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is Eternal that 'bad'/hard on a controller? (much context/info inside)

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(note: i posted this elsewhere on the World Wide Web, but thought i'd get a little input from some of you bred in the bone doomers)

I've recently been super into DOOM, blasting through 1, 2, Ultimate, Master Levels, started Final recently, then 2016, finishing the latter a couple nights ago, now having fun with some OG Doom wads (BTSX etc).
Old Doom is Switch handheld (mostly) and new Doom is on my PS5.

So! I've heard Eternal is harder, at least in the sense of it being harder to play with a controller.

some background:
- my pc's been busted for quite awhile and even before that i played tons of shooters on console. i've definitely had kbm phases but i find controllers way more comfortable

- i play og doom stuff on hurt me plenty (so far) & did 2016 on Ultraviolence. had a couple cracks at a few combat areas on Nightmare on a friend's save and it went weirdly well

- in terms of back paddles, i juuust got a new dualsense; looking at both the Edge and the other options, incl. the aftermarket one, i was like: do i really wanna spend between $70-270 CAD just for DOOM? and it's like, nah, and i couldn't afford an Edge rn anyway

i found 2016's difficulty on UV to really be pretty good. i started on HMP, felt like i wasn't dying enough (lol) and bumped it up.

i felt like it was a good difficulty throughout for the most part: there were a few times and one level (Necropolis) where i felt maybe i was getting complacent, felt kinda mindless (either that or i was doomed out, i played a lot that night), but apparently the devs read my mind cuz i really liked the last couple levels, they spiced things up for me.

there is of course also the thing of my being a Rat Scrounger, and just in general the game gives you tons of upgrades—i had max health/ammo/armour, too many weapon points, all the runes etc (one of which made it seem impossible to run out of ammo, which i swapped for something else. it kind of does turn into a power fantasy, almost but not quite a reverse difficulty curve?)

basically, the less of a glass canon i felt like, the more boring it'd get—but they did enough in terms of changing things up (during most of the back half i was twitching and strafe jump shooting and wiggling sticks and jumping constantly—that excellent super fast thing where the game is at it's best).
overall i really dug it!

now i've heard Eternal is faster and perhaps more importantly requires more precision as well as my main concern, more buttons.

i never did remap jump to l1, and i guarantee i'm gonna start eternal with jump on the good ol X button; whether this will spell my doom or i'll have to spend ages recalibrating muscle memory remains to be seen.

the one thing i struggled with was swapping equipment, making a ridiculous claw while trying to look at the HUD for the right grenade. it didn't end up a huge deal; i barely tried the Decoy, used the Siphon a few times but mostly stuck with Frag.
it would seem Eternal has a Lot More of that stuff so some remapping is almost certainly in order.

- ps5 version incoming
- using regular dualsense
- felt 2016 kept generally a good balance on UV and what i played of Nightmare; occasional 'did this get too easy?' followed by 'oh ok they spiced it up again' peaks n valleys
- stubbornly jump with X
- no back paddles for the foreseeable future

- nothing's gonna stop me from playing this anyway 

based on my reams of info, am i gonna be ok shredding demons in eternal?

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I played through DE on a PC, but I was curious as I owned the PS4 version also so I installed it on my PS4 and it was actually pretty nice to play with a controller.


Some elitists will try to tell you that Doom should only be played with a keyboard and mouse but that simply isn't true.


You can change the difficulty at any point during a level so if you're struggling then you can simply lower the setting until you find whatever works for you. I found Eternal to be easier than 2016 on higher difficulty settings.

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I've only ever played DOOM Eternal on PS4, beaten on both HMP and UV; the latter can get rough and it feels most-definitely built for a control scheme in which you can turn in an instant to react to threats, for sure. But never impossible. In most cases the toolset availed to the player gives more than enough mitigation measures to make up for non-mouse turning.

I prefer to play on HMP personally. It's about as tough as DOOM 2016 PS4 on UV in my estimation, and a good time; for me at least. Eternal PS4 UV was maybe a bit *too* rough for my liking. YMMV

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as someone who's beaten doom eternal and tag1+2 on nightmare w/ a controller, honestly i dont think it's even super relevant. It controls great, aiming feels very smooth and responsive, you can completely customize your bindings to whatever you want, etc. Any time I struggled in the game it didn't feel I would have fared better w/ a keyboard or mouse, honestly my issues were gameplay related concerns (not using my equipment / chainsaw wisely, etc) rather than anything to do w/ like precision or reaction time. Theres a healthy degree of that still required but a controller can easily match it. In my opinion!!! I've never played D:E w/ a mouse and keyboard so it's possible idk what im missing :>

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I have played it in SWITCH and Doom Eternal is still amazing. Imagine how it would be like if I played on PS4. Damn.

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