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The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

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I'm pretty sure me and them would be pretty even, so I'm probably not screwed, especially since my PFP is legit just off a zombieman replacement in my mod which has many clones of her, but definitely not gonna defeat them

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The Icon of Sin's mother. 1/10, but increasing with every few monsters spawned.

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His ass is already being clapped from that Indian food last night. This is him in the restroom the next morning. 0/10

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Seems like a glitching npc from some game. 

They just make me giggle at best.  0/10

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What i meant to say:
Would honestly be totally screwed by this guy, he seems to know everything by experience.

Edited by ValveMercenary : WHY?!

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The Pierce Brosnan iteration of Agent 007.

I am well and truly screwed; he's got all kinds of crazy gadgets, and he's a top-class marksman. 10/10.

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