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Flesharmonic : a violent and sanguinolent 20-maps megawad (now on /idgames)

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For the next update, there will be something after taking this portal instead of finishing the map. I won't show it here, you'll have to see it for yourself.





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On 10/9/2023 at 3:53 PM, Roofi said:




Hello Doomworld, 


We are proud to announce the release of our violent and sanguinolent doom II project : Flesharmonic ! It's a 20-maps megawad of raw and  grilled meat to satisfy your insatiable appetite for wads!


This wad is served by the following team: @datacore (project leader) , @Alephany, @Duskolos, Jambon, @Nixx and me.

with the help of its fabulous testers: @Gr0mat, @WH-Wilou84 and its talentuous artist : @franckFRAG


The wad also uses resources made by the valuable Doomworld community, check out the read me for more info about the megawad.


You'll need a limit-removing port (-complevel 2) such as crispy doom or higher in order to run this wad.

                                                                                          CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

                                                                                                 ET BON APPETIT 






Here is the link of the development thread if you want to see additional and outdated screenshots : 


this wad looks hella fun. I love the challenge  

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Hi everyone, 


The RC2 is here ! Here are the new things :


- Flesharmonic has now its own custom STATBAR made by @Duskolos




- A new section exists in Map 02.

- Some bugs were fixed

- More details and ammo were added on Map 04.

- More things were added/moved at the beginning of Map 17.

- All maps were tested on Co-op and now are fully playable with your friends.



Download the RC2 here FHC_RC2.zip (the OP has been updated as well)


If everything is fine, the wad should be uploaded in 1-2 weeks on idgames.


Edited by Roofi

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Missed that update...

I've replayed the wad for the last few days and didn't changed my mind : personal favorite of the year.

Beautiful ending room for map 02 ! (and no more Pain elementals on low skill, won't say that I miss them ;))


PS : still these two lost souls that don't spawn on map 06 (prboom+)(but it reminded me something I forgot about doom - and a difference between prboom+ and gzdoom - lost souls are not considered in the killcount)


Edited by apichatpong

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Hi everyone,


Here is the RC3 which fixes visual bugs, some stuck monsters, and nodebuilding issues on some maps.  Unless we see any more unforeseen major bugs, this is the final version.


Some corrections were done for the txt too.


Download the RC3 here FHC_RC3.zip 


The OP is updated as well.

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Some excellent stuff this pwad has. Played the 1st 3 maps and I like it already. I hope there will be a widescreen version for the status bar, looks killer. I wait for the release on idgames to play completely.

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ok so I completed RC1 as i was unaware of any edits (because Ive been off DW for a minute) and I noticed that its mentioned that this wad is a 20-map wad. When I finished the RC1 wad, the game brought me to The Citadel (Map 19). 


Have 2 maps been added since? Which ones? 

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Thank you so much ! RC4 is coming soon and I hope it will be the final version.


We found some small issues when testing one last time on Crispy-Doom 6.00.

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I played RC1 when it was released, and this is certainly a quality map set. I like thematic sets that keep to their theme and this one certainly did. Too difficult for me as a player but enjoyed it nonetheless. The map designs and detailing are really good, much better than typically in a set by multiple authors. Great work, Frenches.

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Hi everyone,


Here's RC4, an upload to idgames was planned but we preferred to wait a little while to refine things further. This should be the latest version, fingers crossed !




All the bugfixes are in spoilers :



Map02 "Modification of the area where the Plasmagun is positioned, as it passed through the pillars at ceiling level" + Texture alignment.

Map05 "ZenNode problem (dripping texture in the ground at a secret level) - Corrected middle grid texture dripping in the flat.

Map09 "Floating objects corrected and risk of ghosts at end of level reduced.

Map10 "middle texture" barrier checked in impassable because a Baron could escape.

Map12 "Various modifications to action lines and tag sectors to avoid getting stuck in the map towards the end of the level + Texture alignment.
A Barril was added to the Death Exit because it was survivable, and the risk of ghosts in the secret room with the chainsaw was reduced.

New Demo1

Map16 "Fixed death Exit not working all the time" on Crispy Doom 6.00

Map12 W1 in tp arrival room rather than S1 + Alignment .

Map31 Fixed problems with textures dripping into the ground on Crispy-Doom due to Nodes.

Map18 Fixed problems with textures dripping into the ground on Crispy-Doom due to Nodes.


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11 hours ago, Datacore85 said:

idgames link:Flesharmonic


Congrats on the release! Not sure if I improved enough between my first comment and this one, but I'll give it a spin again (not sure when!)

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Wow. What a wad. What a masterpiece. It's been a long time coming; but this is the wad that has finally pushed me over the edge to create an account on DoomWorld. Thank you so much for this. Every single level is nothing short of exceptional; from the eerily desolate opening first (which I spent an hour on alone trying to find that one darn secret and enemy) to the final with its remix of one of Doom's most iconic MID's from E1M8 (Phobos Anomaly).


I just completed this wad an hour ago and I'm still unable to comprehend the sheer awesomeness of what I have just played through. My first run was on HMP and while it was definitely challenging I never found it unfair. And while I've played my fair share of slaughter maps and wads, I really do love how Flesharmonic is able to deliver a challenge not just in enemy count, but also in terms of sheer level design genius.


I'm honestly stunned that Flesharmonic "only" received what's essentially an honorary mention in the Cacowards, but I'm so glad I bothered to click on the "23 More for 2023" link because I don't think I've had this much fun in Doom in over a decade. Even the secrets -- while occasionally hidden in ways which I can really only describe as "evil" -- were fun to unearth, and the secret level in particular was absolutely worth it to uncover.


Again, thank you guys for this. Thank you so very very much!


With <3 love <3, Faith!~


UV, here I come!

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Hello! To ensure full coverage of the mod on DoomWiki, please provide the names of the music tracks used for title and text screens (D_DM2TTL and D_READ_M).

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On 7/7/2024 at 8:14 PM, Nockson said:

Hello! To ensure full coverage of the mod on DoomWiki, please provide the names of the music tracks used for title and text screens (D_DM2TTL and D_READ_M).

Is "D_DM2TTL" for the title screen?

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6 hours ago, Alephany said:

Is "D_DM2TTL" for the title screen?

Yes, that's right.

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I proposed this midi. The original name is "MaouDamashii - Dungeon9" which was used in Mogeko Castle. Although I don't think it was made for that game, this is where I got it from.

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On 7/24/2024 at 2:52 PM, Alephany said:

I proposed this midi. The original name is "MaouDamashii - Dungeon9" which was used in Mogeko Castle. Although I don't think it was made for that game, this is where I got it from.

Thank you! I've added it to the article.

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Posted (edited)

Well, close to decino’s runs of map 14, I’ll give a short update on this one… since there is some (personal) update.


In november I was playing ITYTD and was more focused on aesthetics. Now, 8-9 months later, after having replayed the wad on HNTR/HMP, after having played UV with saves some French maps, after overtaking my fear of ammo starvation with Equinox, I’m on my way to beat this wad « UVmax » with saves. Right now, I’m on map 12.


Let say this wad is really difficult but a very nice way to understand some stuff. For my concern, on UV, the difficulty curve is tough, Map 03 ending part was already something, I faced - but survived - some ammo starvation on map 04 and, with rare segment exceptions, things don’t go easier after that. Enemies placement is regularly thought to force you to find a non-intuitive way to fight, either by developing skills or by running (at your own risk)(for instance, when you end up with only rockets and berserk to open a door to a tiny room with archvile on second line and pinkies on first, EHH, forget the rockets and learn to berserk well otherwise, if you choose running, archvile will respawn monsters and end your life).
So, IMHO, difficulty curve is tough but that’s the game and I’m confident more skilled players won’t agree. Anyway, the good thing is that going from ITYTD to HNTR/HMP then UV really is the smooth and nice difficulty curve for this wad. At every different skill level you’ll have to develop different skills and the pleasure of re-discovering the map is always different. The biggest differences are from ITYTD to HMP, but the « small » changes from HMP to UV are also significant !


WELL, all of that is gibberish from a learning player, the most important thing, beyond wonderful aesthetics and atmosphere, is that every single map of this wad is great and fun, intricate and challenging, the two runs by decino expose it well : blindruns might be a bit difficult or awkward but when you get the real thing, maps reveals as jewels, just like subtly cutted diamonds.


A lot of those maps are open and might need you to try different routes, the maps go from fearless but atmospheric exploration to intense fights, with also adventure, pacifist, Tyson etc… Yes, as MtPain27 said, the French love their « archeuvileuh » but I slowly learn to not fear them as much as I was months before.


SO, this consistent set of fleshy-hellish maps was an A for me on aesthetics and gameplay while played on ITYTD, now that I’m trying UV with saves and discover the real langage of doom gameplay, it’s an A+.


The decino's runs :


1st blind



then the redemption UVmax one


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