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What other retro fps game would you want to see remastered or remade?

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Like the title says, what retro fps game do you wanna see remastered or remade in modern day.


For me what i really want to see as a remastered is Golden Eye 007. Now now i can hear you y'all typing out "But scavenger, they released Golden eye 007 and it's on game pass you focking nerd" my answer to you is this: Yeah i know. I have game pass, i've played it but it's the N64 port of the game not a remake or a remastered of the game. Also the controls are god awful when using a xbox controller. 


Speaking of remastered / remake games i wanna see done, Time Splitters 2, Turok (a remake and im not talking about the god awful xbox 360 version either), Quake 1 (again like with Turok, a remake not a remastered since it already had a remastered) Half life and Half life 2, Black (if anyone remembers that game same with the next one i am going to say), Area 51, and others i can't think of right in this moment.


What do you think should get a remastered or a remake? Love to hear what games deserved it.


Oh yeah and by the way NightDive thank you for making Turok 1 a god send to play now. *chef's kiss* god it so good to finally have good pov and not fall to my death since i can't see the edge of the map.

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Add the PS2/Xbox exclusive Afrika Campaign, the Xbox coop, shotgun, unique enemy additions, and the PS2 level-up system between maps. That would be the ultimate version of RTCW. Add a new mission that takes place before Wolf 2009, during BJ’s “vacation” where Himmler sends out a specialized Gestapo assassin group to take you out as you wreck havoc on the Reich, perhaps involve the holy grail or spear of destiny in the story to tie in with Himmler’s obsession with these relics. 


I don’t want a remake of it though. Just a remaster, maybe add a few QOL features to the game, but I would like it to feel like the classic RTCW at the same time. I’d rather there be a new Wolfenstein game instead of a remake, just hope they finish TNO series and reboot back to the series roots. 

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After playing F.E.A.R. for the first time this week, it could definitely use at least a remaster or have its remaining issues patched up. If anything, there needs to be improvements to the character models to make them look less dead-eyed/stoned. A faithful remake would be pretty neat too, provided they get the gameplay just right in comparison to the original. 

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I would like to see some PS1 ones: Disruptor, PO'ed, Hybrid. They have little in the way of an audience, but it would be great to play them with improved PC controls and framerate, so just for that I'd love a remaster or a port of any of those. I am also partial to Eradicator for DOS, a very cool game that's sadly still DOS-only.

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There's probably way too much legal red tape around it, but Alien Trilogy. This answer given weakly, given that the one I used to cite; Exhumed; was done, amazingly, by NightDive. ;)

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25 minutes ago, Dweller said:



Oh fuck yeah. I would be so down for that.

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Heavy Metal F.a.a.k 2. The creator has been trying to get it rereleased or remastered, but ran into rights issues I think. Was one of the better Quake 3 engine games. Shame it went so under the radar.

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The original Postal game, (yeah I know theres postal redux) but i mean i'd love to see it done in like the doom or quake engine.

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3 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

For me what i really want to see as a remastered is Golden Eye 007. Now now i can hear you y'all typing out "But scavenger, they released Golden eye 007 and it's on game pass you focking nerd" my answer to you is this: Yeah i know. I have game pass, i've played it but it's the N64 port of the game not a remake or a remastered of the game. Also the controls are god awful when using a xbox controller. 




Nightdrive almost make a remaster of Goldeneye, and the one that  was leaked on Xbox 360 was beautiful 

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Well now, i did not expect a big turn out like this lol. But another one i think should be remade or remastered is Turok Rage Wars with online multiplay as well. Now i know i know it only had local multiplayer back in the day and such, but i don't want another classic game where it's just the N64 port and not have online multiplayer. Now i'm not a net code wizard so i have no idea what would have to be done in order to have that work.

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1 minute ago, D4NUK1 said:


Nightdrive almost make a remaster of Goldeneye, and the one that  was leaked on Xbox 360 was beautiful 

I know Vinny from Vinesauce played the Xbox 360 version and i was like "please please please let that come over to game pass" Well it did come to game pass.....But it was the N64 port version and i played it....but i hate it

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I’d also like to see a mobile version of Wolfenstein 3D for Android and iOS that is the Macintosh version of the game instead of the DOS version. At least, I feel that version would be a lot more mobile friendly than the DOS version. 

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Wolfenstein 3D, Heretic and Hexen, using the style of the Doom rerelease; Wolf 3D would have base game, SoD and the two mission packs as standard, and likely the SNES and Mac versions as bonuses. Official add-ons might not be possible given the games age, and how awkward modding the game is. Heretic could probably run on a modified Unity port, and would be light on packed-in content, as the only additional content it ever got was SOTR. Imagine something like Quake 2 though, where old unused levels get included, or even a new episode from the original level designer. Hexen would likely only have Deathkings included, but I can imagine Kaiser fixing up his old Shadows of Cronos mod for it, or even doing a brand new one. There are too few wads for Hexen to warrant an add-on menu; there has never even been a full megawad for the game!


Similarly, we could get a rerelease of Hexen II using the Quake remaster as a base, and then one for Heretic II; both would ideally come with new content (and even if it breaks canon, how about letting us use the new expansion character in the base game?)


Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein 2009 could also do with a rerelease, as could Prey.


For non-id/Raven stuff, I second Disruptor and the Alien FPS games on the Playstation.

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FarCry 1, not because I absolutely like this game, but more because this game was truly ahead of its time graphically, and I would like to see what they can REALLY do if they put some work on the rework of such a game.


Also FarCry 2, this one definitely because he is my favorite FarCry, I believe the game design of this one is a gem even though people say he is too repetitive

Edited by Bri0che

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Surprised nobody has said Hexen II yet. Probably one of my favorite games from the 90's in general. The atmosphere and progression reminds me of Dark Souls (if that makes any sense) and it's just easy to get lost in the game spending an afternoon on it. My only problems frankly is the fact that getting any 90's game to run well on modern machines without a source port feels like wrestling a cat to not run away from you while you try to stop it from choking on plastic and the occasional but game breaking bugs (my last playthrough ended early when I suddenly couldn't go through portals or walk backwards, softlocking me while my last save was five hours earlier into the game). Yes, I know Hammer of Thyrion exists, but I'd want to see the game given the same love and treatment as Quake and Quake II.


Edit: oh cool, Devalaous mentioned Hexen II just as I was typing about how nobody said Hexen II.

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Actually yeah, the whole Heretic/Hexen bunch of misfits would be welcomed into my open arms should they receive modern console releases. Please, let me play those things from the comfort of my sofa.

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I would love a modern port of Lifeforce Tenka, just have it natively running on modern hardware and with better controls would be nice.


And the more obvious answer would be Timesplitters, just in general I wish that series came back (yes, technically that shit is retro now, God I am old). Technically we have it already but in a very round about way.

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I never played Hexen or Heretic since there like super puzzle heavy and the back tracking....oh god the back tracking. I watch Civvie 11 play both of them and i was like "oh man, thank god i never played them as a kid or else i would be so pissed back tracking all the time for a switch and going all the way back again to hit another switch to open a door.


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The Catacombs 3D series, The Hidden Below, Radix: Beyond the Void, Legend of the Seven Paladins, Shadowcaster, and In Pursuit of Greed. Yes, I'm just that weird, I guess.

Edited by taufan99

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5 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I never played Hexen or Heretic since there like super puzzle heavy and the back tracking....oh god the back tracking. I watch Civvie 11 play both of them and i was like "oh man, thank god i never played them as a kid or else i would be so pissed back tracking all the time for a switch and going all the way back again to hit another switch to open a door.


Heretic isn't really that different from Doom for the most part.  There are a couple of levels with a more open design with switches with no obvious cue as to what they do, but what you said really only applies to Hexen.  Ultimately not sure you got the right take away from watching a video.

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No One Lives Forever. It's a damn shame that game has been mostly forgotten about. Monolith made some really good games, but they always came out as an underdog.


But NOLF is one of the best FPS games I've ever played; it's funny, campy, bloody, engaging, the missions were varied like any good spy drama, and the characters were full of life. The random banter between the guards was hilarious, and it went on and on.


We need Cate Archer back.


Edit: And while I'm on the subject of Monolith, I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of Condemned: Criminal Origins. That was another series that seemed like it had quite a bit of promise, even if the end of Bloodshot kind of went off the rails. But it was a really enjoyable premise, and an incredibly atmospheric game, and focusing on melee combat in a first person game was, and still is, kind of rare.


I'd really like to see something new from Monolith, because I know they can do it. I realize they had the Middle Earth IP, and Shadow of Mordor was fantastic (haven't played Shadow of War), and they're working on a Wonder Woman game now. But they seem at their best when they're using an original idea. I am really glad that they're not stuck in the COD mines like Raven is though.

Edited by Jello

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Half-Life 1, the Steam version is dated and buggy, and Half-Life has had so many expansions as well as different releases with new content, better/different graphics, new modes, changed levels etc that it would be nice to have an "ultimate edition" remaster that rounds everything up similar to what has been done with Quake 2.

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55 minutes ago, Blzut3 said:

Heretic isn't really that different from Doom for the most part.  There are a couple of levels with a more open design with switches with no obvious cue as to what they do, but what you said really only applies to Hexen.  Ultimately not sure you got the right take away from watching a video.

Well i would give both games a try since i do like gothic theme games and everything but i think i was thinking more of the hexen video he did. Also the part of if i played them as a kid part, is very true since i never had the chance to play the classic as a kid due to not having the internet out where i live growing up and couldn't afford computer games.


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33 minutes ago, Individualised said:

Half-Life 1, the Steam version is dated and buggy, and Half-Life has had so many expansions as well as different releases with new content, better/different graphics, new modes, changed levels etc that it would be nice to have an "ultimate edition" remaster that rounds everything up similar to what has been done with Quake 2.

I might get slack thrown at me for this but i never played Half life 1 or 2. I've played Team Fortress from the orange box and didn't like it because as a kid it was "if it's not call of duty or halo i won't play it" but since i'm older it's more like "god i love this game" Good example is Quake 1. Never played the original as a kid, bought the OG version then the remastered dropped and i love Quake 1 ever sense.

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1 minute ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I might get slack thrown at me for this but i never played Half life 1 or 2. I've played Team Fortress from the orange box and didn't like it because as a kid it was "if it's not call of duty or halo i won't play it" but since i'm older it's more like "god i love this game" Good example is Quake 1. Never played the original as a kid, bought the OG version then the remastered dropped and i love Quake 1 ever sense.

If you enjoyed the Quake 2 remaster you will probably enjoy Half-Life 1.

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Just now, Individualised said:

If you enjoyed the Quake 2 remaster you will probably enjoy Half-Life 1.

I am playing Quake 2 remastered and i kinda don't like it. Hear me out. The reason i don't like it is because i've spoiled on the gothic / eldritch horror theme so much, going from that to Sci-fi action shooter kinda makes my brain go brrrrrr. 


Not saying Quake 2 is a bad game, it's fun and i do like the weapons and everything....but i miss the eldritch horror / gothic stuff you know.

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