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Rusty Drill - A Scythe Themed Community Project (Slots Filled?) New Beta Available (8/18/24)

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I like the looks of this project and the prospective contributors! Gimme something in E2, making a short Scythe-y map before the end of November sounds fun and doable.

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This is first iteration of my entry...


Map Name: "Forgotten Slums".

Author: @RastaManGames

MIDI: "G-Man" by MonChrMe.

Source-Ports: "DSDA-Doom" & V0.25.6 & "DoomRetro" V4.9.1

Difficulties: Hard provides a very spicy challenge. Medium & Easy is implemented and has less beefy enemies to deal with.

Co-op Starts: Yes, but there is no places that can be softlocked (I hope). There is also 13 DM starts, but come on... Who playing in DM outside of "DWANGO"?


Descriptions: Earth is really messed up pretty bad and you have no safehouse anymore. This is forgotten slums. A very dark & grim place even before Hell's invasion. Now it became even more scarier & merciless. And you have to make your way through this damned ghetto no matter of what.


Notes: I simply can't copy style of other mappers, but I tried to implement some "quirks" of Erik Alm, like mandatory lamps near some doors or these blocky "EXIT" signs along with oldschool red lightbulbs. And, of course, some spicy enemies w/o SSG, as that was in the most of the first episode of original "Scythe". I've tried to be not so asshole-ish, at the very least. After all, it can be passed very fast, if placement of enemies and encounters are well learned.






Download V1 (Google.Drive)

Edited by RastaManGames : V1 -> V2

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All slots have been filled! Thanks everyone for showing interest in this project. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!

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Just now, A2Rob said:

All slots have been filled! Thanks everyone for showing interest in this project. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Small mistake, you confused ours with Anarkzie slots. (I - 31, Anarkzie - 15)

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20 minutes ago, DRON12261 said:

Small mistake, you confused ours with Anarkzie slots. (I - 31, Anarkzie - 15)


My bad, fixed.

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43 minutes ago, RastaManGames said:

This is first iteration of my entry...


Map Name: "Forgotten Slums".

Author: @RastaManGames

MIDI: "G-Man" by MonChrMe.

Source-Ports: "DSDA-Doom" & V0.25.6 & "DoomRetro" V4.9.1

Difficulties: Hard provides a very spicy challenge. Medium & Easy is implemented and has less beefy enemies to deal with.

Co-op Starts: Yes, but there is no places that can be softlocked (I hope). There is also 13 DM starts, but come on... Who playing in DM outside of "DWANGO"?


Descriptions: Earth is really messed up pretty bad and you have no safehouse anymore. This is forgotten slums. A very dark & grim place even before Hell's invasion. Now it became even more scarier & merciless. And you have to make your way through this damned ghetto no matter of what.


Notes: I simply can't copy style of other mappers, but I tried to implement some "quirks" of Erik Alm, like mandatory lamps near some doors or these blocky "EXIT" signs along with oldschool red lightbulbs. And, of course, some spicy enemies w/o SSG, as that was in the most of the first episode of original "Scythe". I've tried to be not so asshole-ish, at the very least. After all, it can be passed very fast, if placement of enemies and encounters are well learned.



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Download V1 (Google.Drive)

Very good content!

"I think somewhere in the world you will be hated by the pathetic Plutonia non-lovers with those chaingunners in the windows, but so they should be." Ⓒ DRON12261 - GIGACHAD PLUTONIA ENJOYER





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Since I feel the need to redeem myself, can I take MAP26? (and if it's already taken, map29?)


Edit: all filled? God damn, I guess I'll have to jump on an opportunity to take a slot if it open up again.

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How about including those multiplayer monsters from Scythe 2 through Dehacked for MAP31? You can not necessarily the same plasmagunners, you can equip some SSG or Rocket Launcher, the main thing that they would descend as deathmatch bots. I'd be happy to make a remake-mashup of some DM maps I dueled a lot on in a tournaments. It would be a good map for DUEL itself.

If not, I can consider some other concepts.

Edited by DRON12261

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6 minutes ago, EPICALLL said:

all filled? God damn, I guess I'll have to jump on an opportunity to take a slot if it open up again.


No prob, I'll open up Map22 for you.

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2 minutes ago, A2Rob said:


No prob, I'll open up Map22 for you.

Cool. Time to make a sequel to death >:)

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40 minutes ago, DRON12261 said:

How about including those multiplayer monsters.


Didn't have any plans on including custom enemies, sorry.

Edited by A2Rob

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Map name: Getting Drilled

Author: ZeMystic

Midi title and composer: I Aint Eatin' No Vegetables - ZeMystic

Source port used: DSDA

Difficulties: Yes

Coop starts: Yes

A short description of your map (this is optional): A small brown base built with like some rocks and shit. Pretty scythey.







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Damn, looks like I'm late for the party. Although I can't really complain since I see many way more experienced mappers like cannonball and myolden has joined, so I feel this will be a good quality megawad.


If so happens that someone would have to leave the project (whatever the reason), can I stand-in perhaps?

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I hope all maps have coop starts since now coop demo recording supports Boom already, so don't want to remove the potential of some cool demos.

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1 hour ago, ZeMystic said:

Map name: Getting Drilled

Author: ZeMystic

Midi title and composer: I Aint Eatin' No Vegetables - ZeMystic

Source port used: DSDA

Difficulties: Yes

Coop starts: Yes

A short description of your map (this is optional): A small brown base built with like some rocks and shit. Pretty scythey.




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here's a uv-max DEMO.

charming little map I really dig this brown x orange aesthetic, couldn't find any glaring issues during my playthrough just some misalignments: 




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2 hours ago, Heretic926 said:

If so happens that someone would have to leave the project (whatever the reason), can I stand-in perhaps?


You'll be first in line if that's the case.


3 hours ago, ZeMystic said:

Map name: Getting Drilled


Good opener. Nice work!


5 hours ago, RastaManGames said:

This is first iteration of my entry...


Map Name: "Forgotten Slums".


I like all the doom-cute in this map. Plays well too. My favorite visual is the bottomless pit at the end of the road. 

Couple things...

  • The sector below the skull and candles light is set to flicker. Doesn't really gel with the lighting visual you're trying to go for there.
  • Spoiler

    The line-def switch from inside the green armor secret closet is facing the wrong way. Got soft locked on my first go.


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I've played the three available maps and recorded demos.




Getting Drilled:
Scythey as expected. I encountered a minor bug: when I first found the secret chaingun, no new monsters spawned, which I thought was odd. I reached the exit wondering where the remaining 6 monsters were, and wandered around for a bit. It turned out I needed to fire a shot in the starting area, which woke up the remaining monsters, including chaingunners in the secret. I've included an extra demo showing this effect.


Surge Disposal:
More scythey goodness. No issues to report.


Forgotten Slums:
Nice DoomCute. Reminds me of Revolution!, or what little I've played of it.


Looking forward to the rest. I sincerely hope map28 is a forced speedrun or something else that pisses people off. If not, I suppose there's still map32. :^)

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Progress on MAP20. Inspired by The Starport from Scythe 1 but harder. The final area needs an extra room that leads to the exit as well as polishing its visuals. (secret areas hidden in screenshots)

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15 minutes ago, spineapple tea said:

How will skies be handled here? Will we be using episodic skies or will mappers be using sky transfer?


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you'll want to use sky transfer linedefs for your maps. Putting that in the op now.

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