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I ban you because...

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I used to do a lot of those.

I ban the person below me because they didn't like that surprise Baron I put in that one map.

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I ban the person below me because I died to the surprise Baron in that one map.

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I ban the person below me because they were unable to play doom 25 hours a day



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I ban the person above me for thinking I don't know how to use a blur sphere properly, and I also ban the person below me for having 42069GB of hardcore femboy kangaroo porn.



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Can't believe you'd out me like this...


I ban the person below me leaking UAC Combat Records of the battle on Mars onto Doomworld

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I ban the person above me for using the lite amp goggles in every map.

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I ban the person above me for their avatar making me think of a Cyberdemon in Chun-Li cos-play shouting "Yatta!"

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I'd ban the person above me because as a forum moderator, I am really badass and important. 

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i ban the person authoring this very post for being stupid as h*ll and having non-negotiable air raid sirens going off in her head each and every instance the typographic symbols known as the "colon", "circumflex" and "closing parenthesis" are used sequentially in succession. i will prepare for its disastrous consequences

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I ban the person above me because replying to threads like these is a cheap way for me to bloat my content count. 

Edited by TheEyeOfStone

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I ban the user below me, because my pretty Guardian Master, that fights for Love and Justice, told me to punish you in the name of the Moon!




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I ban the person above me because their image reminded me of a 10 year old video of "Sailor Moon Doom" on YouTube

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I ban the person above me for being above me



Going off topic: I FUCKING LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!


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I ban the person above me for banning the person above them and not banning me (for being a penguin) or the person below me (for daring to follow up this pointless meta-commentary on the thread.)

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I ban the person below this post because I want to watch the world burn and I should never have been trusted with power.

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I ban the person below me for the possibility of being that guy in collage racquetball who hit me square in the face with a ball during play (they did not apologize)

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