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1k1k - A COMPACT Doom 2 Community Project [RELEASED]

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I'll remove some of the pinkies and the last round of enemies when I can (honestly I just skipped them too in my playtests.) I'll fix the flats too, somehow I've never thought that flats aren't textures. It shouldn't be grindy though from my playtests? I'll either find some place to put armor, or reduce the chaingunner closets.


Though for that chaingunner closet you aren't meant to fight them head on, you're supposed to try to escape. There is enough ammo at that point to 100% up to there, as long as you're careful.

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1 hour ago, Engired said:

Here's a new version: EngiredMap04.zip

Hope it's okay. Tested in crispy-doom and it loaded, made some reductions to enemy count too.

Uhh, you have deleted all the vanilla textures also, not just new flats, so its not really working


Easiest way to make it work:

1. Add TEXTUREx and PNAMES lumps from doom2 iwad (manually or via base resource archive)

2. Choose all 4 new wall textures and add them to texturex


Also, to my experience, crispy-doom is kinda calm one, when it comes to new recourses, and will work mostly every time, even with pwad errors and stuff. So its not really suited for proper resources testing

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4 minutes ago, SG. said:

Uhh, you have deleted all the vanilla textures also, not just new flats, so its not really working


Easiest way to make it work:

1. Add TEXTUREx and PNAMES lumps from doom2 iwad (manually or via base resource archive)

2. Choose all 4 new wall textures and add them to texturex


Also, to my experience, crispy-doom is kinda calm one, when it comes to new recourses, and will work mostly every time, even with pwad errors and stuff. So its not really suited for proper resources testing

Here's another version.



Although another question - then what is good for resource testing? I can't use chocolate (because that's pure vanilla)? What else is out there?

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1 hour ago, Engired said:

what is good for resource testing

DSDA is a good one, it crashes with proper error message if you'll do something wrong

Now wad is working good btw

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My "reviews" of EP2 (MAPS 12-20) are done! Had a lot of fun with most of these and i look forward to the final episode and map31!
OH and MAP04 and 07 will be reviewed in the EP3 Batch.



MAP12 - Death Rattle - @yourlocalchef
Tested on: Ultra Violence
Really good stuff on show here, felt challenging but not too challenging if you know what i mean, i couldn't find 1 secret maybe it's obvious where it was but i couldn't sleuth it out.
Well done Localchef you made a promising opener into Episode 2, and i look foward to seeing what else you might do outside of this CP.
And the midi too, chilling and eerie, sounds like something out of majoras mask.



MAP13 - Infected Library - @yourlocalchef
Tested on: Ultra Violence
I'll be honest here, while not as good as Death Rattle it still manages to differentiate itself so much you'd think they were made by two separate people!
Tho i have some gripes with this one, a door track texture is just STARGR and the midi can get a bit annoying after a while, especially when doing constant attempts.
I missed the soulsphere secret and accidently exited on my successful run and missed a revenant tho i couldn't find him anywhere i think he didn't teleport in.
But through all those minor inconveniences the map here is really good, well detailed fun.



MAP15 - Nintendo 3DS - @NinjaDelphox
Tested on: Hurt Me Plenty
I had to swallow my pride and turn it down a notch just to barely make it out, i saw the name and thought it'd be fun. It was but not for very long.
I slowly figured it all out as the attempts rolled by but my god man this shit was cruel and it took its toll. 
The cyber(s) gave me heart attack and when i finally picked up that yellow key only to see a cluster of barons my heart sank.
Other than all that the visuals of a hell cube are a simple as it can get and the midi is nice.



MAP16 - Locked in Paranoia - @SG.
Tested on: Ultra Violence
I remember playing this a while back, that muscle memory still hung around clearly as this was a breeze!
Good stuff!
Nothing really big to point out, tho you can skip the blue key fight entirely, but i remember you saying you wanted to keep it in.
Took a while cos rng was a bitch and the rev at the start kept hitting me with 80dmg rockets.



MAP17 - Cosmic Horror - @Tangra
Tested on: Ultra Violence
I like this. The midi is great, the combat never felt like too much. A balance was struck here and it only took 1 attempt after some practice. Well done, what you have here is a really good spacey experience!



MAP18 - Aortic Ascension - @Treehouseminis
Tested on: Ultra Violence 
And another really good map, the midi superb, the theming was just on point and the "cage fight" with the imps and archvile was a highlight simply because i got to see an Imp get flung into the sky by archie flames. Everything else was just phenomenal.
Really good work!



MAP19 - Caverns of Despair - @Raith138
Tested on: Ultra Violence
And just like that back down to earth we go! (or back up?) This feels like something you'd see in Community Chest, make of that what you will, an attempt was made and the maps that precede this ones creation definitely improve upon this maps ground works.
The end fight though had me reluctantly saving & loading over and over to find a rhythm to deal with the seemingly endless boneheads, alas i made it to the end with mild feelings and another round of shawn's got the shotgun.



MAP20 - Starless - @dac
Tested on: Ultra Violence
This one felt very "abstract", the midi felt like it droned on for a while, but that adds to the vibe i get here. Another explosive finale with this one and another cluster of revs (caught me off guard as i was expecting a cyber) and the archies come in and undo all that explosion work.
Very cool and a job well done.


Edited by Yop

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16 minutes ago, Yop said:


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MAP19 - Caverns of Despair - @Raith138
Tested on: Ultra Violence
And just like that back down to earth we go! (or back up?) This feels like something you'd see in Community Chest, make of that what you will, an attempt was made and the maps that precede this ones creation definitely improve upon this maps ground works.
The end fight though had me reluctantly saving & loading over and over to find a rhythm to deal with the seemingly endless boneheads, alas i made it to the end with mild feelings and another round of shawn's got the shotgun.
p.s there's 2 ssg's



I am pretty sure you played an outdated version.

I removed the SSG in the most recent one.

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Just now, Raith138 said:

I am pretty sure you played an outdated version.

I removed the SSG in the most recent one.

ah ok my bad. Can you provide the latest version, so it can also go into an updated Playtest zip in the future.

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@Yopit could've been really epic if you recorded some demos. I use prboom + launcher for demo recording, it's easier than writing a batch file. It's not a big deal, and it's not needed to get your point across, but idk, just sayin'.

Talking about demos,can i record 3 of them playing random levels to replace the default ones that show up on the menu? I know how to do that with the help of slade.

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2 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

@Yopit could've been really epic if you recorded some demos. I use prboom + launcher for demo recording, it's easier than writing a batch file. It's not a big deal, and it's not needed to get your point across, but idk, just sayin'.

Talking about demos,can i record 3 of them playing random levels to replace the default ones that show up on the menu? I know how to do that with the help of slade.

I might record some stuff at a point, dunno when i'll get around to doing it but it's on the table.
As for demos, you can go ahead and record some.

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2 minutes ago, Yop said:

I might record some stuff at a point, dunno when i'll get around to doing it but it's on the table.
As for demos, you can go ahead and record some.

Great, but i warn y'all, i'm bad at doom, and probably my attempts would last like 10 seconds if rng is on my side.

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Okay, as promised, 4 demos to replace the ones from the menu

Not many sourceports show them, but is always nice when a wad changes them


Levels played:

Map 7

Map 10 (of course i was going to play my level)

Map 19

Map 22

I recorded them in ultraviolence, complevel 2.

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Happy Halloween everyone who celebrates it! I have wrapped up my reviews for EP3 took a while due to some maps being real time consuming and HARD.
I have omitted: MAP23, 24, 27, 32. 27 and 32 as they are made by me and MAP23 and 24 because they aren't finished or released yet. I'll doing a check up post tomorrow instead of November 8th. My patience has grown VERY thin and i've seen NOTHING of maps 14 and 23 at all. And as for MAP24 i'm being lenient here as it's a Collaboration map, but i'll want to see something SOON.
DO NOT delay map development any longer.
Anyways onto the reviews!



MAP21 - Scales of Anubis - @Tangra
Tested on: Ultra Violence
I loved this the high intensity and the kickass midi all boils together to create a meal worth of high praise. the detailing and themeing was great love seeing an egyptian map every now and again. Well done! Took a good chunk of time to get into the flow of things and after like 2 hours i did it.




MAP22 - Leakage - @tumedaskihutaja_37685
Tested on: Ultra Violence
Tbh i think i got scared once i saw the monster count. the map felt a lot bigger than it actually was and unleashing the plasma on the hordes of the damned doesn't get any better. Took a while tho after some practice, i think 14 attempts total. Got some DM1 Deimos vibes from this probably the techbase and hell themes meshed together. Good stuff!






MAP25 - Metallic Space Tension - @SG.
Tested on: Ultra Violence
Such good potential but extremely jank i kept falling of every step of the way and had to idclip my way back up. Either i've got an older version of my rapid playstyle is to blame. I'll take some liberties and say it's my rapid playstyle but if i do hold an outdated version please provide a new one. Other than that good stuff i guess, idk this map makes me feel mixed whether it's the difficulty hike i'd expect from EP3 or the amount of times i fell off. The midi is good and fits the vibe, but i think i'll add some safety nets when compiling or find the newer version.



MAP26 - Temple of the Damned - @Raith138
Tested on: Ultra Violence
I think i've said my pieces on this enough before and I'LL DO IT AGAIN.
Ok i take that back i haven't said my pieces on This version. Very good, midi is nice and gameplay is smooth to an extent.
The starting room with 2 hell knights was cruel and got knocked down to 40% due to my incompetence(?). But this was pretty good man well done.



MAP28 - Nha - @TheMightyWhoosh
Tested on: Ultra Violence
Very fun, i dig the midi and overall aesthetics of the map and it wasn't all that difficult, a nice fun experience nearing the end of the wad.
Short review but i ain't got much to say really it was just pretty good.



MAP29 - Urnacefay - @raddicted
Tested on: Ultra Violence
Wow just wow, for the penultimate map i can give no higher praise for this detailed magmatic masterpiece, the entrancing midi perfectly contrasts the insanely brutal gameplay but i stuck this out, unlike MAP15. I majority of the time used infighting to my advantage though it feels like the map was built solely around that. Really amazing work and a brilliant penultimate map to this Community Project.



MAP30 - Toxic Pool Party - @ABearInThaWoods
Tested on: Ultra Violence
Good midi good looks. 1 drawback.
It's a fucking tyson map until the end, i suck at tyson maps. I sucked at this one as well. didn't help that i had no clue what i was doing half the time and at a point i just started whacking things with my fist and stuff happened. i'd die. hit more stuff. die. repeat.
the archvile did not help at all. I just didn't have fun here, the switches everywhere made me feel like i was making progress only to just find out oh wait it just gives me 25 health and armour.
Maybe some people will get more enjoyment out of it than i did but in all honesty i didn't like it.



MAP31 - Dai Akuma No Dojo - @Higo Doragon
Tested on: Ultra Violence
I don't think this one actually functions, i tested on both GzDoom & DSDA, but nothing would make the map progress past 2 Imps.
If your map utilises a bug that both of those ports fix, i'm afraid i'll have to cut it due to bug dependency.
I changed compat over and over but nothing worked.



MAP33 - The Melting Mind - Yop, SG, Raith138
Tested on: Ultra Violins
The. best. maps. ever. no lie.


Edited by Yop

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Right it is finally time for the November Check up post. November 1st wasn't ideal but my patience has ran extremely thin.
@Pegleg and @dolanmolan
Either provide proof that you're working on your maps or start working on them or maybe even submit them. If nothing is provided by next week AT THE MAXIMUM i'm kicking both of you out, it has been 3 months since the og post, and around about 3 months since you both joined and i have seen nothing. like actually nothing.
The deadline isn't flexible and i won't be moving it to accommodate anyone's lack of action especially when everyone else has submitted their work already. Start, show, or leave. those are your options.
@FletcherHonoroma and @Gothic Box
I want to ideally see something of MAP24 soon, and for fletcher when can i expect a finished version of MAP06?
Soon as in 2 weeks. I'm being more lenient as it is a collab but I still want to see something.

In other news, I am going to start compiling very soon it will take time due to texture importing and the like but my deadline is December 31st for this as well.
I will probably get the whole thing out by early January if it takes that long and i'll start a separate topic for its release when it is finished.

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4 hours ago, Yop said:

I want to ideally see something of MAP24 soon... ...as in 2 weeks. I'm being more lenient as it is a collab but I still want to see something.

MAP24 can be finished within 2 weeks for certain. IIRC all that needs doing bar detailing is reworking the mikoveyor fight and implementing the finale.

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btw @Yop if you'll need any help with texture compiling or anything like that, feel free to dm me


also, if its not too annoying, once txt file for wad will be done or be in question, I would like if you'll mention me as StorkGreen in credits, not as SG. 

Im perfectly fine if you'll won't tho


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7 hours ago, Max-ko-khan said:

I see that MAP14 is free can i take it?
Also just a question what is the asterisk next to the 1 for?

Yes you can.

The asterisk is there because , I think it was to indicate that it could change at any point. If that makes sense.

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On 11/1/2023 at 8:52 PM, Yop said:

Right it is finally time for the November Check up post. November 1st wasn't ideal but my patience has ran extremely thin.
@Pegleg and @dolanmolan
Either provide proof that you're working on your maps or start working on them or maybe even submit them. If nothing is provided by next week AT THE MAXIMUM i'm kicking both of you out, it has been 3 months since the og post, and around about 3 months since you both joined and i have seen nothing. like actually nothing.


This is an in-editor screenshot of the map (I map with Eureka). The map isn't finished yet. The bottom left of the map will change and there will be some tweaking of other areas, but most of the drawing is done. I just need to finish texturing and populating the map. The actual playable space fits in a 1000 x 1000 box; everything outside that isn't reachable by the player.





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7 hours ago, Pegleg said:



This is an in-editor screenshot of the map (I map with Eureka). The map isn't finished yet. The bottom left of the map will change and there will be some tweaking of other areas, but most of the drawing is done. I just need to finish texturing and populating the map. The actual playable space fits in a 1000 x 1000 box; everything outside that isn't reachable by the player.


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Ok looking good so far, nice to see that you're actually working on it. 

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On 11/2/2023 at 12:52 AM, Yop said:

when can i expect a finished version of MAP06?

My apologies on the delay, personal matters have unfortunately left me with less time than I'd ideally like to put towards mapping. Realistically, I can expect to send a finished version of my map06 in a week. I thought it'd be funny if it looked The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a process which is taking a little longer than I thought.

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@Yop Here's RC1 of @FletcherHonoroma and I's collaboration. Only considering it a RC just in case of bugs or tweaking.


[Another Fine Mesa MAP24]

["umbra's warm bosom" by msx2plus from Time Tripper]

[No custom textures]



LOL NVM HERE'S RC2: 1K1K_MAP24_FletcherAndChicken_RC2.zip

- fixed broken blue key teleport

- more health

Edited by Gothic Box : RC2

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@Yop hey, sorry for the late response, map 31 uses miko-portals a quirk of how the original executable uses it's values to store the player position on the code. it's a integer overflow, it should work on demo accurate ports. it works on DSDA if you use complevel 2, works well with crispy and chocolate. but on gzdoom miko-portals wont work and never will be officially supported because they really hate this kind of stuff. -w-  it can be patched in with zscript at least.
without miko-portals it's impossible to replicate the doors opening on the right timing, but the the invisible walls can be replicated with lowering floors. the teleporting monsters is easy to replicate too.
i feel i could try to remake the map to avoid using the quirk, but if you don't wanna use the bug on the wad, it's better to leave it alone and cut it. i can try to make other map or just leave to somebody interested on the slot.

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Apologies for the delay in getting this finished.


Difficulty levels have been implemented.

Custom textures: some Frankensteined textures.

Music: no new music.


Edit: Quick update, just wanted the Hungry Caterpillar's eyes to close after it had been defeated.




Edited by FletcherHonoroma : update

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Right i'm going to be working on getting a new playtest file out and start the compiling process.

On 11/13/2023 at 7:57 AM, Higo Doragon said:

i feel i could try to remake the map to avoid using the quirk, but if you don't wanna use the bug on the wad, it's better to leave it alone and cut it. i can try to make other map or just leave to somebody interested on the slot.

If you want to, go ahead with a remake however if you don't think you'll be able to that's fine. i'm not willing to axe it i'll just add some warning on the release post when the wad is ready for that. something like "MAP31 uses an engine quirk recommended settings for that map: [recommended settings here]" after all it is a secret level and shouldn't impact progression all that much.

7 hours ago, Patrick_Plays_Doom said:


ill make a map for this for sure!

not sure when tho

Main Submissions are closed, if you want to submit anything it'll have to be for MAP33.
I recommend playing the other MAP33 entries to get an idea on what to do if you wish to join, they should be in the playtest file in the og post :)

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