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[RC6] EVITERNITY II - RC6-Hotfix Released! (September 2024)

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On 12/15/2023 at 8:54 AM, Dragonfly said:

So as much as I'd love to solve for the tree pop-in issue, all solutions I personally know of are not solutions we're willing to explore. That said, if there's other methods or ways to prevent sprite culling, then sure, I'd be open to it.

RenderRadius might be what you want.

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On 12/15/2023 at 2:54 PM, Dragonfly said:
  • actively increase lag throughout maps.


Due to the above, it is absolutely not a viable option. 😅 

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True, MAP32 would ultimately suffer the worst. But if people are absolutely incensed to, small increments wouldn't hurt too much. But for the main mod release itself I definitely don't recommend it though and suggest people simply live with it.


Also lol @ every single bluetall doom request. Seriously, why?

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So I got to MAP33 and had a laugh. Did somebody play Skyroads recently and wanted to make a map out of it?




Seriously give us a whole megawad out of that. Go the extra mile and make it for Zdoom and include jumping, crouching, and air dash mechanics! :D


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20 hours ago, SyntherAugustus said:

So I got to MAP33 and had a laugh. Did somebody play Skyroads recently and wanted to make a map out of it?




Seriously give us a whole megawad out of that. Go the extra mile and make it for Zdoom and include jumping, crouching, and air dash mechanics! :D



17 hours ago, antares031 said:


Gonna have to play that map too. Loved me some Skyroads back then.

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59 minutes ago, CacoKnight said:

I think I missed one ...was the soundtrack/video for the first level already released? Can't find it.


In the description to all the soundtrack videos you can find a link to the full playlist, which is still being added to. They should be in map order.


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I'm so blown away by how fun map 33 was.  I got to it while playing tonight, and it was just a total blast.  The entire wad has been spectacular so far, it's been such a joy to play.

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3 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Another OST piece:


I haven't finished the wad yet but this midi blew me away. Absolutely my favorite so far.

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5 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Oops, forgot to post this one on the thread!

Another OST piece:



Lovely piece that.


Can't wait for Map 30's song, it really made the map.

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While we're waiting for the Wiki to go up, could I make another secret request?


Anyone mind sharing how to get that darn megasphere on map 35 Parallel; the one on the waterfall in the cavern? That's one of the other secrets that's got me stumped - I give up! 😭


Thanks 🙏

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1 hour ago, RICHIE B said:

can i haz secret plz


Sure! See below:



Step one:
Go into the alternate dimension where the waterfall is, go up the stairs and press the switch


Step two:

Return to the "normal" dimension, then head north from here, going into the alternate dimension to the north to collect the perforator


Step three:

Continue through to the normal dimension, you will now be on the waterfall section in the north west of the map.


Step four:

Look around here by the rock walls to the left of the waterfall where the crowd of imps were hiding - the water has lowered allowing you to drop down to a teleporter.




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2 hours ago, RICHIE B said:

While we're waiting for the Wiki to go up, could I make another secret request?


Anyone mind sharing how to get that darn megasphere on map 35 Parallel; the one on the waterfall in the cavern? That's one of the other secrets that's got me stumped - I give up! 😭


Thanks 🙏



Get to sector 147 - coordinates x 8416, y 448. Use the nearby switch. The "other world" will now have lowered sector 1039 - coordinates  x -1856 y 1792 and then take the teleporter.

This has revealed a bug. An issue with the ceilings of sectors 610/611 when sector 610 has lowered. To fix increase the ceiling height of sector 611. I have added this to my list.


dragonfly beat me ...

Edited by hawkwind

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41 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:


Sure! See below:


  Hide contents

Step one:
Go into the alternate dimension where the waterfall is, go up the stairs and press the switch


Step two:

Return to the "normal" dimension, then head north from here, going into the alternate dimension to the north to collect the perforator


Step three:

Continue through to the normal dimension, you will now be on the waterfall section in the north west of the map.


Step four:

Look around here by the rock walls to the left of the waterfall where the crowd of imps were hiding - the water has lowered allowing you to drop down to a teleporter.



Aw thanks, I can sleep easy now. 🥰

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Speaking of MAP35, found a couple slime trials today on it (extremely cool map btw)



Outside on the way up to the level exit:



In the cave arena with the Astral Mancubus on the steps from the right side:



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GZDoom v4.11.3 | Default Compatibility | Eviternity 2 vRC2 | Supercharge v3.0b | Skill Level 1


A few screenshots from my playthrough:


MAP03 - Climbed over bottom-left torch:


MAP04 - No way to reach this med kit without cheating:


MAP09 - Found all secrets but couldn't figure out how to unlock the exit so had to use the secret one; Also, missing textures:


MAP21 - That flashing switch above was calling for it:



MAP24 - Bullets fly straight through these white panels; encountered 4 of them:



MAP25 - Through these too:


MAP26 - Got stuck in this room by running out of ammo:



MAP27 - Both of them spawned like this and weren't attacking:



MAP29 - Secret exit didn't work and left me stuck the first time; worked after a reload though:



MAP30 - 2 FPS during corpse dispensing:



MAP35 - Square shadow at the top-left visible from some angles:



MAP36 - No way to reach this shell box without cheating:



MAP36 - Perhaps link the state to the second button as it can still be pressed once it no longer does anything:



MAP36 - I have resurrected myself many times:



MAP37 - Music "D_KNOSIS" not found:

The first Eviternity caused me a doom burnout last year. This second one made me take a week break in between haha. Amazing mapsets both of them nevertheless! Integrates flawlessly with Supercharge once again. Nacs are a pain.

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24 minutes ago, hawkwind said:

@equagunn - You're the second to report the map35 issue ... ;)

I wasn't reading through 22 pages of posts. :D


MAP35 seems to be hot topic at the moment! There is one more thing, probably mentioned already and perhaps intentional.

3 hours ago, RICHIE B said:

Anyone mind sharing how to get that darn megasphere on map 35 Parallel; the one on the waterfall in the cavern?

2 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

the water has lowered allowing you to drop down to a teleporter.


Aside the intended way as explained by Dragonfly there is an alternative way:


The section can be reached via Imp surfing, however this will not trigger the secret:


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6 hours ago, eqagunn said:

The section can be reached via Imp surfing, however this will not trigger the secret:


Not possible when playing with infinite heights, which is the intended way to play (albeit not enforced because I cannot be bothered to deal with the plethora of complaints that would come with that. 😂)


Thanks for all of your reports. A few of those have already been dealt with since RC2, but a couple are new/interesting.



6 hours ago, hawkwind said:

@equagunn - You're the second to report the map35 issue ... ;)


Please don't put people off of reporting bugs; we might miss things time to time so a secondary reminder of an issue not only serves to remind us, it also lets us know that "hey, more than one person found this issue, consider it more important."



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48 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Not possible when playing with infinite heights, which is the intended way to play (albeit not enforced because I cannot be bothered to deal with the plethora of complaints that would come with that. 😂) 

Thank you, I hate infinite heights :D


2/3 the way through a pistol-start playthough, enjoying it even more than the first time.


Waffling specifics I didn't mention yet:

  • Replayed Catalyst on ITYTD. Turns out it was a skill issue and this map is much more fun (for me) on easy. Props for implementing difficulty so thoroughly. The ending is spectacular! And the music is both a banger and very appropriate.
  • Titan kicks so much arse. Superb hot start leading into a wonderfully open exploration, culminating in a final battle in a location that wouldn't be out of place in a blockbuster movie. In fact the entire third chapter is just killer. Rubicon is pretty tough but that's a me problem :)
  • Freya is somewhere in my top5 all time levels. The map and the music together are so beautiful. Fights feel spot on and it's just the right length, doesn't overstay its welcome. Found the last two secrets this time which raised my appreciation even further.
  • The mirror section of Perdita is a cute bit of (sort-of) foreshadowing for Parallel.
  • Dominion is so epic. Love the positioning of the cyber so it's a constant threat, really maintains tension. But I appreciated keeping it alive for the spectacular final fight!
  • The buildup throughout Malaise from quiet, ominous beginnings, to discovering all the nooks and crannies of an awesome castle, to that courtyard battle: so good!
  • The astral mancubi and astral arachnotron are excellent additions. Can do so much damage but there's plenty of telegraphing so it's hard to feel scammed if they take you out. I should probably kill them quicker, but I always want get them infighting and watch them wreck other demons.


Edited by Lord Belial

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RC5 Map 10
Monster closets are seen on the automap.
Side note: the final dark mancubus near the exit slides side-to-side after being killed due to the engine's sliding on edges bug and big radius of the corpse.

Map 11
I don't mind challenges, but was it really a good idea to make a player fight Eviternity demons using a rocket launcher in a restricted area?

Edited by Dimon12321

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I only have one request: a small optional patch to replace the sprite fixing project lost souls with the v1.666 equivalents. I'm one of the few who finds those sprite edits distracting. I have made one personally, but one that honors the custom PLAYPAL by the official authors would be a godsend for me.

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In map 35, it's possible to miss killing the 8 Cacodemons in the isolated south central Hell area: Hit the switch, Linedef 5681, and run through the entrance before the barrier goes up. Hit the switch on the back side of the barrier, Linedef 2634, and it also lowers the Cacodemons. There's now no way to kill them.

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@Dragonfly et al: I have a "lore" (?) question about map 26 Myriad:



In the Silence area: Is the presence of corpses of astral cacodemons and nightmare demons supposed to suggest that nightmare cacodemons were created there by merging astral cacodemons and nightmare demons? Because that was something that immediately came to mind for me when I saw those horrifying creatures and all the corpses and how they kind of look like astral cacodemons with nightmare demons skin...


Oh, and a gameplay question about nightmare cacodemons because the whole fight was so hectic that I couldn't really pay attention what exactly they are shooting: They are - like astral cacos - using three projectiles, with the two outer ones being of the same kind, while the middle one differs. Are the two on the outside those purple two stage projectiles, which are also used by the astral mancubus? What does the middle one do? Is it just a fast but straight flying projectile?


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2 hours ago, philcul said:

@Dragonfly et al: I have a "lore" (?) question about map 26 Myriad:


Eviternity's Lore is always left up to the player's interpretation - thanks for sharing yours! :)


Regarding that enemy type mentioned - you'll have some more isolated moments with them where you can better learn their attack pattern.



7 hours ago, L0l1nd3r said:

In map 35, it's possible to miss killing the 8 Cacodemons in the isolated south central Hell area: Hit the switch, Linedef 5681, and run through the entrance before the barrier goes up. Hit the switch on the back side of the barrier, Linedef 2634, and it also lowers the Cacodemons. There's now no way to kill them.


Good catch!



13 hours ago, Csonicgo said:

I only have one request:


If you could send your copy I could make them adhere to the palette for you. 👍



15 hours ago, Dimon12321 said:

I don't mind challenges, but was it really a good idea to make a player fight Eviternity demons using a rocket launcher in a restricted area?


I think it was, yeah. :P

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15 hours ago, Csonicgo said:

a small optional patch to replace the sprite fixing project lost souls with the v1.666 equivalents. I'm one of the few who finds those sprite edits distracting. I have made one personally, but one that honors the custom PLAYPAL by the official authors would be a godsend for me.

These are Eviternity II's front-facing 1.666+ Lost Soul sprites from before the sprite fix incorporation: ev2_oldlostsoul.zip


The Lost Soul is not visually affected by the new palette, however, so the converted color indexing doesn't actually change anything.

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