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DOOMWORLD DATING SIMULATOR [19 maps MBF21, DSDA-Doom recommended, Now on IdGames!]

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Oh man, what a joy this project was to contribute to! Huge thanks to @NiGHTS108, all the mappers (especially @Moustachio <3), and all the testers. Despite the time crunch, I think we delivered a solid, lovely mapset. 


PS, I'm not worried that Valentine's Day has passed, since the power of love can indeed be embraced year round. <3

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yaaay we made it to releases~!!! Big thank you to @NiGHTS108 for hosting, and a big thank you to @dististik for being my dance partner for this <3 ! Shoutout to everyone who did testing for this as well, because they were genuinely cracked. Honestly everyone who worked on this pulled out all the stops.


Had a lot of fun working on this, and i'm really happy with what we made!

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Congrats on release everyone!! It was a lot of fun working on this. Thanks to @HiMyNameIsChair for all their incredibly hard work on making our map look gorgeous, it was a true honor getting to work along side you ♥️


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This project really brightened my mood this February. Watching people get together and share the love of mapping was a real treat, and collaborating with 💖@stochastic💖 was a v-day treat that yielded delectable results. So glad to have been a part of this project!

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Hmmm.. honestly, I'll have to check this out. Maybe if there's a spiritual successor to this project, someone mention me. I need to get on this!

(Well, maybe without the Valentines and Love theming. Considering, well...)

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Congrats on the release, everyone! That was indeed fun!


@NiGHTS108 I did notice that NEWSKY4 appears to be missing, so the area using it on MAP11 doesn't work correctly (though it was working in RC0.3). We can change the sky used in the map to be NEWSKY3 (since it looks like 4 replaced 3) and submit that, or NEWSKY4 could be added to the compilation and NEWSKY3 could be reverted to its original state since we weren't intending that one be replaced (in case anyone wanted to use it). What would be easiest for you at this point?

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5 hours ago, Dreadopp said:


@NiGHTS108 I did notice that NEWSKY4 appears to be missing, so the area using it on MAP11 doesn't work correctly (though it was working in RC0.3). We can change the sky used in the map to be NEWSKY3 (since it looks like 4 replaced 3) and submit that, or NEWSKY4 could be added to the compilation and NEWSKY3 could be reverted to its original state since we weren't intending that one be replaced (in case anyone wanted to use it). What would be easiest for you at this point?


Ah right, forgot about that, you don't need to do anything, for the beta release candidates I just replaced NEWSKY4 with SKY3 in the resource and then edited the map only to replace all instances of NEWSKY4 with SKY3 instead, I just forgot to do it again for the new version submitted, hopefully that's alright with you, I just made an RC1.1 with the sky fixed an an update to MAP04

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Played the first 4 levels, good stuff folks. The parallel with PUSS XXIV: Lover's Quarrel is more or less inevitable as it's the closest in spirit. I was quite surprised that it goes pretty hard from the start and found myself in ammo trouble more than I would have liked to. Maybe that's something to be addressed since it kinda prevented me from immersing myself in the beautiful aesthetics.

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8 hours ago, NiGHTS108 said:

Ah right, forgot about that, you don't need to do anything, for the beta release candidates I just replaced NEWSKY4 with SKY3 in the resource and then edited the map only to replace all instances of NEWSKY4 with SKY3 instead, I just forgot to do it again for the new version submitted, hopefully that's alright with you, I just made an RC1.1 with the sky fixed an an update to MAP04

Sounds and looks good. Thanks!

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should be a good romp when i get to it :)

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It was an amazing experience and a wonderful event!


I would like to express my gratitude to @NiGHTS108 for organizing all this.


And a big thank you to my wonderful teammates: @Sikreci and @Synami <3

Sikreci has a really big brain and she showed me some new tricks in mapping


As for me, this was the first time I made MIDI for wad, lol

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It's a great midi too, really ties the map together and I doubt I could have just found an equally suitable track just laying around.

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Amazing, thanks for doing stuff like this!




Not sure if a bug or just me, but in MAP17 I'm stuck in this area: https://imgur.com/a/7qmLNNl

I'm using dsda-0.27.3

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I was going through TheShep's stream and I noticed a bug on MAP11. He passed right through the fences and was able to skip most of the fight in the central area. I double checked the linedef settings and they are set to Block Land Monsters and Block Players in the file that Dreadopp and I had submitted and in RC 1.0. However, the lines do not have those settings in RC 1.1. We actually ran into an issue while combining our maps where those line settings would not be copied when copy/pasting sections of the map. I am guessing that bug appeared again in some fashion.

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13 hours ago, Arwel said:

Amazing, thanks for doing stuff like this!




Not sure if a bug or just me, but in MAP17 I'm stuck in this area: https://imgur.com/a/7qmLNNl

I'm using dsda-0.27.3


I'm having that same bug right now on MAP17. the HOMed area has the white key and is unaccessible.

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Posted (edited)

FYI working around the issue in MAP17 by simply idclipping to the white key allows to progress and finish the map just fine. Also, in final text it's mentioned that maps are rated by difficulty but MAP18 is easier than some of the earlier maps imo, especially than the previous map. In MAP17 every other fight took at least few deaths, some fights like the final one took more than 10 deaths, in MAP18 I maybe died once of twice and only because I didn't pay enough attention and was taken by surprise.

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23 hours ago, Arwel said:

Not sure if a bug or just me, but in MAP17 I'm stuck in this area: https://imgur.com/a/7qmLNNl

I'm using dsda-0.27.3


Strange… seems a lot of you are running into that too, I think that bug might’ve been introduced in a later version because I don’t recall running into anything there on my first playthrough on the first version, I’ll investigate, thanks guys!


58 minutes ago, Arwel said:

In final text it's mentioned that maps are rated by difficulty but MAP18 is easier than some of the earlier maps imo, especially than the previous map. In MAP17 every other fight took at least few deaths, some fights like the final one took more than 10 deaths, in MAP18 I maybe died once of twice and only because I didn't pay enough attention and was taken by surprise.

Oh yeah I know, they’re more generally rated by difficulty, Oasis Of Aphrodite is definitely not the hardest map or anything but it’s so atmospheric and neat that it genuinely didn’t feel right being anywhere else, same for other lategame maps like Night Sweat and even some earlygame maps like Hot Coffee, pacing, atmosphere and general showmanship was taken into account with the map order

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There's also another bug toward the end of map17 where you can't go back up... it's in the area with 4 cybers and tons of imps and the BFG. The lift to get back up is also HOM'ed and broken. let me go get a screenshot.


this lift or stairs or whatever this should be was broken.

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20 minutes ago, TheShep said:

There's also another bug toward the end of map17 where you can't go back up... it's in the area with 4 cybers and tons of imps and the BFG. The lift to get back up is also HOM'ed and broken. let me go get a screenshot.


this lift or stairs or whatever this should be was broken.


Oh yes, got this one too, forgot about it.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about this project! I was gonna make some fairly elaborate credits map but figured eh, been too long since release and it's about time this hits IdGames. Here's a tiny little credits map I threw together in 10 minutes.




Here's the final version of the wad too, the one that's getting sent to IdGames. There's virtually no changes from the existing latest version other than the credits map. Feel free to yell at me if I missed some update that fixes a completely game breaking error in your map. dwds.zip




Is Doomworld Dating Simulator 2 real?

I don't know! Depends how busy I am at the start of November 😌

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On 3/19/2024 at 6:25 PM, Lord_Z said:

I double checked the linedef settings and they are set to Block Land Monsters and Block Players in the file that Dreadopp and I had submitted and in RC 1.0. However, the lines do not have those settings in RC 1.1. We actually ran into an issue while combining our maps where those line settings would not be copied when copy/pasting sections of the map. I am guessing that bug appeared again in some fashion.


This is still an issue on MAP11. I'm not sure if just re-saving the map from what we submitted will fix it but if not, I can show you which lines need to be altered.

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18 minutes ago, Lord_Z said:


This is still an issue on MAP11. I'm not sure if just re-saving the map from what we submitted will fix it but if not, I can show you which lines need to be altered.

Oops, yeah don’t worry I can take a look at that and see if I can fix it, will be a fairly immediate IdGames update.

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On 9/2/2024 at 11:01 AM, NiGHTS108 said:

Here's the final version of the wad too, the one that's getting sent to IdGames. There's virtually no changes from the existing latest version other than the credits map.

No changes to MAP17? I also got stuck (the whole white key area got zero-heighted and every enemy that warped in was inside a ginormous HOM, plus the other HOM'd lift mentioned by @TheShep). Also was unable to kill the following monsters: mancubus 1704, revenant 241, archvile 359, and cacodemons 361, 17, 20, and 24. It's incredibly odd how their closets are supposed to open with the linedefs tagged 303, yet a number of other closets in that central room have also opened which also had tags of 303. You guys need to be careful with voodoo doll conveyors so that the maps won't break.

Edited by NuMetalManiak

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