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Rusty Drill - A Scythe Themed Community Project (Slots Filled?) Public Beta Available (10/11/24)

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--Playtesting Volunteers--


  • Jacek Bourne
Edited by A2Rob

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Oh yes, now I can already see the great leap to Community Project. I hope you get a megawad of the same quality as Machete) Maybe I'll even take part in it later.

The only small point. If you want your work to be cooperative-compatible, it's not enough to just add extra player starts. You have to make sure that the player can get to the right point after respawning. I.e. if there's going to be some arena with doors closing behind the back and everything, there should definitely be a one-way extra pass to that arena so you can get to it again. Well, and additional cooperative arrangement of mobs will also be a good plus.

Good luck!

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This is the kind of project I've been waiting for. Mark me down for whatever slot in Episode 3.

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@A2Rob I can make a map for "Earth" episode (that is number 1), but can't claim exact entry.

Can I still create an entry, so you can put it in the appropriate slot then?

For now let it be a MAP05, I guess.


P.S.: I guess that since we have a strong episodes, changing sky is prohibited?

Edited by RastaManGames

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Played through Surge Disposal to gauge the difficulty. Fun stuff!

Can I take the MAP01 or MAP02 slot? which ever you prefer.

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This is certainly a much more solid concept for a project this time 'round (a proper "Scythe the way Alm Did" is way overdue at this point :P ) but there's no reason to stick to the tired old 32-map structure for any non-vanilla projects these days; UMAPINFO has been a thing for a while now.

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Sweet, this was a good move I think on behalf of the whole project. I think I should be able to make one entry for this, so can I take Map19 please, but obviously this can be moved depending on the difficulties of surrounding maps.

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I've been itching to try making something short and flow-oriented in the vein of Scythe 2 / X for a while now, and this seems like a great opportunity to do so. May I claim the MAP18 slot?

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@A2Rob Oh... You little rascal! Why? Because you really got me with description of "Episode 1"!

I started it few hours ago and still can't stop, because of you!




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Well, it's the time to actually make that map I was supposed to do for resharpened. I will take slot 25

Edited by tonytheparrot

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6 hours ago, RastaManGames said:

P.S.: I guess that since we have a strong episodes, changing sky is prohibited?


You're welcome to use any custom sky in the resource pack as long as it fits the episode.


5 hours ago, Engired said:

Can I take map23?


23 minutes ago, tonytheparrot said:

I will take slot 25


Already claimed.

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I guess I'll take map 10. If there are any specific requirements as to how Doomguy should or shouldn't be slinged (slung?) into the Future(tm), such as time machine or demonic portal, as well as death exit necessity (assuming no by default) I'm all ears.

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19 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

I guess I'll take map 10. If there are any specific requirements as to how Doomguy should or shouldn't be slinged (slung?) into the Future(tm), such as time machine or demonic portal, as well as death exit necessity (assuming no by default) I'm all ears.


A time machine would be appropriate. Also yes, use a death exit, probably should have mentioned that in the op.

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48 minutes ago, A2Rob said:




Already claimed.

Fuck I need to learn how to read lmao, then I will take 28

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Seeing that most of Episode 3 is already picked:

Can I take slot 30?


By the way, on topic on map length and episode 3:

What about "Fire and Ice" homages? This one was huge!


Would this Rusty Drill project avoid longer maps at all, or are some of bigger maps permitted occasionally?

Places, where long maps won't feel too alien

- slots 29 and 30 (homage to scythe ice sub-episode)

- episode endings in general - homage to "fire and ice" length in particular.

- secret maps (all weird maps traditionally go to secret slots, after all! That said, Scythe map 31 is of modest length, and map 32 is really short)


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1 hour ago, Azure_Horror said:

By the way, on topic on map length and episode 3:

What about "Fire and Ice" homages? This one was huge!


I'd like to keep things relatively short, even for episode 3.

Homages are fine (Surge Disposal is a homage to Scythe Map05), as long as they adhere to the episode theme you're mapping for. (An example would be a homage to Scythe 2 Map09, but instead of a desert, it's a barren wasteyard.)

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Sign me up for MAP20! I'd love to make futuristic space stations, and I'll make sure to add a death exit and make it a finale for Episode 2.

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