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Farstaži - Development

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Contained in this file is the first public protobuild of Farstaži. It contains the first ten maps accompanied my the GM version of each track map's tune.

The current plan for each protion if the was is as follows:

Section One (MAP1-10) Earth - Difficulty: No tougher than Plutonia

Section Two (MAP11-20) Moon/Space - Difficulty: Tougher than Plutonia

Section Three (MAP21-30) -Undetermined - Difficulty:Undetermined (Definitely Harder)

PR+ Compatability. Jumping, Crouching, Freelook Permissible.


Note: If you see a working "Mirror", It's not actually a mirror.

Note2: Plutonia Required














Edited by m3_mapper

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You should post some screenshots - it will make people to notice you more. Other thing I noticed that there are broken textures, rendering those as black textures, I suggest check out them once again and reinclude them in your project.


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2 hours ago, Misty said:

You should post some screenshots - it will make people to notice you more. Other thing I noticed that there are broken textures, rendering those as black textures, I suggest check out them once again and reinclude them in your project.

Thank you for notifying me that I did not specify which IWAD was needed. The Description has been updated.

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Woops, sorry for kind of forgetting about this for awhile...

Development Starts Again Shortly.

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Posted (edited)

@m3_mapper, how is ž pronounced? I assume it's from an Eastern European language because English doesn't have this letter.

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1 hour ago, Master O said:

@m3_mapper, how is ž pronounced? I assume it's from an Eastern European language because English doesn't have this letter.

The word Itself is Purely fictional. It's spelling is based on the Bosnian-Latin Orthography. The Equivalent in Cyrillic is фарстажи.

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Posted (edited)


New Update:

Adds 5 new maps

New Enemy - Super Soldier: Rapid-Fires with the force of a shotgun


Edited by m3_mapper : Initial file had defects

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On 4/13/2024 at 1:54 PM, Master O said:

@m3_mapper, how is ž pronounced? I assume it's from an Eastern European language because English doesn't have this letter.

I wasn't exactly sure either. Googling, found this:


ž is pronounced like in “Version.” š is pronounced like in “Short.” č is pronounced like in “Czech.”

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