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A.I. Doom Movie Concept

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One or two interesting images, mostly visual gibberish. Typical for AI. Why does so much that's generated by AI look like it was sucked straight out of someone's dreams?

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2 hours ago, Murdoch said:

One or two interesting images, mostly visual gibberish. Typical for AI. Why does so much that's generated by AI look like it was sucked straight out of someone's dreams?

Right ahahaha! It does look like a weird dream LOL 

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This is the first time I've seen a bait like this^ on Doomworld.


EDIT: Comment above got removed now.

Edited by KubaloBlackMT

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You should have just kept the part from 0:55-1:15 where the rubber alien does his sexy catwalk where we're introduced to DALLLA MASDIIA and still presented it as a Doom trailer with no context provided whatsoever. The rest of it was fine, but it gives away too much information - I feel like I already know the whole plot (an amoeba finds a cumstain on Mars and shakes his ass while the Marines are sent in to have sex with the astral dimension but the CRAAM ATHHLO already bought all the trampolines and their pants are too tight to fit their other breasts into so the protagonist shapeshifts and moans at the end), so there's no pull to watch the whole thing.

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The use of AI for "making" pieces of "creative work" is one of the worst things people have "given" to online communities. 


It's never worth the time looking at and I will forever be baffled by the fact that the incomprehensible spew/generic cookie cutter trite that squelches out like some pre-slopped horrific fuckin stillbirth will be looked upon by the maniac who conjured it with a "yeah chief, this is it".


It isn't it, this disgusting half born chimera never was it and never will be it.

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7 hours ago, mrthejoshmon said:

The use of AI for "making" pieces of "creative work" is one of the worst things people have "given" to online communities. 


It's never worth the time looking at and I will forever be baffled by the fact that the incomprehensible spew/generic cookie cutter trite that squelches out like some pre-slopped horrific fuckin stillbirth will be looked upon by the maniac who conjured it with a "yeah chief, this is it".


It isn't it, this disgusting half born chimera never was it and never will be it.


Joshmon makes a salient point.

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Gotta love the dinosaurs coming out to pile more hate on ai 😂😂


I also think it's a crime that people use the curve linedef tool 🦖

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You know the thread is gonna be an unfunny mess when you read "AI" in the title.

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Yeah mostly a bunch of flashing, meaningless, incomprehensible images. Definitely good inspiration; 0:40 for instance, that's some nice staging, you could definitely repurpose that as a sort of, "Oh yeah you think he's normal, then he turns towards you and he's actually a demon" thing, or whatever. Then there's another moment of the video which could be inspiration for some high soldiers of Argent D'Nur or smth, the image is below if you want to see. Definitely nothing more than a vague source of inspiration in its current state though.

Screenshot 2024-02-04 120546.png

Screenshot 2024-02-04 120944.png

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