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Egg Boy

Tetanus | Now an Official Add-On

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This was a blast to map for. Thank you @Egg Boy and the rest of the squonker team for welcoming me :D 


Cant wait for future projects ;)

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hey, just to let y'all know, there's a quick hotfix I uploaded that adds in an external DeHacked and Skronk's map blurb.

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Oh boy, never played a Sqounker mapset fully before, aside from dipping into Pagodia to play Aurelius's map during an author-specific binge :P This texture pack for some reason is pulling me in hard, so here goes! Here are some quick thoughts for M1 and M2, along with playthrough vids. My thoughts are written in bullet points in a rather minimally-filtered form, though not like my longer, higher effort writings are less messy anyway :) but writing like this is fast and fun. Hope they are of use.



  • Adored all the tier hopping possibilities here. You can be a badass jump all over the place without actually jumping.
  • Trap Heavy, but not in the per square meter way. Focuses on eliminating small hordes of high pressure targets while slow flunkies wander around, with light snipers. Underplayed/permissive enough for it to work. I screwed around a lot in my playthrough.
  • Map feels impressively unified despite the segmentation, perhaps due to consistent aesthetic strategy and combat design.
  • RL and Plasma in a M1 ftw, which combines well with the general forgiving but sharp skirmishes.
  • Impressive height based visuals. My favorite moments visually are when I get a view of the greenery while standing on walkways.
  • Aesthetic kinda like a combo of BTSX E1 base with BTSX E2 nature, with the cheery tone of Paradise. A love letter to a lot of design trends in the ‘10s, with a sort of pared down, Scythe-like efficiency to it. 






  • Easy on the eyes, but feels a bit less dynamic than the first map, especially coming from the playful height variation in the first level, along with some simpler, rougher geometry and texture work.
  • The level feels more segmented somehow. There isn’t a natural flow between the outside “incidental” section and the big dark cave centerpiece brawl.
  • It felt rather uneventful for the most part. The ambushes in the incidental segment are quick to let up and don’t compound on each other.
  • The big brawl in the dark cave is great, but rather too brisk and simple to make a true lasting impression.






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First thing I saw in the morning was the OP. Needless to say, I had to get Squonk'd.

I love the aesthetic, the second half is where it really shines! The original MIDIs are awesome, they fit their respective maps and have catchy tunes. My favourite one is map10's by far! Solid gameplay all around too, lots of rocket action and gibbing :)


Now, I have a couple things to report:



These lines in maps 01 and 09 don't have the 'secret wall' flag (It's really hard to see in 01)



There's this single crate with a mistextured top in map07, right next to the exit.


And there's a slime trail here in map09. I think there are more at the exit too, but I couldn't get a good look.




That's about it. Fantastic work on this one, Squonkers!

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"there's this single crate with a mistextured top in map07, right next to the exit."

Haha oops 

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Just now, ViolentBeetle said:

Do you mind if I maybe borrow some textures from this project for possible future use?

The majority of the resource's textures come from Makkon's Quake texture sets - though the light and key door textures were made by me. Feel free to use them!

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Finished it just now, very fun set!

Map 05 is a highlight for me personally - amazing concept and atmosphere, it feels very unique. I was getting some strong Dino Crisis 2 underwater levels vibes from it :) 

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Just squonked through it. Some stuff:


- Good squonker

- Map 08, very very nothing to worry but the computer revealed a few extra lines to the southwest that probably could be not visible (not the coffee!).

- Map 09, noticed a missing texture around the secret megasphere, it's line 4600

- Lovely squonker

- Map 10, the secret annex includes two sectors flagged secret near each other, not sure if intentional, and you may also want to hand a big hyssop to this mancubus 'cause he can't hear a thing in that closet. 

- Squonker great


Thanks for the squonkering!

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4 hours ago, OpenRift said:

gasp Who's this lil guy (or gal)?? :D

  Reveal hidden contents



A mysterious creature of some sort 

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Just finished this. A very nice set of levels! Actually starts off kind of tricky, which was surprising. New textures were pretty cool, and I liked how they indicated walls that would lower when crossing specific floor tiles. Good stuff all around

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Wad looks great, as always.


A quick report:

- MAP07 has two player 2 starts and no player 3 starts

- MAP03 (and well, also MAP11) have no coop starts

- I don't want to be nitpicking but 1 thing I think could be mildly confusing is that MAP11 has an exit (line 16) if someone takes the time to look in the editor but there's actually no way to reach it

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