bugs/cheeses. It's atleast completeable to my knowledge, since I tested it on -nomonsters and was able to exit, the monsters won't get in the way hopefully. A test run would be nice..

Screenshot(yes only 1 xd, need to get this done):

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Just wanted to inform you all that I updated the map a bit with minor rebalancings and bug fixes, I hope you don't mind

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Whew. Here's a barebones alpha of the WAD. TITLEPIC and INTERPIC are temporary. There's no discrete CWILVs yet. MAP06 is skipped over.

Here's the map list:


EPISODE 1: Cratalyst

  • MAP01: Desecrate
  • MAP02: Crate-Fort
  • MAP03: Crate Job, Man!
  • MAP04: Everything Crate
  • MAP05: Crate Overload
  • MAP06: [skipped over]
  • MAP07: The Crate Curse

EPISODE 2: Crataclysm

  • MAP08: Boxed In
  • MAP09: Crates And More
  • MAP10: What Does The Box Say!?
  • MAP11: Boxed Commodities
  • MAP12: Beatbox
  • MAP13: Boxing Fatality Crates
  • MAP14: Crate-r Lake
  • MAP31: Crate Minds Think Alike (secret level)

EPISODE 3: Cratastrophe

  • MAP15: Perfect Cratred
  • MAP16: The Crates of Wrath
  • MAP17: Alcratraz
  • MAP18: Socrates
  • MAP19: Bloody Crates!
  • MAP20: Bone Box
  • MAP21: Fear Storage Mechanisms



@EagerBeaver Since your level's dead center in the WAD, care to add a secret exit in it?
@joshthenesnerd Are you still working on your map?

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Not a bad set of maps. It's amazing what some of you guys were able to pull off with just these crate textures. I actually like that TITLEPIC, to be honest.

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care to add a secret exit in it?

Well, I inintially had some ideas about bonus areas of the level, but had to abandon them due to time restraints. Guess I'll rework some parts and reupload it later.


P.S. Also, I've realised that my map has a softlock. I need to rework it anyway.

Edited by EagerBeaver

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Alright, the re-work is finished.




- Removed softlock (the most important part!)

- Changed monster placement in some areas and also changed some monsters.

- Re-worked the hub area. Now all crates hide under the ground when you press the switch guarded by pinkies (easy)/spooky scary skeletons (medium and hard).

- A baron of hell now guards the plasma-gun on all difficulty settings, but no worries - you can blow up this beast with some strategically placed explosive barrels and greatly reduce its HP.

- All health and armor bonuses are stacked on each other (5 of each in 1 stack).

- Increased size of Deathmatch Arena, it is much bigger now.

- Added a yellow keycard right next to the exit teleporter. You can use it to access the secret exit.


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I was a bit reluctant to play this, because crate maps are usually confusing and annoying. But you've managed to avoid this trope... well, for most of the maps, anyway. Also, I liked the episode names. I played on UV in Gzdoom 4.10.0 and there are some problems:


MAP09: sector 594 shouldn't be secret. Missing EXIT sign.


MAP10: 100% kills is impossible because revenant closet (sector 155) doesn't work.


MAP11: game-breaking bug: if you teleport to red door area without the red key, you will become stuck. Also, 100% kills is impossible because archviles 453 and 454 never teleported into playable areas.


MAP12: 10 imps never teleported into playable areas, I think they can't cross the teleport linedef in GZdoom. Missing EXIT sign.


MAP14: About 100 monsters never became active and stayed in closet, see the screenshot below. And the ones that did teleport remained stuck in sectors 689 etc. Also, sector 557 shouldn't be secret.


MAP18: Missing EXIT sign.


MAP20: Gzdoom reports 7 secret sectors, but it seems only 6 of them can be actually found. I kinda expected there would be a way to telefrag or crush the cyberdemon. Also, I think you overdid the red key arena, it's by far the most difficult fight in the entire mapset. I found only one way to win it - get the BFG first, grab the red key, press the switch to open the door and BFG my way out through the revs before too many teleport in.


MAP21: the most tedious map of the mapset, mainly due to the platforming and acid pits. Practically the epitome of why crate maps have a bad reputation.


MAP31: the map is listed in the OP, but it's not in the WAD?


Another problem is the HUD, the numerals are too washed out. It's not as bad as in another recent mod, but the HUD is rather hard to read, I had to cut it out.




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sorry but I thing you got the wrong version of my map(map05) on the newest alpha of the wad, back in January I edited my message with a new version of the map and the alpha uses the original version.   

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MAP11: game-breaking bug: if you teleport to red door area without the red key, you will become stuck. Also, 100% kills is impossible because archviles 453 and 454 never teleported into playable areas.


I also checked the WAD yesterday, this is an old version of my map. Quill didn't replace it with newer version (which I uploaded earlier with one of my comments) yet.

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Alright, Alpha 2 is now out.

Alpha 2 Download

These maps have been updated:

  • Boxed Commodities
  • Socrates
  • Crate Minds Think Alike
  • Crate Overload
  • Crates And More


Also I've now addressed the error in the map list.

Edited by Quill

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8 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

I was a bit reluctant to play this, because crate maps are usually confusing and annoying. .


MAP18: Missing EXIT sign.



I hate to be a pain @Quill but it's been reported my map is missing an exit sign.

When you next update the maps could you add one somewhere tastefull near the exit, please?





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Not sure if I'm missing something or there is a bug, but in MAP09 "Crates & More" in the plasma room I can't progress after killing monsters. I tried pressing every wall, looked for shootable switches, places to climb, etc, but I'm just stuck. Had a peek in the editor as well and still no idea what the intended progression is. Playing in DSDA.

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