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Recommended Hell themed Wads?

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I beat Sigil earlier today and instead of jumping into Doom 2 (I've played it too many times already) I want to pretend that Doomguy stays in Hell instead of going back to Earth. So anybody got any decent wads that take place solely or mostly in hell?

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8 hours ago, Smolspidey said:

I beat Sigil earlier today and instead of jumping into Doom 2 (I've played it too many times already) I want to pretend that Doomguy stays in Hell instead of going back to Earth. So anybody got any decent wads that take place solely or mostly in hell?

The apty named Hell Revealed's?

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If you're playing on GZDoom, then I can recommend Afterdoom. It has two or three really big hell themed maps that take place after each respective episode of Doom.

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Nicolas Monti's Ater Fieri comes to mind. While his work is an acquired taste, Monti's hostile and creative layouts do a lot to sell the hell theme.


There is also Chris Lutz's Inferno, which, while I haven't played it to completion, should satisfy any desire for more hell maps. Do note that Lutz maps from that (or any) era prioritize aesthetics and sector machinery over gameplay.


Also, I would recommend checking out No End In Sight's third episode, since that represents the pinnacle of Doom-hell from my perspective. It is essentially a larger and meaner version of E3, with some extremely evil and creative secrets.

Edited by Omniarch : typo

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