Radio Free Gehenna (title inspired by Radio Free Albemuth) is a CP with the only theme being retro, as you are limited to only the textures provided by Doom 2 and the texturepack below (scrapped together from the Parallel Phobos texturepack, Deus Vult, Scythe and Dystopia 3 + some cavern crap from an old wad called Mayan Temple). The texturepack also includes titlescreen and intermission music from Requiem + title and intermission graphics, as well as sky textures.     Rules:   As said above, you can only use textures from the pack and Doom 2.   All maps must be Limit-Removing, nothing else.   Detailing should be restrained a reasonable amount for the sake of visual consistency across maps.   Zappa references in your map titles will make me like you more.   You cannot submit a map if you have not claimed a mapslot.     MAPSLOTS:       All map submissions must follow this template:     Deadline is the end of August.   Texture Pack Here.