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Freudian Slipgate 2 - You Gotta Shut Down the Oedipus Machine! (Released on /idgames)

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i can finally see a therapist, thank you <3


first few levels have been really fun, stoked to play the rest in the morning

Edited by senpaigru

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Congrats on the release! This came completely out of nowhere, and it looks really promising.

Will definitely try this out as soon as I can.

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I would like to formally state that Alter does not speak for me and my actions and that his recounting of events is inaccurate.


I was also busy with your fathers.

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Holy shit. Gonna replay the first one now to prepare myself for this stunning trip down loony lane :3

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Just played the first four maps and it's a great journey so far. Varied and very detailed (in a classic vanilla way) environments and lots of brain-busting combat encounters. Some of them may seem a bit unfair at first, but I think they fit under the generally accepted combat puzzle theme and if you approach them as such, you won't be frustrated.

I'm not a vanilla or vanilla-like Doom player as I've been spoiled by modern gaming conventions for too long so take my words with a grain of salt (So I usually play gameplay "enhancing" mods with Doom, though when playing this I went with purely basic GZDoom).

There's also good variety between encounters with a few monsters in rooms or corridors, combat arenas and "surprise" monster closets, which makes the gameplay very stimulating and entertaining as you don't know what to expect next and have to be prepared for all.


Also, I love the new textures. Where are they from? :o custom made or? Very crisp and aesthetically fitting!


And lastly... a Cyberdemon in the very first map. That really establishes the mood of the megawad, lmao! You'll know what you're in for by that point :P

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Dang, I didn’t expect another Freud-influenced WAD to drop so soon after my own!


I guess that goes to show you Herr Doktor is never really mom—er, I mean, gone.

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Neato! I've seen Dwars livestream the 1st Freudian Slipgate before on his random idgames youtube streams, decided to check it out and thought it was alright. I hope to see if this one will knock the 1st one out of the park.

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I Just played the first few levels and I love the combat encounters and weapons and monster replacements, especially the increased fire power for the starting gun which made it not such an issue to run out of ammo. Also loved the dialogue boxes that rise from the floor for the receptionist and therapist in Map01 i had no idea that was possible!


Edit: Ok now that you did Freud in Boom you can to Jung in UDMF, cuz you will need line set portal trickery to do the collective unconscious justice 

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54 minutes ago, Yagacaw said:

I Just played the first few levels and I love the combat encounters and weapons and monster replacements, especially the increased fire power for the starting gun which made it not such an issue to run out of ammo. Also loved the dialogue boxes that rise from the floor for the receptionist and therapist in Map01 i had no idea that was possible!


Edit: Ok now that you did Freud in Boom you can to Jung in UDMF, cuz you will need line set portal trickery to do the collective unconscious justice 

Bride of Wittgenstein 


Coming to UDMF in like 2030

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1 hour ago, Yagacaw said:

Edit: Ok now that you did Freud in Boom you can to Jung in UDMF, cuz you will need line set portal trickery to do the collective unconscious justice 

Fortunately Lacan is vanilla compatible as long as you’re willing to accept a Hall of Mirror Stage

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Hello, I'm up to map 19. It's been good so far, reminiscent of your previous works like FS1 or Stomper in style, while feeling fresh and showing growth. The freewheeling openness of many maps is appreciated, personally those with exploring caves and the moon shining at a distance, and then it's contrasted by some punctuated claustrophobic or intimate gameplay, which takes you back into testing quick reactions. Loving the interactions with the therapist too. It's interesting to me how map 16 (has to be Obsidian's, correct?) tries to hit you in your private parts unashamedly at times, but then the start of map 17 struck more as "unfair" with the chaingunners (and not unfair by all means if you look farther into the next part).


I like this new arachnotron, I may be wrong but is it inspired by the Supercharge one? .. The baron replacement is weird, though because the few times I've seen this enemy in wads it always made a proper explosion noise when it died. It also appears to send a fireball before its shooting frame, not sure if that's on purpose though apart from being slightly anti-reflex, it also looks odd, like a slip up in the dehacked. The fireball spammer mastermind seems okay, it doesn't feel like a SMM at all and that's just how hitscan is a completely different game than projectiles. The faster chaingun is good, I almost wish it used minigun sprites instead but that's nitpicking...


Few observations so far:




- A monster didn't wake up or was immobile for some reason 



- I couldn't register this sector that is surrounding the actual secret sector with the megasphere on top, cause it's too thin, though I suppose it's was mistakenly flagged as secret.



- Not a bug though I couldn't find a way out of the last room, back to previous areas, as I went in through the RK side, I didn't get to see the BK side (in this case, I committed to following the map's design, so I didn't use noclip). The inability to backtrack, is it intentional? Just curiosity.



- Next to the secret toilet was a thinner sector flagged secret which appeared impossible to register. 


- I kinda forgot after which map was this intermission screen but as you see the texture that should be in the background is missing. 



- This is more of a suggestion: one blue armor in the final area, somewhere maybe in between the revenants and zombies, mainly as cushion against max rolls cause even though you can rely on the soulspheres, and clearing the mass of revenants and zombies with BFG isn't difficult, there's always the "2-3 random fireballs at once and you are doomed" chance, if you know what I mean. (well, I could imagine UV maxers appreciating an armor, I guess)



- Missing texture here.

- You can pick up the RK by simply running through the cage textures and no need to lower the ground, as I figured out myself (besides, I missed monsters for doing that). Not sure if that's intentional.



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3 minutes ago, Delisk said:

Not sure what going on but when I finish map 15... the next map is map 15

Should be fixed, mapinfo was incorrectly telling it to go to 15. Redownload.

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map32: linedef 39 (computer keyboard at the spawn) action 174 is single use, rendering the map largely unplayable in coop.

map07 tag 666/667 doesn't seem to work right in zandronum, probably a zandronum issue more than anything though.

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The tag 666/667 isn't working as intended for me either, but I'm using GZDoom. I did the manc path first, then the arachnotrons. Here's a pic of the voodoo closet after I got all kills. 



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Alright, this may have been caused by the lack of map07special in map07's mapinfo. Should be fixed, redownload for RC1c

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Finnished yesterday. Cool cool, enjoyed it all! It was nice revisiting Reliving the End, didn't expect that at all. Observations from RC1 btw:




- If you come close to the bars near the start that lock the cave section, the monsters underneath can see/hear you and make a wall, particularly mancubi, and that can be somewhat problematic because infinite height and you still don't own a rocket launcher. Would suggest having monsters perhaps pop up from the ground when you fall, or use block sound lines and have them facing away from the entrance.



- Missing texture (or software-only glitch) here, the raised wall on the side that is more closer to the exit area.

- There appears to be no way to access the secret megasphere sector because there aren't any teleport lines in the map using the same tag, only some transfer sky one. 



- You can easily bump the YSK from its platform, no need to use the switch that lowers it, not sure if intentional..



- Suggestion: moving the blue armor from the start to somewhere outside where it would be more useful, or deleting it entirely. You begin with a megasphere so unless you fuck up too hard there's no good purpose for it, and the only armor you'll ever find later is in the form of a megasphere, which I actually got by the very end as I visited the YK section last. At the same time, soulsphere galore made up for lack of armor, so balance outside seemed alright.

- Ah, speaking of YK section, I think this timer doesn't need to exist at all or be that lengthy: it's very unlikely that anyone would dare press the switch while the cyberdemons and archvile(s) are alive, though not an impossible risk. At least I would never!

- I knocked a revenant and an imp off to the water, and almost this guy too. The two things I would suggest are mainly for UV max purposes: one is cover the entire area in monster block lines to prevent cases like mine (there are no fliers so it'd be all good), and the other is some faster way to remove all turret cyberdemons, arachnotrons, and why not the imps on the yellow pillars (some cannot even hit you). Granted, you can kill all manually, but there can be better ways is what I'm saying.



- Staircase to BFG is untextured on the sides



- Block lines around this platform would prevent revenants from getting knocked off alive and wander on the mud where they can be tricky to finnish.

- In the YSK trap, the zombies teleport within 1 second left before the timer ends, unlike the very first bridge trap which does spawn the zombies at exactly 0 seconds, with the boss face showing on the screen. Maybe this is intentionally trollish, which I don't mind, since you can still get out of that room in time, buuuuuut, it could also not be intentional, you never know!


Part of the final text was cut off at the edge of the bottom, not sure if there was more text below that lol


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I just finished this and I wasn't expecting MAP30 and the ending.

I've discovered multiple issues during my playthrough on HMP in Nugget Doom 2.3.1 with pistol starts.


There's a revenant is stuck in the monster closet and can't be achieve 100% kills.

The rails (Linedefs 3589 & 3592) are passable.

You can jump off the ship and softlocking you because there's no way getting back up unless you no clip back up there.

You can't achieve 100% kills from the final room if you didn't kill the Arachnotrons and the Mancubi earlier from the outside area.

There's three Soulspheres (Things 2257, 2258, & 2259) that float on the ledge, one making it unobtainable (which is Thing 2259).

There's also a HOM effect later on the later area.

The MegaArrmor (Thing 43) can be grabbed from the other side of the fence.

It feels like there's isn't enough ammo to achieve 100% kills, and would make it a little more easier for that map? It really feels more difficult for that difficulty.

Somehow, you can grab the yellow skull key without lowering the sector which you can completely skipping the cyberdemon fight, as well the archvile beforehand.MAP27
It feels monotonous to kill three cyberdemons with a plasma rifle in the room for the yellow skull key. Which galileo31dos01 reported that earlier.

There three Archviles that are stuck in the monster closet, making it impossible to achieve 100% kills.

There's also a sector ceiling that bleeds(?) through the skybox.

Floating armor bonuses (Things 929, 931, 1003, 1004, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1021, & 1022) on the stairs.

Slime trail at the starting point.

The only way that I was able to get the yellow skull key was through a rocket jumping myself near a wall to disarm the trap first, and then later getting the key after all the Zombiemen were dead from that teleporting ambush. I don't know if you that way or something else. @galileo31dos01


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22 hours ago, S3M_XM said:

The only way that I was able to get the yellow skull key was through a rocket jumping myself near a wall to disarm the trap first, and then later getting the key after all the Zombiemen were dead from that teleporting ambush. I don't know if you that way or something else. @galileo31dos01


I flipped the switch that lowered the bars, grabbed the key and ran away before they raised back, all within the fastest I could run. Margin of error is a few pixels. It's that the zombies spawned before the timer reached 0 unlike in the very first trap.

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