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On 4/8/2023 at 4:06 AM, YouAreTheDemons said:

Who's that?

creator of an old myhouse.wad file which seems to have no correlation with this myhouse.wad

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5 hours ago, Erenussocrates said:
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Btw, at first I thought there was just the "exit early" ending, and the house being sold ending, and the beach ending, but then I was reading some youtube comments yesterday and some people were mentioning QR codes and more endings and shit, whoa whoaaa, is there really something like that?



there's 2 beach endings, "real" and "fake."  for the fake ending, when you first go to the mirror gas station and click the S+A on the tree, if you enter the tree instead of turning around and starting the Mirror Vile sequence, you'll be on a beach with a cardboard backdrop and completely white skybox, also I think the water effect was different.  if you go behind the cardboard you'll see a table suggesting you're on a film set, and pressing use on it will make the screen go black.  for the QR code, there's a few ways to access it, but probably the easiest way is, once you have all the artifacts but before you go to gas station for the beach ending, you can still hit the fuse box to burn the house down, and from there you can return to the brutalist area, and then the airport.  since you've already taken the plane, it won't be there anymore, and thus you'll just drop out of the airport and into the empty house.  from there, hit the wall that would normally lead you to the beach


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I feel like a cliché at this point but this wad dragged me out of years of lurking to say how incredible it is.



Just... wow. I can honestly say I've never felt existential dread from a Doom wad before. Maybe I'm just extra sensitive to its themes at the moment (a friend of mine died earlier this year) but it stirred up a whole slew of weird emotions for me, probably more than any game since Silent Hill 2. Everything about it has clearly been crafted with much love and careful thought.


The twisting, fragmented feeling of the game really appealed to me since I'm a fan of dream logic, reality warping, metaphorical storytelling, and the like.  Creepypasta-esque "haunted map" aside, my interpretation is that the map is a reflection of Steve's confused, spiralling thoughts, memories, and dreams as he struggles to come to terms with his friend's sudden death. His anguished state of mind dredges up regrets and traumas from the past (such as the miscarriage) and mixes them together into an overwhelming existential crisis. (Mind you, the QR code nixes this somewhat... Steve's dying dream or personal limbo/purgatory, maybe?)


Loved the references to House of Leaves as well. I definitely got a smile out of the Navidson Realty sign in the bad endings. It's also been fun watching people - myself included - getting obsessed over the secrets of the house, just like the characters of the book did.


This truly is a work of art. @Veddge deserves all the accolades they get and @esselfortium should be proud of creating such an evocative ambient track. The part from ~3:07 has been stuck in my head on loop for weeks!


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I don't think a court of law would uphold a version of the GPL 2.0 that went like this:


1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. This fee may include the end user's soul. I recommend that you charge this as a fee, for in making this program I have lost my own.

2. Don't believe Clause 1's lies. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

The intent is clearly to modify conventional parts of conventional text files for copypasta-horror effect.

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43 minutes ago, Mr. Alexander said:

I don't think a court of law would uphold a version of the GPL 2.0 that went like this:

The intent is clearly to modify conventional parts of conventional text files for copypasta-horror effect.

Hmm. So then none of the text is valid and the only thing that matters legally is the Creative Commons license?

Edited by Gregor

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2 hours ago, Gregor said:

I'm actually not sure whether we are legally allowed to upload/distribute versions of this mod here or elsewhere. The .txt file says:

Day 40 of people taking things at face value (except the parts they didn't read/chose to ignore/failed to understand)

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2 hours ago, Gregor said:

I'm actually not sure whether we are legally allowed to upload/distribute versions of this mod here or elsewhere. The .txt file says:



After the all-caps disclaimer, the text gets kinda weird and meta, so i'm not quite sure what to make of it in terms of its legality. The linked license specifically states that you are free to:


But i still think the disclaimer could be valid and therefore forbid any uploads of the mod and older versions of it. Maybe somebody else can confirm or refute that?

to be fair the one inside the zip file gives permission to share and it's the exact same one without the metaness. I don't think the OP is going to chime in as he hasn't posted anything since the original release.

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50 minutes ago, ebrl said:

Day 40 of people taking things at face value (except the parts they didn't read/chose to ignore/failed to understand)

Cool it, dude.

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Took me a while play the right file, because I spent the first 20 minutes wondering where all the crazy stuff was, before I realized I was playing the MyHouse.wad and not the MyHouse.PK3.


Having played the actual mod, I just have to say this is the trippiest and most creative map I've played in my 25+ years of Doom modding. There are so many alternate paths, I'm not sure if I even seen the entirety of the mod.


Fantastic use of stock Doom texture for the detailing. It's quite amazing how much detail you can achieve with the regular doom textures. The portals use is amazing, with fantastic atmosphere and ambience. Definitely giving it a second run through because I'm sure there is more than I've seen so far.

Edited by Amuscaria

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This map reminded me why I've loved the DOOM mapping community for decades, it hit perfectly for me and made me nostalgic in a way I never expected. Enough for me to finally make a Doomworld account to post about it


So, this screenshot from the MyHouse folder:



I haven't seen this brought up yet, the other screenshots in the folder track with the usual flow of the level, but this one stands out. The player's in the living room of the house after checking out the soul sphere, but there's no furniture and no enemies in the room and the artifact slots are empty. The player has no keys, and appears to have picked up ONLY the super shotgun and a backpack (which shouldn't be possible? Maybe after coming back from mirrored Underhalls, but I don't think you can get to the bathhouse backpack without any keys or artifacts) having shot 2 shells and 1 bullet. Early version of the level maybe? I don't know what to make of it, but with all the other deliberate things going on with this map it leaves me curious



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7 hours ago, Tanidar said:

So, this screenshot from the MyHouse folder:


This is a shot from the empty house the player ends up in if they jump out of the plane without having collected the 8 artifacts displayed in the living room.


Edited by Gregor

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I'm undecided on the "Ben Drowned"-esque creepypasta vibes that this content brings outside of the usual map itself, maybe it's just that there are so many of them and I'm numb to it. But everything in the map itself has been great. I'm really glad that it's getting the attention of big streamers like Vinny, it should get around even more.


Author always mentioned of Tom as a highschool friend on every other mention, but the article at QR code paints them in a more romantic light, differently enough for some reason.


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Amazing map. I haven't been into Doom modding in more than a decade, and some tweets about this map are what finally got me to install Gzdoom again. What a map to return to. The way the map plays with your expectations sets the bar for what I want in games and media.


I once spent a lot of time brainstorming a map that would open like the classic first levels but introduce ambiguous unsettling changes. The idea had a big hold over my imagination but this map completely trounced my small version of the idea. It's exciting to see what that idea looks like properly executed.



I got the basic quick ending, played through Underhalls on edge expecting something different, looped back, started through the house again, noticed the soul sphere outside this time, rushed out for it, realized I was juked, went back in, immediately noticed the swinging doors, and realized the map was swapping stuff out. I was very excited to finally realize Gzdoom must have added a proper portal feature while I've been away because the trickery was clearly more than you could do with silent teleporting of the player and 3d floors. Found the basement escape button, got the house-sold ending, replayed a bit more, felt convinced I had fully finished the map, and then got two hints from a friend watching me that set me onto the full ending: the mirror world entrance and then the correct locker room path. Before I had gotten any hints, I was obsessed for a while trying to figure out why the attic mirror showed a hidden object, and I felt validated to see that was actually an important hint.

Interesting to see that Gzdoom added the feature for objects showing up only in mirrors last year seemingly out of nowhere. Doesn't exactly line up with the author's timeline but I wonder a bit if the author of this requested that feature. Not that I feel like prying further!


Edited by Macil

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Have not checked all the thread:


but uuh is there more to this area? or is it like just a side area? [streamable link] Maze Area





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8 minutes ago, Michi VGC said:

Have not checked all the thread:

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but uuh is there more to this area? or is it like just a side area? [streamable link] Maze Area


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nah it's a big dead end, just there to add to the creepiness of the overall map


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3 hours ago, Michi VGC said:

Have not checked all the thread:

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but uuh is there more to this area? or is it like just a side area? [streamable link] Maze Area




Like Mr.Unsmiley said, just a dead end, but there are weird little bits that are interesting to explore. That giant room has invisible trigger(s) to hide and unhide the some/all of the doors for example. My favorite is the square room that leads to an identical square room over and over that convinces you you must be teleporting endlessly, but it is actually just a series of eleven identical rooms. If you want to explore I suggest a flashlight mod (also helps with detecting warps) and, assuming you've played everything else and got the good ending (because this image shows every location), using the map on the center right side of this image 

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Created an account here just to comment on this map. All I can say is, holy SHIT, it has been a while since a game (or really any media, for that matter) mindfucked me QUITE this hard. The last game like that for me was Superliminal, but Superliminal isn't really a horror game, and it definitely doesn't fucking gaslight the player as hard as this map does. If this map isn't a fucking shoe-in to headline this year's Cacowards, then I have no fucking clue what even could be. It also nearly lit my laptop on fire because of all of the fuckin portals, but I don't even care, totally worth it.

Some MINOR criticism:


The game's creepy and confusing ambiance and gameplay kind of dampens down a lot once you go through the bonfire in the in the Mirror Gas Station. Getting chased around by a nightmare Arch-vile would definitely be scary as shit for someone newer to Doom (or Joel xd), but for pretty much anyone who's played Plutonia like me it's more of an annoyance than anything else. And after that, all of the enemy encounters are standard slaughtermap fare set in open areas with vanilla demons, both in the normal House and when returning to the normal Gas Station; run around to provoke infighting, BFG to thin the herd, rocket launcher to pick off the stragglers, etc etc. And where the lack of a Super Shotgun enhanced the monster encounters before, now it just really drags shit out, and it's even worse if you DON'T find either the secret BFG or Plasma Rifle.


HOWEVER.... none of that REALLY matters, because literally everything UP to that point is fucking amazing, full stop. And the slow ending is only really disappointing because of the massive bar that the map set for itself in the first place- like, the slaughtermappy stuff isn't bad or anything, it's just not anything really special.

Also, the polyobject doors keep slamming me in the face and whatnot, which is some real Mappy shit if I'm being honest and made me giggle at some points where I really shouldn't have, lol.

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1 hour ago, Technoturnovers said:

Some MINOR criticism:

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The game's creepy and confusing ambiance and gameplay kind of dampens down a lot once you go through the bonfire in the in the Mirror Gas Station. Getting chased around by a nightmare Arch-vile would definitely be scary as shit for someone newer to Doom (or Joel xd), but for pretty much anyone who's played Plutonia like me it's more of an annoyance than anything else. And after that, all of the enemy encounters are standard slaughtermap fare set in open areas with vanilla demons, both in the normal House and when returning to the normal Gas Station; run around to provoke infighting, BFG to thin the herd, rocket launcher to pick off the stragglers, etc etc. And where the lack of a Super Shotgun enhanced the monster encounters before, now it just really drags shit out, and it's even worse if you DON'T find either the secret BFG or Plasma Rifle.


HOWEVER.... none of that REALLY matters, because literally everything UP to that point is fucking amazing, full stop. And the slow ending is only really disappointing because of the massive bar that the map set for itself in the first place- like, the slaughtermappy stuff isn't bad or anything, it's just not anything really special.




I agree. From playing it myself with a friend and then also watching Vinny play and commentate on it, it definitely seems like the map peaks at finding the house burned down (if done later) or at the airport bathroom. Fighting a lot of demons afterward is at first cathartic, and the gas station fight had its unique moments like being safe inside the middle of an infight storm, but the fight overstays its welcome by the time you find there are even more demons in the pitch black darkness down the road. And while it is touching, it's hard not to feel like the final beach ending isn't anticlimactic after all that. There's little to explore there, even less than at the fake beach ending; you see everything there is to see in the first frame you're past the bush. Very little of the map's unique character shows up after the slaughtermap part starts. There's no real sleight of hand or unique expectation subversions after that.


Not to say it takes away from the rest of the map. I think making this criticism is interesting because it helps bring attention to what it is that the map does so uniquely well up to that point. I love every moment the map left me second-guessing myself, like when I found myself in Underhalls, saw enemies inside the house that I had cleared out, thought the gun animations were smoother, when I found the blue door now wanted a skull key, double-checked the attic mirror, noticed inconsistencies in the house bathroom mirror, when I was unsure if I just successfully interacted with a sink, when I wasn't quite sure if I was somewhere familiar or not, etc. I want to turn these over in my head until I know I could consistently design like this.


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4 hours ago, Technoturnovers said:
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The game's creepy and confusing ambiance and gameplay kind of dampens down a lot once you go through the bonfire in the in the Mirror Gas Station... all of the enemy encounters are standard slaughtermap fare set in open areas with vanilla demons, both in the normal House and when returning to the normal Gas Station; run around to provoke infighting,




I think the gas station fight was great payoff after all the weirdness and creepiness and it was like a signal to the player that congrats you made it so here's some epic monster killin' to really make it worth it


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It was more fun than I thought, but that dark hallway section is strange. I strained my eyes trying to navigate it and found a pool with a bottomless pit, and a huge empty room with an infinite spiral staircase. I don't know if this is the final ending, but I managed to save the dog too so I am glad.


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honestly really cool and surreal experience, I wonder if there's more wads like this out there with how long doom mapping has gone on for

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Just started to play this after hearing all the hype around it, and I have got to say;


What. The. FUCK.



However I'm stuck in the burnt house section. I've been running around and can't seem to do anything. Is it a dead end?


Edited by Wavy

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4 minutes ago, Wavy said:
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However I'm stuck in the burnt house section. I've been running around and can't seem to do anything. Is it a dead end?



In the burnt house, you have to collect three items upstairs, and the downstairs will change to have an exit.

Also, burning the house down is not the only thing you can do, and you don't have to do that in order to continue.


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31 minutes ago, tarrasqueSorcerer said:

In the burnt house, you have to collect three items upstairs, and the downstairs will change to have an exit.

Also, burning the house down is not the only thing you can do, and you don't have to do that in order to continue.


Heh, don't worry. I already got past it by collecting the 3 items :)


I edited out my question as I found out what to do shortly after I posted my reply but I'll add it back to not confuse anyone.


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Hi, this map keeps crashing for me when I try to enter


the bath house, after coming out of the bathtub

GZDoom just says there was a fatal error and the executable couldn't continue.

I'm not using any other mods. I couldn't find anything else about this on google. I tried restarting my computer. I tried redownloading the files. I checked to see if GZDoom was up to date (4.10.0). I checked to see if GZDoom had a different version when this file was first posted, but it looks like there wasn't.
I don't know what else to do. I was really stating to enjoy this map.

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hmmm, very well made and VERY creative, but after I enter the house: massive fps drops. 60's to 40'ish :(

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17 hours ago, Macil said:


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I agree. From playing it myself with a friend and then also watching Vinny play and commentate on it, it definitely seems like the map peaks at finding the house burned down (if done later) or at the airport bathroom. Fighting a lot of demons afterward is at first cathartic, and the gas station fight had its unique moments like being safe inside the middle of an infight storm, but the fight overstays its welcome by the time you find there are even more demons in the pitch black darkness down the road. And while it is touching, it's hard not to feel like the final beach ending isn't anticlimactic after all that. There's little to explore there, even less than at the fake beach ending; you see everything there is to see in the first frame you're past the bush. Very little of the map's unique character shows up after the slaughtermap part starts. There's no real sleight of hand or unique expectation subversions after that.


Not to say it takes away from the rest of the map. I think making this criticism is interesting because it helps bring attention to what it is that the map does so uniquely well up to that point. I love every moment the map left me second-guessing myself, like when I found myself in Underhalls, saw enemies inside the house that I had cleared out, thought the gun animations were smoother, when I found the blue door now wanted a skull key, double-checked the attic mirror, noticed inconsistencies in the house bathroom mirror, when I was unsure if I just successfully interacted with a sink, when I wasn't quite sure if I was somewhere familiar or not, etc. I want to turn these over in my head until I know I could consistently design like this.



I don't think you're really expected to actually kill everything through, thematically.  If you read through the journal entry near the end when they make their peace with death they say


Somewhere, in another dream, the version of myself that winked back is sitting on the real beach, happy and content, knowing life is finite, there is no afterlife, and happiness is found in the small things around us that we can control. Happiness has to be fought for.

It seems less about making it a slaughter map, and more a physical manifestation of having to "fight for happiness", as you literally have to fight  to find your happy ending.


Like its the final step of the grief process before you come out the other side.  All the confusion, the bullshit, the rumination and tricks of your mind are gone, and the last thing you just need to do is go through hell.


Staying and getting 100% kills feels more like deliberately punishing you, that you're still stuck, still ruminating, almost that you can't move past all the monsters that plague your mind, can't learn to heal.  You still want revenge on the world, and haven't learned to forgive the world.


At least thats my thoughts based on the whole theme of grief and loss throughout. 

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6 hours ago, myredhulk said:

Hi, this map keeps crashing for me when I try to enter

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the bath house, after coming out of the bathtub

GZDoom just says there was a fatal error and the executable couldn't continue.

I'm not using any other mods. I couldn't find anything else about this on google. I tried restarting my computer. I tried redownloading the files. I checked to see if GZDoom was up to date (4.10.0). I checked to see if GZDoom had a different version when this file was first posted, but it looks like there wasn't.
I don't know what else to do. I was really stating to enjoy this map.

For what its worth, I didn't bother upgrading I played through on 4.8.2. 

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From what I'm seeing in the map, it looks like you and Thomas had some serious adventures when you would visit him at his house lol.


Jokes aside, this was fantastic. I bet he would love playing through the map and seeing the amount of time and work you put into it for him.



I got the "for sale" ending. There was something about that ending I can't quite describe.. It was like being shaken out of a vivid dream.


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