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TWOGERS - 50 more maps of Twitch madness [RC1.3 - 06/03/24] (MBF21)

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A historic moment in the doom history when deat and his friends unleashed a MBF21 apocalypse upon people.

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1 minute ago, NuMetalManiak said:

Is it compatible with OMGWPNS on Eternity (aside from MAP48)?

There's several new monsters, so it won't replace any of those - that said, I can't think of any reasons why it would break since I made sure to keep everything in OMGWPNS at the same width/height, or smaller.

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30 minutes ago, deathz0r said:

it is not even designed for CheesyDoom, don't ask for ProvoloneDoom compatibility because you're not getting it. 

Not even Provolone Doom??!!? But it has x100 anti-ailiasing! And it has 5d Geometry, VR, 3D TV support! Get with the times, POOGERS Team!


Really though, I look forward to playing this series, it looks funny.

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ah hell naw, they made frogger in DOOM?


I missed the first POOGERS and I usually play on, quote, "CheesyDoom", but I figured I'd dust off the 'ol DSDA .bat scripts for this. Did not regret it. Loving every moment of it so far, this is insane. Joke after joke after joke and they all land (at least for me). 7 maps in so far. Even if I don't beat this (not the most adept at Doom) some of these maps still made my day. I'll update once I beat a more significant portion of maps. Great LOL for the morning. :D

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Finally, we did it!


Thanks to everyone for your hard work! I especially appreciate @deathz0r's dedication and perseverance in tackling the challenging task of putting everything together. And thanks to @Peccatum Mihzamiz for stepping up and offering help.


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I accidentally got involved in Poogers. It was never supposed to actually be a real thing. Then I accidentally made the best map in the universe, Pog Mountain. My dad played it, and he cried at its undeniable beauty. It was so good, I got death threats for not making it shittier.

I once again, by accident, got involved with Twogers. But I kept the same philosophy from the first of the ‘gers, that nobody would ever actually ever play the map. So I just made a long narrow hallway. 

idk how I got in this mess but I’m just happy to be here 

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