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Betus Alpha

Doom: The Expedition Part 1

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Doom: The Expedition Part 1 is an unofficial doom wad that I made. Note that it is NOT an IWAD. It is a PWAD and contains custom: Decorations, Monsters, And Music.

Sources used for the music are: Nutty Deathmatch (made by Milian) and Before The Nightmare (made by manof4000. Also the music used from this WAD is not actually created by the creator. The music is just ripped from other games.)

Sources used for the enemies and decor: Realm667

ACS Scripts are used throughout the levels, but not that much.

There are no custom textures.

Difficulty Skill: would recommend "Hurt Me Plenty" for the skill.

I think @thelamp already knows his job (to make a video on this wad)

also I would be happy to watch your guys experience so don't hesitate to record a video of you playing my wad! :) (you don't have to but you can if you want)

Download here  

Flooded UAC Base at 2023.05.21 18-30-26.046 [R2733].jpg

Flooded UAC Base at 2023.05.21 18-30-52.491 [R2733].jpg

Flooded UAC Base at 2023.05.21 18-31-17.758 [R2733].jpg

Edited by Betus Alpha : needed to add an important detail ;)

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