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[CP] [DSDA CL2] Super Doom TV - [RC1]

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Cool, witht hat folded into the WAD, and I caught another of my typos in the intermission text, i've moved this on to RC1


OP Updated with new link to RC1 wad


I think this has been checked pretty thoroughly so will probably only wait a week or so before moving to the final release.

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Bad news: Map 09 seems to be completely broken. The shootable switch in the first room doesn't lower the bars, some of the walls seem to be missing textures (there are some HOMs) despite the fact that there are textures in the map, and in most likelihood - there are probably some more issues in this map as well!

I tested this map in both DSDA and Woof with complevel 2 and it is broken (the shootable switch works on higher complevels, but the textures are still missing). The weird thing is that earlier beta versions worked fine, so something fucked up between the beta and the first RC. Also, the map seems to look fine in the SLADE map editor (tags and action specials seem to be fine, the textures appear, etc.).


We might need more time to test things out. I'm probably gonna have to run through all the maps again.

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17 minutes ago, Ar_e_en said:

Bad news: Map 09 seems to be completely broken


Let me reimport the last version of it that I had and see if that fixes the issues.

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@Ar_e_en Try redownloading the RC1 and tyy again, the submission I had was working and reimporting it has fixed the issue



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Okay, the map seems to work now. It's weird that it didn't work beforehand, I guess it must have gotten corrupted at some point.

Just in case - I'm gonna look at all the maps a bit more thoroughly again. I hope this was an isolated incident.

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I went through the maps again, and I didn't find any other corrupted maps, so that's good at least!


Here are the reports on the issues that are still in the wad:


Map 10 "Tyrant Time Traveler"

  • Still has the issue with  Sector #431 not lowering. I still believe that Thing #75 causes the sector to be stuck.


Map 14 "Watch Your Step"

  • Lines #2583 and #1985 are still misaligned.


Map 20 "Witness Total Carnage"

  • The left sides of the middle two animated bars (X = -1792 , Y = 1888) are still going the wrong way (the fronts of all the bars are fixed, as I stated in my previous report).


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On 2/6/2024 at 11:00 PM, Ar_e_en said:


Here are the reports on the issues that are still in the wad:

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Map 10 "Tyrant Time Traveler"

  • Still has the issue with  Sector #431 not lowering. I still believe that Thing #75 causes the sector to be stuck.


Map 14 "Watch Your Step"

  • Lines #2583 and #1985 are still misaligned.


Map 20 "Witness Total Carnage"

  • The left sides of the middle two animated bars (X = -1792 , Y = 1888) are still going the wrong way (the fronts of all the bars are fixed, as I stated in my previous report).


OK these changes have been made, and the link updated 


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Did a quick run through all the maps again, didn't find any corrupted maps, as for map issues:


Map 10 "Tyrant Time Traveler" 

  • Still has the issue with  Sector #431 not lowering, due to the Hellknight being stuck.

All the other maps seem to have their issues resolved!

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8 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:

Did a quick run through all the maps again, didn't find any corrupted maps, as for map issues:

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Map 10 "Tyrant Time Traveler" 

  • Still has the issue with  Sector #431 not lowering, due to the Hellknight being stuck.

All the other maps seem to have their issues resolved!


OK, I've adjusted the placement in that closet and tested it and it opens now

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8 hours ago, Lorcav said:


OK, I've adjusted the placement in that closet and tested it and it opens now

Yup, it finally lowers!

I haven't found any other issues at this point, everything seems to be in order.

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I wasn't hitting full monster count in MAP07 on Skill level 1, got curious enough to open up UDB and diagnose.


All the teleport destinations are flagged to only be present in Medium/Hard.




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9 hours ago, Garland said:

I wasn't hitting full monster count in MAP07 on Skill level 1, got curious enough to open up UDB and diagnose.


All the teleport destinations are flagged to only be present in Medium/Hard.

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I'll get that fixed! Thanks for flagging.

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