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Rusty Drill - A Scythe Themed Community Project (Slots Filled?) Public Beta Available (10/11/24)

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Just now, A2Rob said:


I'd advise you to not just copy paste whole layouts from projects that aren't yours. Unless you plan on heavily editing said layout in one way or another, even then I'm pretty sure that's highly frowned upon.

I did modify it, I plan to make more modifications, too. Simply just posting because it's been ~1 week since I previously posted anything. Don't worry, It'll look very different when I'm done with it.

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Posted (edited)

Alrighty, bit of a rush to complete but map17 is at least in a releasable and playable state:

Map17: Orbital-X09
Author: DFF
Music: Dread Factory by MFG38 (Ult. doom midi pack)

Ports Tested: DSDA

Difficulties: implemented (not tested fully), should be inline with scythe 2 EP4, maybe a tad easier.
Coop: yes
Description: A map that morphed from a combo communication station and orbital platform to just an orbital platform. The map is a laser array that takes inspirations from scythe 2 (map 13 specifically) and X (map 07 and 08). Detailing and aesthetic more scythe x, and layouts/gameplay a bit more Scythe 2. I think if i had a clearer idea of a simpler map concept from the start I could have made something a bit more faithful to Scythe in terms of gameplay design and smaller detailing, but hopefully for a inspiration piece its close enough.

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21 hours ago, EPICALLL said:

I did modify it, I plan to make more modifications, too. Simply just posting because it's been ~1 week since I previously posted anything. Don't worry, It'll look very different when I'm done with it.

Unironically trying to insert his original failed project idea into it's revival, classy.

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2 minutes ago, Bobby :D said:

Unironically trying to insert his original failed project idea into it's revival, classy.

i mean, if it ain't broke...

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18 hours ago, DFF said:

Map17: Orbital-X09


Had a lot of fun looking at the scenery in this one, especially the array itself. Love how Scythe X it is.

The array fight itself could probably use a few extra cells. Seems kind of harsh to funnel barons and revs into such a narrow arena without enough plasma ammo to cut through everything (using the rocket launcher seems suicidal imo). The fight after the array seems like it could be easily cheesed by just running off the edge to the right. Might want to block it off with a fence. Found a broken sky on tag 47, that's an easy fix. Good map overall, the ending segment was really cool.


@Heretic926 I forgot to mention, you should probably give the player a chaingun at the start, that way during the rocket fight you won't end up auto-switching mid fight from walking over a dead chaingunner.

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1 hour ago, A2Rob said:


@Heretic926 I forgot to mention, you should probably give the player a chaingun at the start, that way during the rocket fight you won't end up auto-switching mid fight from walking over a dead chaingunner.

How bout a chaingun right before the rocket fight? I think it's intentional that the player doesn't have a chaingun up until that point.

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Happy belated 21st birthday to Scythe!


New beta is available. Episode one and two submissions have been fulfilled!

@Anarkzie Your map doesn't have a midi, might want to include one with a future update.



@spineapple tea

@Bobby :D




I'll keep the deadline indefinite once again, since there aren't too many submissions left to fulfill at this point.


@spineapple tea I haven't heard from you in a while now. Let me know if you're still around and intend to submit something. Otherwise I'll be handing your slot over to someone else.


If anyone's interested in playtesting once all maps have been submitted, let me know. I'll put a roster in the OP to keep track.

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I can playtest difficult maps. Though it may take a while to get to them. I have a lot of work to do at the moment.

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7 hours ago, A2Rob said:


@spineapple tea I haven't heard from you in a while now. Let me know if you're still around and intend to submit something. Otherwise I'll be handing your slot over to someone else.

I've been almost completely burnt out when it comes to mapping these last few months. I'll try to finish what I have (which I think is mostly done layout wise) and then that'll probably be my last map for a while.

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11 hours ago, A2Rob said:

Happy belated 21st birthday to Scythe!


New beta is available. Episode one and two submissions have been fulfilled!

@Anarkzie Your map doesn't have a midi, might want to include one with a future update.



@spineapple tea

@Bobby :D




I'll keep the deadline indefinite once again, since there aren't too many submissions left to fulfill at this point.


@spineapple tea I haven't heard from you in a while now. Let me know if you're still around and intend to submit something. Otherwise I'll be handing your slot over to someone else.


If anyone's interested in playtesting once all maps have been submitted, let me know. I'll put a roster in the OP to keep track.

I'm interested in playtesting the "final" product. Should have my map in around the end of the month, gonna be a weird one, I warn you in advance.

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1 hour ago, tsocheff said:

finally got my map done, tell if there is anything i need to change.


also might make a custom midi for this.



The little lava pit at the end is inescapable. On top of that, the blue sphere secret feels redundant. Otherwise, this is very nice, short, punchy map.

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Here's V2 of Map17.
-Implemented some difficulty tweaking around the laser platform and the final switch
-reworked the southwest quadrant so monsters correctly spawn, adjusted monsters
-Fixed soulsphere secret to be a secret, more accessible when found

-added extra detailing in places.

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New version of MAP31 is done, I hope it's the final one. The only notable change is replacement of timers with more conventional switches. Link is in the OP.

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On 4/12/2024 at 4:37 AM, A2Rob said:

Happy belated 21st birthday to Scythe!


New beta is available. Episode one and two submissions have been fulfilled!

@Anarkzie Your map doesn't have a midi, might want to include one with a future update.



@spineapple tea

@Bobby :D




I'll keep the deadline indefinite once again, since there aren't too many submissions left to fulfill at this point.


@spineapple tea I haven't heard from you in a while now. Let me know if you're still around and intend to submit something. Otherwise I'll be handing your slot over to someone else.


If anyone's interested in playtesting once all maps have been submitted, let me know. I'll put a roster in the OP to keep track.


OK, I think I've added a midi correctly, here goes:




The track is "Technoparchment" from the TNT midi pack.

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I gotta be honest I was nervous about mapping for MAP30 for the longest time but now I'm getting into it I feel like it's Really gonna be something . . . I'm excited about this



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First time using imgur (I have no idea how this works)
Anyways, half of the final area of the map is complete (the majority of the monsters have yet to be placed).
Should be done some point mid-next month (because I'll be away visiting relatives in a couple of days)

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This is one of the projects I'm most looking forward to this year. In a huge Scythe mood right now, so I would like to ask if there's any news on this front?


Good work everyone!

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18 minutes ago, taviow said:

This is one of the projects I'm most looking forward to this year. In a huge Scythe mood right now, so I would like to ask if there's any news on this front?


Good work everyone!


Still waiting on the last 4 submissions. I'll probably push for one final deadline once the summer dies down.

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Thought I'd provide a little update on my map, it's coming along slowly but surely! The remaining stuff I have to do is to finish off making the area with the yellow key (on the left, it's probably about 2 thirds done?) and then make a final fight, which will be simpler since the player will have a BFG by then, still committed to making it!



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I would like to revoke my previous map25 and replace it with a newer (much better) map

Map name The Harbinger

Author Hebonky

Midi title and composer NightmareScape - Ribbiks

Source port used DSDA

Difficulties yes

Coop starts yes

A short description of your map (this is optional)


The Harbinger.zip

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Made some minor changes to map17. Some sky sectors were missing a transfer and the player started on a conveyor.


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@Hebonky ran through the map, definitely a ball-buster. Overall an interesting slaughter+combat puzzle map, maybe feels slightly more ribbiks than Scythe but is reminiscent of MAP28 and MAP29 of Scythe2. Detailing is very well done with some slight texture issues. DNF since i ran out of ammo in the final fight and the revs+archies blocked the exit. I likely could have remedied this a bit had i used less resources in the first fight but i had no idea i'd be returning and would need to conserve. Understanding this is a high difficulty map I can see it being doable in its current state.


For Gameplay:

-I'd possibly prefer a backpack and full cells before the final fight but thats me. Only way i could clear the ground floor was to cheese it in the bloodfall cubbies. The backpack and cells i think gives enough leeway to cleanup the extra archvile respawns and make it so I don't have to count BFG shots as closely while also dodging the mosh pit.

-Allmap secret feels very worthless since its the only secret and doesn't reveal anything of major consequence (no mapmaker marks or anything noteworthy, aside from maybe the blood tunnels in the final fight but having that information i feel gives the player no super tangible benefit). If you don't want to outright give the player a backpack you could stuff it here. Or for an interesting twist provide an invulnerability sphere that is only as useful as the player's good movement skills to traverse the outside quickly enough. If the BFG platform lowered faster the player would probably get 1-3 seconds of useful final fight invulnerability. This is definitely a more radical suggestion but i do think the area map feels very underwhelming. Even replacing it with a health bonus feels a bit more cheeky.


As for graphical issues:

-Sector 126 possibly has the wrong floor texture (blood instead of COPPERF1).

-All SW1GOTH switches are offset improperly and look weird. would change so the skull is fully visible

-the fire lava textures are all FIRELAV2 which means they are not animated, looks a bit odd and feels like they should be.

-Outdoor rocks look a bit funky having the same floor texture. The pillars with ROCK23 feel like they should be different than the ROCK7 pillars

-Some of the ROCK23 pillars have ROCK7 texture where the sections meet, also looks like its not intended and seems odd.

-sector 226-231 (and the other sectors around this firewall) have the same rock texture as the outdoor rocks, looks a bit odd. I'd replace with blood at least or something red


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On 8/17/2024 at 9:29 AM, Hebonky said:


Played on HMP. I'd say DFF summed up my thoughts well enough, though I was able to finish the map, barely. You can trigger the final wave without actually falling into the main room.

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6 hours ago, A2Rob said:


Played on HMP. I'd say DFF summed up my thoughts well enough, though I was able to finish the map, barely. You can trigger the final wave without actually falling into the main room.

Just to add for context, I played UV

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Another update: Oh my god. It's actually happening. Map is quite nearly finished indeed, it's down to just balancing the last fight on the yellow key area and then making the last fight. Gotta say, didn't think I'd make a Fire & Ice, Afterlife II AND Haunting Dreams homage for this all at the same time but I guess that's just the way things go. I think it's gonna be really good.





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Posted (edited)

Layout is done for Map 24 - continuing on combat balancing and detailing.


Also, calling this thing "Icewrought Abyss". Have an ice day.






Edited by stochastic

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