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[ZDoom Map] - The Green Gutter v0.3(updated! again!) Looking for feedback

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I made a map!  Took me a while, but it was an educational experience.


Nothing custom in here, just tried working with the vanilla assets from the Doom iwads, but I'm pretty happy with the result.


Any and all comments are welcome! Gameplay, aesthetics, level flow, any impressions or advice would be invaluable.


Good luck!


Screenshots and .txt included in the .zip below.


UPDATE v0.3:


The updates continue... The map should be relatively free of basic aesthetic or mechanical bugs now, thanks to everyone that has pointed out the million things I overlooked at first.  I've added some gameplay improvements too, rebalanced the resources and beefed up a few encounters.




-Raised bridge no longer damaging floor
-Raised bridge elevator for escaping nuakge now repeatable

-Closet doors fixed

-Moving floors behind slime tanks fixed

-Door lowerunpegged fixed ++



UPDATE v0.2:


Initial bugfixing and cleanup work.

Now with original midi track by Composer @Bloo!




-nukage damage made consistent (5%)

-All iron gate barriers now unpassable

-non-repeatable linedef triggers fixed

-lower unpegged doors fixed x 10000

-some back textures undefined fixed

-some ammo/health placement tweaking


The Green Gutter









Title                   : Green Gutter 0.3
Filename                : GreenGutter.WAD
Advanced engine needed  : GZDoom or other Zdoom Compatible ports - Built in Hexen Format
Primary purpose         : Single Player
Author                  : Burgish Nilwert
Email Address           : gnarlestongnu@gmail.com
Misc. Author Info       : First map!

Description             : Can you escape the Green Gutter?
                        : Explore these underground slime channels with foes and snares at every turn.  
                        : *built for Freelook - NO jumping, NO crouching, no fancy lighting or other effects (yet)

Additional Credits to   : ID games, Nirvana for his podcasts, coffee

* Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : 1
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented - trying for UV-ish
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : Yes! Original Midi by @Bloo
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : Weeks on and off
Editor(s) used          : Ultimate Doom Builder
Known Bugs              : Can't guarantee compatibility with gameplay mods
Verified Runs With      : GZDoom, Zandorum

* Copyright / Permissions *

For any permissions regarding midi music please contact @Bloo


Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional

You may do whatever you want with this file.

* Where to get this WAD *

Here! (*Doomworld thread) Will distribute elsewhere later






Edited by Burgish : Updated! Wooooooo!

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Congrat. for your 1st release.

I like the first screenshot, big areas, non-claustrophobical

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Hey! This is really a neat map!

I'm not very good at playing Doom so I haven't made it all the way through without

dying on my first try but I "floated around" through more of the level after my death.

Right now, I'm not playing many maps because I'm working on one myself. I am

really glad I took a break from that this evening to check this one out. You can check

off the list "works with Zandronum" as I had no issues with it in my port of choice.

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Played some of it, have some notes:

-secret elevator for the crates with chaingunners needs to be repeatable.


-some of the bars next to slime pit after the red door can be walked through


-many doors need to have interior textures lower unpegged to prevent the texture scrolling when opening them


-after the red key door up the second set of stairs after the switches, I linedef skipped there as well and didn't trigger the enemies until the second time around. the pinkies on the top are really not threatening in this fight because they are stuck in their closet the whole time.


-is that 10 damaging floor everywhere? Might be better to knock that down to 5 because of how much time you spend on it, but that's up to you. Maybe more medkits or a suit (even if it's a secret one)


-The monster closet after the blue door is also damaging although the texture is rock


-There is literally no point to the lift in orange key room. That step should suffice.


-The door to the orange key room should be openable on the side (AND REPEATABLE) on the side you originally enter from (Or just make the door close once and not be repeatable, you may have both sides of the sector marked)


-After the blue door, you can run through the bars to the floor below and maybe skip parts of the level in unintended ways because of it.


-The mancubus and hell knight room right after the orange door could use at least a little health for that arena, I made it through just fine with infighting, but a little health would be nice here. (personal preference)


-I really like the table with barons and stuff, felt like I was at a baron's banquet and I was about to get served right up if I wasn't careful


-The door to the blue door is a one time use as well, which made me completely stuck until I noclipped out


-The space to the right of the nukage bridge on the way to the exit will trap you in if you're not careful.


-The last hallway could potentially have a final fight that closes the door as you are about to get into it, opening a few doors along the wall there with a switch in one to re open the exit



There some issues with it, but overall this isn't a bad first map at all. I think my first one had way more errors than this. Also I've uploaded a version of the map with a custom midi that I made that seems to fit the feel of the map. Let me know what you think :D


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16 hours ago, Bloo said:

Played some of it, have some notes:


Thanks so much, this is the best feedback I could have hoped for!  I've made a bunch of fixes you pointed out needing doing and did a bit of tinkering based on your suggestions.  I have a couple specific responses/questions below if you're interested:


-The staircase hall after the second door is an area the player has to backtrack through - the ambush is supposed to happen the second time you go through, like a surprise!  Did I get ya? (I did fix the last closet tho)

-The elevator after the second door is to accommodate the level verticality.  I kinda like lifts for injecting a player into a fight, and that room in particular I'm trying to get you to run around.  I hope this wasn't frustrating or anything, but I'm happy to hear you used infighting :)

-The exit hall is just me playing around a bit, but its a cool effect that you could make all kinds of interesting encounters in.  TBH I initially envisioned 2 cyberdemons right by the exit that dont have time to kill if you just keep running and hit the end lev linedef, but if you slow down or hesitate at all they get a shot at you!  Then you put some armor off to the side and its a deathtrap!  Baaahahaahaha!  ...but that's too evil for my first map. I just wanted a flashy exit, but I would like to clean it up a bit still.

I love the midi you added!  I hope its okay if I leave it in the .wad, I'll made sure you're properly credited but let me know if you'd rather I remove it ever.  Honestly I think its a perfect fit.

I really appreciate your reply, you've helped me out a lot! I'll be happy to return the favour if/when/however I can get the chance.

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1 minute ago, Burgish said:


Thanks so much, this is the best feedback I could have hoped for!  I've made a bunch of fixes you pointed out needing doing and did a bit of tinkering based on your suggestions.  I have a couple specific responses/questions below if you're interested:

  Reveal hidden contents

-The staircase hall after the second door is an area the player has to backtrack through - the ambush is supposed to happen the second time you go through, like a surprise!  Did I get ya? (I did fix the last closet tho)

-The elevator after the second door is to accommodate the level verticality.  I kinda like lifts for injecting a player into a fight, and that room in particular I'm trying to get you to run around.  I hope this wasn't frustrating or anything, but I'm happy to hear you used infighting :)

-The exit hall is just me playing around a bit, but its a cool effect that you could make all kinds of interesting encounters in.  TBH I initially envisioned 2 cyberdemons right by the exit that dont have time to kill if you just keep running and hit the end lev linedef, but if you slow down or hesitate at all they get a shot at you!  Then you put some armor off to the side and its a deathtrap!  Baaahahaahaha!  ...but that's too evil for my first map. I just wanted a flashy exit, but I would like to clean it up a bit still.

I love the midi you added!  I hope its okay if I leave it in the .wad, I'll made sure you're properly credited but let me know if you'd rather I remove it ever.  Honestly I think its a perfect fit.

I really appreciate your reply, you've helped me out a lot! I'll be happy to return the favour if/when/however I can get the chance.

it's no problem dude, it's a great first map, but it had some fixes that it needed. Keep the song in there, I liked it better with it.

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@Biodegradable thanks so much for recording your playthrough!  Its immeasurably satisfying watching someone else play my level!


Pointing out the errors is really helpful too, I'll get those fixed up soon as I'm able and republish.  Thanks!

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Updated to 0.3!


Bugs fixed, encounters tweaked.  I'm pretty happy with it, and I think everything is working the way its supposed to be working now.


I'll be ready to start something new soon. I made this in Hexen format and I wouldn't mind trying all the fancy stuff UDMF can do.

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This one is so good!!!!
I love having the big open main area. It's one of my favorite map features!
10/10 would revisit.

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