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Rusty Drill - A Scythe Themed Community Project (Slots Filled?) New Beta Available (8/18/24)

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Posted (edited)

Alright, after a lot of major IRL events, I've finished map 24. Apologies for the delay.

Map name: Icewrought Citadel

Author: stochastic

Midi title and composer: "We Are All Waiting" by Psychedelic Eyeball - from the Alien Vendetta MIDI pack

Source port used: DSDA-Doom

Difficulties: All

Coop starts: Yes

Description: An icy stronghold frozen in time. Inspired heavily by the longer maps in the final 2 episodes of Scythe 2. Imagine Afterlife II, but somebody left it in the freezer. Architecture is not true Alm style throughout, but I'd say I got close enough. Combat is punchy and tough, but (somewhat) forgiving due to adequate supplies. Enjoy!













Edited by stochastic : Added RC2

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Posted (edited)



Map name: The Edge Of Death's Scythe

Author: NiGHTS108

Midi title and composer: Of Serpents Nailed to Fate by Cammy from the AV MIDI Pack

Source port used: DSDA-Doom

Difficulties: Yes, now

Coop starts: Yes

A short description of your map: More of a blood sweat and tears labour than I expected to be honest! This map turned out somehow huger than I could possibly imagine and to my surprise I actually think it came out fairly as I hoped it would. I'm aware this was a speedmapping project and this map did have a lengthy amount of time poured into it, but eh, what are you really supposed to do with a MAP30 in a Scythe tribute right? It was really an honour to deliver the last, most anticipated map of this project, pushing through all the procrastinations and hours tweaking just one or two rooms until I felt like they were perfect. Enjoy!






(Will probably edit a few times in the next few days, it's hard to tell when something like this is completely polished)


Also nice snowy map by the way Stochastic! I had already made most of my snow stuff when you released it but I did go back and retexture after playing a little, that blue metal texture is real nice


Edited by NiGHTS108

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@stochastic (UV) fun but tricky map. didn't feel overtly slaughter which was nice. Definitely was getting more Deus Vult Vibes from this map but i also see the scythe hell themes at play. No major issues to really be found, there was a slimetrail around vertex 4081 or 4083 (archvile staircase). The area map secret felt very obvious to me but that could just be my eyes. the megasphere secret by the arch-vile tower is kind of hard to trigger properly since its a blind ledge jump. getting the sphere seemed easy but it was hard to get the actual secret to trigger, maybe raise the platform to be visible.


Biggest design complaint really was the MIDI choice. It does kinda feel in-line with the bombastic Scythe tracks but i found it to be somewhat grating and repetitive. Almost detracts a little from the icy coldness of the setting. The combat while tricky never heats up enough to match the frantic nature of the track. Definitely more of a subjective opinion. Otherwise combat was interesting and not too long or grating. some of the revenant snipers got tiresome but thats fine. I thought providing no chaingun to the player was interesting in a small way.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, DFF said:

@stochastic (UV) fun but tricky map. didn't feel overtly slaughter which was nice. Definitely was getting more Deus Vult Vibes from this map but i also see the scythe hell themes at play. No major issues to really be found, there was a slimetrail around vertex 4081 or 4083 (archvile staircase). The area map secret felt very obvious to me but that could just be my eyes. the megasphere secret by the arch-vile tower is kind of hard to trigger properly since its a blind ledge jump. getting the sphere seemed easy but it was hard to get the actual secret to trigger, maybe raise the platform to be visible.


Hey thanks for playing through it! Glad you enjoyed yourself for the most part. I'll fix these issues here shortly.


4 hours ago, DFF said:

Biggest design complaint really was the MIDI choice. It does kinda feel in-line with the bombastic Scythe tracks but i found it to be somewhat grating and repetitive. Almost detracts a little from the icy coldness of the setting. The combat while tricky never heats up enough to match the frantic nature of the track. Definitely more of a subjective opinion. Otherwise combat was interesting and not too long or grating. some of the revenant snipers got tiresome but thats fine. I thought providing no chaingun to the player was interesting in a small way.


Interesting. I felt the blackened death metal fit the icy landscape pretty well, and although the map never really goes full slaughter, the action is pretty consistent throughout, which lends itself to a midi that's in constant motion. But I understand midi choice can oftentimes be the most subjective part of map design, so no worries.


EDIT: I can see how the midi gets repetitive due to the longer play time of my map. If it's universally disliked by everyone but me, I'll consider changing it - definitely don't want it to make the experience worse. I love the track, but maybe I'm letting my love of the original song cloud my judgment about the midi version of it :)

Edited by stochastic

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13 hours ago, NiGHTS108 said:


Map name: The Edge Of Death's Scythe


Thank you for the submission. Looks promising from what little I played.

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15 hours ago, NiGHTS108 said:

Map name: The Edge Of Death's Scythe

Congratulations for coming up with possibly the sickest name ever for a Scythe tribute MAP30.

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On 8/28/2024 at 2:52 PM, NiGHTS108 said:

Map name: The Edge Of Death's Scythe

Author: NiGHTS108

Midi title and composer: Of Serpents Nailed to Fate by Cammy from the AV MIDI Pack

Source port used: DSDA-Doom

Difficulties: Yes, now

Coop starts: Yes

A short description of your map: More of a blood sweat and tears labour than I expected to be honest! This map turned out somehow huger than I could possibly imagine and to my surprise I actually think it came out fairly as I hoped it would. I'm aware this was a speedmapping project and this map did have a lengthy amount of time poured into it, but eh, what are you really supposed to do with a MAP30 in a Scythe tribute right? It was really an honour to deliver the last, most anticipated map of this project, pushing through all the procrastinations and hours tweaking just one or two rooms until I felt like they were perfect. Enjoy!


I've been invisibly fixing quite a few things on the zip here but I've changed quite a few things now so guess I'll post again


- Added difficulties

- Removed a few softlocks in the last fight

- Removed a few monsters that were stuck or fixed some monsters being impossible to kill, still need to actually UV-Max the map to make 100% sure it's all good but I think it's fine now?

- Retextured some snow related stuff, thanks to Stochastic for giving me the idea to use that blue metal texture, really pulled the visuals of that part together I think!

- Made the last Arch-Viles teleport in . . . About as well as they can, there's some other teleport ambushes in Afterlife II area that don't rly work either but I can live with them not being the last fight of the megawad and all (If there's any way at all to prevent telefrags on MAP30 in Boom please implement them all I got is an MBF21 options lump 🙏)

- Several other absolutely miniscule adjustments



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Finally made more progress, my speed is entirely dependant on how many ideas I have, and it would turn out it took a solid month to have any new ones, hence the slow speed of development. Luckily, only need to go through this rodeo once more, and then my map (should) be ready for playtesting.

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@A2Rob - I finally got around to releasing RC2 of my map. I updated my original post with the latest submission. Here's the changelog for RC2:

  • Changed MIDI - This MIDI is longer and fits the icy aesthetic much more than the original choice
  • Changed skybox from black void to blue night sky with frozen mountains - inspired by the ice section in Nights' map
  • Fixed minor issues found in @DFF's playtesting
  • Spiced up some enemy encounters (nothing major though)
  • Added additional detailing

Pending any issues this should be the definitive version of my map. 

Edited by stochastic

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